The Circle Of Love

For the past two years our Ward has participated in the Newborns In Need program.  We put on a baby shower where everyone brings certain items either bought or handmade.  These items all go to this organization throughout the Valley and Anchorage to help out young couples who might need a little help just starting out with their little one.  Today as I left the NICU I saw the fruits of our labor as this cabinet was filled with the finest array of preemie and newborn apparel and bedding.  Lane said he and Kelcy still had to choose their quilt . . . my heart was full.


All So Perfect

One could say I am slightly obsessed with her fingers and toes.  Gwendolyn has the daintiest most perfect little toe digits and finger digits.  I waited at her isolette for her little foot to peek out from the covers so I could rapture in their cuteness.  Once my picture was taken she pulled it back into her warm cocoon.  They are the teeniest, most precious little hands and little feet.  She is usually holding on to one of her tubes or lines.  Her toes are now my screen saver on my phone . . . just can’t get enough.


Nap Time I Guess

I was on the hunt for tomatillos today.  No store seemed to have them, apparently a few shipments must have delivered some bad ones.  I nearly exhausted my search until I called Carrs and they said they had some.  Rhea knew that store was not on the top of my list of favorites but nonetheless we went.  As soon as I pulled in and got out of my car, this is what I saw, yup still on the bottom of my list of stores.

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Mama Has Passed

Earlier this morning our dear sweet Daisy Lee passed away.    She is now without pain.  She was a delight to have known and has made me a better person because of our friendship.  She finally got to taste rhubarb which she never had all of her life until I baked her a rhubarb-strawberry pie.  She will be talking about rhubarb in heaven because she loved it so much.  She is the only person I have ever known that has actually picked cotton.  Daisy dripped with that southern hospitality that I love.  Her frail body will be shipped to Wetumpka, Alabama where she will be laid to rest.


I Love Her Little Shoulders

Today we actually got to walk through the NICU doors and go see little Gwennie.  She is just so fragile and small that the least amount of people in there the better.  Mike came into town so today was our day.   We scrubbed up well, had my hair pulled  back and used soft voices.  The room was very warm.  Her isolette is amazing and Lane explained every tube and every graph on the screen.  Her heart rate dropped while we were there and the alarms went off.  The nurse came just as Lane was opening the little circle ready to tap her little foot to remind her brain to take a breath.  We had such a great visit and learned and loved all at the same time.


Love the Drips

I could have kept our sprinklers on all day and it wouldn’t have touched all the good a few hours of rain did.  It is so refreshing.  The dust is down.  The grass is greening up.  The bird bath stays full of water.  I don’t need to water my flowers – they are smiling now.  I can wear my rain boots.  I can literally see the difference rain has done on Lane’s newly seeded lawn.  Rain, rain, please don’t go away.


Join Me At The Table

The table is done.  I am so happy and yes the farmhouse is look is what I wanted.  The stain was a little dark at first but the more Tung oil I put on it and the more I buff it the lighter it gets.  I sat back and looked at it all and let out a sigh of relief that it is all complete and it turned out well.  To all my sentimental, sappy people in my family I can only say, “Get over it.!”


Never Ever Give Up

Exhausted I plopped into bed and texted one of my counselors for a few updates.  I told her how tired and drained I was from this stressful week.   Her reply was poignant and so very much what I needed.  This is what she said,”  And…it’s no wonder you are drained. With the weight and busyness of your calling and the things you have going on in your family you have a heavy load right now.  It does not go unnoticed all that you do and such a great job at all of it. You are pretty amazing!  

This reminds me of a way I heard of looking at ourselves and how we serve in church and family. We are like a boxer thrown in the ring to duke it out.  We slug away trying to do our best to win the fight until we are exhausted. 

Then the bell rings and we sit down for a minute, take deep breaths and pant a little, get a little drink and a pat on the back and then we are sent back into the ring to slug it out some more. We don’t give up even when we get knocked down. this is a battle we HAVE to win. 

So stay in there slugger!  You are doing great. Take a breather though and don’t exhaust yourself. Hand the reins over for a bit on some things if you need to.   That’s what counselors are for in church and other family members at home.



Baby Gwennie

I started a group text a few weeks ago to update the girls on the happenings with Baby Gwennie.  Now as she is born I will share just some of what I have shared.  Some will be too personal and I won’t post everyday about her.  I will respect Lane and Kelcy’s privacy and leave some of that up to them. I think today’s post covers quite a bit.  “I just got home from a short visit with Lane and Kelcy.   I’ll answer a few questions and share a few things I learned.  They are both good, very tired, emotionally drained and healing.(Kelcy).  Visitors to see the baby will not be happening for quite some time.  The less germs etc the better.  I have not been to see her but I love to view her on the webcam.  Our initial reaction is to marvel at Gwennie’s successes these past 12 hours but there will be many bad days still to come.  The nurses told Lane they will happen. They said to be prepared, they will follow protocol and try to work through them.  We can be happy for the good days and of course our prayers are what will make Gwennie have many of those great days.  Lane and Kelcy both agreed that we all want to be positive but we also have to realize there are still battles to overcome.  She is breathing on her own – the tube that is there is to inflate the lungs.  She has a little jaundice and is on the lights.  Her head needs to remain very still so she doesn’t develop brain bleeds.  Kelcy is pumping, filling vials, Lane labels and takes them down to the NICU.  So what can we do for them???  I struggle with that too but these are my suggestions.  1.  keep up the support – I think when then know we are watching her and seeing her progress has to be a happy thing     2.  Once Kelcy is discharged they will just be in the NICU and all food will be their responsibility.  I will continue to take lunch in three days a week but if you are wanting to give anything – food cards etc.  3.  I know that in the next month or so Lane will probably transition to working and coming out here a little more and that will be an expense too.  (gas cards – good idea)  Honestly they ask for nothing and are so appreciative but many of you ask – so these are ideas.  The Quincy’s will leave their motor home in there so one will stay in the NICU and one in the motor home.  Hope this helps a little.  They are truly overwhelmed with all the family support and also overwhelmed with the journey still ahead.  But – they will make it happen.”

Sweet Fifteen

I left the house around ten in the evening so I could just wait at the hospital for the news.  Lane said he would text when Gwendolyn was born but I needed to be close.  As I drove in I received a text from a young girl I met a few months ago.  She was in labor, dilated to a nine and ready to give birth to her full term round chubster and she was just keeping me updated.  She had absolutely no idea of the severity of my situation.  My little granddaughter would be born maybe at about a pound and a half and we hoped for “life.”  Just life.  As the Quincy’s and I waited nervously in came the text from Lane.  “Born at 11:47.  She was moving around!  Still yet to see her.  Hopefully soon.  Kelcy is all good.”  We had life and nothing else mattered at all.