Sweet Fifteen

I left the house around ten in the evening so I could just wait at the hospital for the news.  Lane said he would text when Gwendolyn was born but I needed to be close.  As I drove in I received a text from a young girl I met a few months ago.  She was in labor, dilated to a nine and ready to give birth to her full term round chubster and she was just keeping me updated.  She had absolutely no idea of the severity of my situation.  My little granddaughter would be born maybe at about a pound and a half and we hoped for “life.”  Just life.  As the Quincy’s and I waited nervously in came the text from Lane.  “Born at 11:47.  She was moving around!  Still yet to see her.  Hopefully soon.  Kelcy is all good.”  We had life and nothing else mattered at all.


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