Halloween 2019

Fifteen creative little creatures.  We have a Harry Potter character, a hockey player, an astronaut, Tom and Jerry,   Elmo, a chicken,  Spiderman, a shark, Batman, The Little Mermaid,  another shark, a bird, Princess Aurora and Gwendolyn Styers #22 cutest hockey player on the ice.

This Look

This look.  This look evokes a myriad of contemplative thoughts.  Is it the look of people hiding behind their fears?  I could never hold that position or do what she does because I have too many insecurities and inadequacies that hold me back.  Is it the look of hiding?  I’m safe back here in the brush.  No one will call on me and I don’t have to be ‘out there.’  Is the look of guilt?  I am sunken behind too many addictive ways and sinful shame.  I cannot and do not want to find my way out.  It may however be the look of someone wanting to be seen but just has to brush off a little straw that is precluding the eyes.  All said and done – who is behind the nest?  Is it me or someone I know or should get to know?


Always Me

Questions, answers and statements.  My face gives it away immediately, you know that stunned look that says “did you really say that?”  or “did I really read that?”   For instance.  Mike asked me as he picked up the white trash bag bulging with trash if it was trash? I gave the look.  When I went into the NICU there was a sign by the electronic door and on a few of the walls that stated “The alarm going off is from the vending machines.  We have called them and they will be coming.”    I gave the look and I pondered.  Could they have maybe unplugged the entire unit so every person working, walking or surrounding that unit wasn’t having severe panic attacks from the irritating high pitched alarm?   I’m under the category “did she really do that?”  I tried to take a picture of the sign as the electronic door was shutting – it hit me – I stumbled and no picture was taken. I have the feeling people saw me.

100% Vitamin C Fix

I must be a creature of habit or do I fixated on something and can’t let go,  or do I just plainly really enjoy things and want to continue indulging.  I’m feeling like the latter suits me best.  This is my glass of orange juice that I drink every morning.  To be a little more accurate it isn’t orange juice but Crystal Light Classic Orange and I can literally taste that citrus twang as I roll out of bed.  I mix up a glass,  drop a few cubes of ice in and drink away my pills and vitamins.  The perfect complimentary food is my slice of whole wheat bread with crunchy peanut butter.  The more I ponder my breakfast choices I am a creature of habit.


Pause To Pray

Rhea’s days in Mexico City are slowing ending and then she returns to the United States of America to serve in California.  Her missionary experience begins with President and Sister Hymas and as I have contemplated the changes that will be forthcoming for her I read a blog post from a cousin.  He writes:  “Later that same day, we met Dana’s brother David and his wife Annette for dinner. The two of them are currently presiding over the California Arcadia Mission for our church, so it’s a treat for us when a window opens up in their crazy schedule and we can rendezvous for dinner somewhere. As we settled in to eat, David’s phone buzzed. It was, it turned out, an electronic call to prayer. At 4:55 pm every day, everyone in the Arcadia Mission (and, I presume, their families around the world) pause to pray together, wherever they may be. And so in that restaurant we bowed and gave thanks to God for food and family and life itself, praying also that their young missionaries might be protected and inspired in their work; that those they meet and teach might come to understand and believe the truths that they share; that God might watch over and uplift all who live within the area, especially guiding the pure in heart to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and that the families of those missionaries might be sustained and comforted as well. Such a simple, powerful act of faith and unity. I felt a pang of regret that we had not done something similar with our son throughout the time he served as a missionary in Argentina and Paraguay.”  How blessed we will be to follow suit with our daughter as they stop at the same time every morning in her mission to have their mission prayer.  I’ll be setting my prompt for sure so I can pause for prayer.


Faux Pas

There is beautiful artwork in our church.  It is so stunning that tours are given to those investigating the church and as they gaze they gain greater understanding of our Gospel. We had the opportunity to clean the church and in the solitude of the building I tried to notice as I worked the meaning and significance of each framed piece.  In the room that the Priesthood usually meet use there is a large painting of Christ ordaining one of his disciples.  I noticed it was crooked on the wall so in accordance with my particular ways and a clean and orderly church I went over to straighten it.  Then I noticed that it is nailed into the wall this way.  Gulp!  What do I do?


A Long Awaited Day

Little did I know of all the hub bub I would cause by posting one simple picture onto social media.  Gwendolyn had a photo shoot done by Auntie Britta and so while she was in the room I took the girls and spoiled them as all grammie’s do.  When she was done I had my Gwendolyn time and I’m pretty sure I could hear the angels sing and the heavens open up as I cradled little bundle in my arms.  Kelcy dashed off to get some food and with my call button close, just in case, we sank into our bonding bubble.  I posted my picture but . . . oops the world thought Micah had her baby early . . .



“Well we’re movin on up, to the east side.”   Those lyrics are clear in my head but I’m not sure if we are building on the east side or not!   We are finally getting a garage/shop.  Oh to build is such an admired craft.  Our son built two bookshelves and is working on bunkbeds.  Our boys can build homes or anything they are asked to build really.  I’m watching one of the walls being built.  It is a simple, yet  precise fascinating process.  Tomorrow it will be standing.  So here is the deepness to these two by fours and long nails. Creating something with your hands fosters pride and satisfaction, but also provides psychological benefits.   It actually uncovers and channels your inner stirrings.    Our wounds hurt less and growth begins.  When you make something you feel productive but the engagement and exploration involved in the doing can move your mind and elevate your mood. As you build and move and shape and look at your project your inner being moves too.  Someone once said,  “It isn’t so much what you can do, but what you do do.”  I just love these thoughts.



This one picture alone evokes so many thoughts within me that I’m dedicating this post to Callahan.  These are his thoughts:

Mom, could we go back to Target and get a bigger size?   Do I look cute or do I look dumb?  Be serious Mom – give it to me straight – how do I look?     Can I take it off now?  Will this picture haunt me all my life?   Promise me you won’t show this at my wedding reception.   Maybe I should have been a hockey player for Halloween.  Is this the type of outfit I’ll be wearing if I’m in the school choir?   Are you kidding me?  Who do you think I am?  Why Mom?  Why?  I said I wanted to be Mickey Mouse, but this??  This suit is giving me a wedgie.



TaraTruly For A Reason

Since I am a blogger I am gifted with special rights and privileges. My blog is my venue, my domain or as I like to think of it as my “home button.”   I can rant, which I don’t like to do, and I can uplift which is more of what I need to do.  I can share parts of ‘me’ and be vulnerable which really puts me out there but in a good healthy way.  Sometimes I am funny but my children remind me that I am my best audience.  I like to share my soon -to-be sixteen “littles” and all their funnyisms.   Occasionally I can name drop – which reminds me did I mention that my cousin Jonas Harmer, once, twice or thrice removed?? is marrying MyKayla Skinner who is on the 2019 Gymnastics Women’s World Championship Team and absolutely amazing on the vault?   Yup – getting married in November.  It gives the Olympics a whole new meaning for me.