Please, Go Ahead

It is getting close to that time of year where reflection happens, a sort of rebirth begins and we look to the new year as a fresh start.  I love that feeling.  I can put the old behind and begin anew.  As I pondered where I might begin with life’s plight to perfection I became acutely aware of something error in my ways that needs to be changed and/or improved.  I tend to always push myself ahead of everyone else.  Case in point.  While I am shopping and I come to a crossroads in between aisles where there are two of us trying to proceed,  I’ll scoot across first because I feel like I’m always ahead of the other person and move a little faster.  Why not wait those few seconds and let my “friend” move across first and then I can patiently and happily proceed on my way.  The same goes for when I am in my car.  I don’t need to turn quickly in front of someone else that is oncoming.  I need to just wait, let them drive by and then I can patiently and happily drive on my merry way.    So simple.  So important and so needed.  Watch out 2020 – you are first!!



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