Kudos To Me

I drove all the way to Whittier to pick up Rhea since she was only working a half day and wanted to go the fair.  Little did she know her car was going to have a “starter” issue.  We hit fair traffic late in the afternoon which made the drive even longer but eventually we met up with Britta and the kids.  We all loaded up in their Suburban, I grabbed us a pizza at Domino’s and we headed back to their place while the adults all went to the Cole Swindell concert.  Yeah kudos to me but seriously these pictures made the long day all worth it.

Bummed Rhea

It is one thing when one of our cars breaks down and we can get it towed locally BUT when one of our cars breaks down in Whittier that is a different story.   The tunnel to Whittier takes six and a half minutes to go through and you can only go to and from on certain times.  So when all attempts had been exhausted to get Rhea’s car started we had to call for a tow truck and threw the tunnel it went all the way to Anchorage to BMW.  And . . . it needs a new starter.

Styers Has A Stye

Help I have a stye in my eye and I haven’t had one since I was young.  I woke up and it had popped up.  I really don’t feel too well so I’m not sure what is really going on however it is definitely a “stye.”  So what really is a stye?  “A stye, also known as a hordeolum, is a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the eyelid.   This results in a red tender bump at the edge of the eyelid.  The outside or the inside of the eyelid can be affected.”  Pretty simple really – could be a few days, it could be a week.  I look rough.  



Autumnal Bliss

Hello color, cool mornings, hot chocolate and an extra fuzzy on the bed.  Welcome yellow leaves, school buses,  aged fireweed, slowing grass and kindergarten backpack purchases.  Time for sweatshirts, Extra Tuffs, socks and an early morning furnace to warm things up.  It is just all autumnal bliss and a pretty good time of the year.




Five Star Girl

I loved my Gwennie morning because I got there in time for rounds.  All the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, OT, PT, nurses and nurse practitioners that are involved that day in Gwendolyn’s care gather outside her door.  One of the nurses begins by introducing Gwendolyn and discusses the latest care routine that she is given.  They talk about her pros and cons and what course of treatment they feel would be the best for her that day.  Remember we just take a day at a time.  They all love Gwendolyn and she got a pretty good rating this morning.

Sonic Date

On a whim I called Micah and asked what she was doing.  She said nothing and so we decided to chance a little Sonic.  As we drove by we could see that the line was long so I conjugated the plan to park at Sportsmens and walk up the hill.  The plan worked and we just waited in line about twenty minutes or so before we got our food.   Cal was happy to have food, we munched down our corn dogs and documented the date!

We Offer Thanks

Across social media there have been many shout outs for rain.  Prayers have been offered across our state for some sort of precipition to help with the immense fires and deathly dryness from the heat this summer.   We held a fast today in our church for rain. We all prayed for some sort of relief for the firefighters.  While sitting on the couch this afternoon I heard something and looked out the window to a sheet of pouring rain.  It was heavenly and an answer.  I just sat and listened.  Prayer works.




Checking It Out From The Top

How cool was it to fly over our house and see it from the top.  I don’t think I have ever done that.  Mike’s new shop (garage) looks huge compared to the house.  Our compound is all nestled nicely in between the trees, the patio umbrella can be seen, the freshly cut grass, the cute cabins and then the big orange eye sore excavator stands out like a big old sore thumb.


Birthday Girl

This is me.  Ruth had me pose for my sixtieth birthday picture and I felt like a little school girl posing.  It was quite impromptu but there is so much more about this picture and my birthday but that will be shared later.  For now, I don’t feel sixty which I guess is a pretty good thing to be able to say.  I actually really looking forward to my next forty.  Seriously I have a whole lifetime ahead of me.  Life is so good.


The Cycle Of Life

What was once stacked so painstakingly tidy is just a small pile of wood pieces now.  The Young Men in the ward came, backed up their trailer and in just a few moments had it all loaded with wood for JK Jorgensen.  Off they went so quickly and when I saw what was left I remembered how long it took Rhea and I to stack it all up.  Chalk it up to hard work, calories burned and a great feeling of having it all done.  Now, to fill it all up again with our newly cut trees for next year’s wood.