Not An Assignment – A Blessing

I have been thinking about my friend Faye Harter lately.  She was a dear woman who was quite old when I first met her.  She lived with her son Charlie and they lived in a Conex.  When you first drive up to meet someone you are to minister to and you see a steel box with a door cut through one end you aren’t really sure what to think.  It is a daunting moment where you are a little frightened, you are humbled, you feel numb and whilst mumbling the words to yourself, “what would Christ have me do?” you find yourself sliding out of your minivan driver’s seat.  You begin to pray that there has been an error and there is a house somewhere close by until the squeaky door opens and a little white haired lady beckons you in.   That was when I met my angel.  Over time the angel and I became good friends.  We sat in little chairs barely squeezing by the stove that gave heat and prepared meals.  Sometimes she walked me to the back of the Conex where she slept and neatly kept her temple things folded.  There were no windows but enough light came from her little angel face that I rarely noticed.   Faye needed me for a few things here and there but truly it was I who needed Faye.  This angel helped me to see the world a little differently.  It was through her that Christ’s words became clear to me – yes I did need to comfort those that needed comfort. I was taught that irregardless of how people live or where they live, whether that be in an inn, a mansion on a hill or a steel rectangular conex this little frail angel lamb was mine.  She was mine to care for and love until she left this earth which she did.  The tears rolled as I spoke at her services.  Yes I missed her but the tears were mine, for me, I felt as though I had lost my own.  I had.  I had loved.

Seeing All The Good In People

Nate Eaton is a real good guy who works for East Idaho News.  He is the news anchor,  reporter and news director.  I follow him on Instagram.  He is a good guy.  Kyla knows Nate from BYU-I and bestowed upon me all his stories and goodness until I began my own journey of following.  This year Nate is introducing someone who makes his life better every single day with a picture and a write-up.  So very inspiring.  I thought I would follow suit and introduce someone that is a kindred spirit.  Her name is Ruthanne Kerr.  One turn of my head, just a glance and her and I are on the same page.  It like our thoughts are just morphed into each other’s heads.    Ruthie loves Rhea and Rhea loves Ruthie.  Not much else has to be said there – she fills in the “daughter” gap when it is needed.  My world wouldn’t rock like it does with my dear dear friend Ruthanne.



“Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it.  It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body and soul into something as is possible.”  We have great friends who have passion and I am exhilarated to be in their home. Jim Sellens learned how to be a taxidermist many years ago and his passion continues well into his late seventies.  His room of trophies from around the world is evidence of how Jim uses his passion to keep the soul and beauty of magnificent creatures alive.  I am mesmerized and intrigued – and then there is his wife Sharon and her passion and that is a whole other story . . .

Hold The Hot Sauce

Rhea shared a menu from a place they ate at and then forwarded it on for us to see.  Crazy and so interesting.  This is from Timmy’s Brown Bag.  I haven’t decided if I’ll get the  “Crunchy grilled 4Cheez & Tomato Soup Sandwich that has extra sharp cheddar, pimento beer pub cheese, cheez-its, cheetos, wild arugula, heirloom cherry tomatoes, Campbell’s Tomato Soup vinaigrette on Texas Toast Brioche” or should I be brave and go for the “Spam and Top Ramen, Mac & Cheese and pickles with kempie mayo and maggie authentic Indian hot and sweet tomato chili on Texas Toast brioche.”  I seriously would love to try one of these.

First Transfer

Mondays are just different these days.  Mondays have become my sacred stay at home day where I bake bread preparing for our visits on Tuesday.  I also wait for that little ‘ding’ which means Rhea tells us when she will be calling.  And then it comes and we all gather together on our Hangouts screen and partake of all the good, wonderful things she has to share with us.  Today was a biggee.  She is getting transferred to a totally spanish speaking area of Manteca and of course getting a new companion.  Her time with Hermana Udall has ended and she will now be immersed in the language and see other areas in her field.  Rhea was happy, positive and packed for her journey on the morrow.


Jinx Jinx Jinx

Sunday dinner was NOT meant to happen.  I laid out the Rhodes rolls before I left for church and returned to find them rather flat and non-poofy.  I quickly surmised that once again I purchased a bad batch.  Trying to be extraordinarily resourceful I remembered I had some Red Lobster biscuits down in my food storage so I would grab a few boxes of those and whip them up for the family.  I made little mountain piles on my cookie sheets lined with parchment paper and put them into the oven but the paper all burned.  I checked the box for temperature settings for parchment paper and I was within the limits but we were a “hot mess.”  No rolls or biscuits.  Mike fired up the Traeger and put all the steaks on to smoke but the quantity and fat content produced another wildfire.  Everyone came and dinner turned out fabulous.  It always does.


Zone Service

So unexpectedly I got a box and the return address said Adam Anderson/Villa Florentina.    As I opened it I knew right away that this was the olive oil Rhea said would be coming to me.  The missionaries helped to harvest the olives that were used to make this olive oil and this is what I learned:   This oil is not sold in stores and it used in the Sacramento Temple.  There are seven varieties of olives that are used to make this olive oil:  Leccino, Frantoio, Itrana, Canino. Pendolino, Carboncella and Cailletier.  This oil is very high in polyphenols which is a super good thing.  Polyphenols are the healthy antioxidant properties that are linked to improved cardio vascular health, diabetic reduction and improved cognitive health.   Wow!!  So now I own this amazing olive oil that will be good for two years and I also share part of the non-spiritual fruits of Hermana Styers’ labor.


See You In Utah My Love

I could go in and out of an In-N-Out burger place all the time.  And so we did, one last stop off on our way to the airport in Phoenix for one more juicy burger.  I’m a no sauce gal (although I love it, the general rule is that there are just too many calories) so my burger just has mustard and ketchup.  The bun, the burger, the lettuce, the tomato and most especially the onion make this sumptuous  burger so inviting.  I forego the fries although a steal of two from my eating companions is always allowed.  The place is always hopping but waiting at your table for your number to be called and seeing a group of Tempe Firefighters in all their glory waiting too truly eased the wait.


Plan B’s Are Dumpstered

We learn, we learn and we learn.  I just read something that never dawned on me but is so very true.  “It never hurts to have a plan B, right?  Well, actually, studies have shown that thinking through a plan B reduces the effort you put into plan A – making it less likely you’ll succeed with the original plan.  By creating a plan B, you are essentially planning for Plan A to fail, and that mindset will affect your confidence.”  From now on I’m sticking with Plan A and trying my darndest to make it work.



Our Reach Should Exceed Our Grasp

When a friend asks if she can do something and you laugh and say “oh sure” but you really aren’t sure if it is a joke or not.  When I received an email about an hour later and it is thanking me for my submission I pretty well know for sure she was serious.  Ruth Orien submitted a story I wrote about a woman in our ward to the Ensign, our monthly magazine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  All my dreams came true in just receiving that notice and submitting an article was never even on my bucket list.   Aren’t friends just the best?

Dear Sister Styers,
This message is to inform you that we have received your submission to the Ensign magazine, and no further action is required on your part at this time.

We will notify you if your submission has been selected for publishing and if we need any further information.

Thank you again for your article and testimony to the Ensign.

Liahona and Ensign Publications Assistant | Priesthood and Family Department
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints