Wise Reminders

It has been quite disheartening to scan through Hulu, then Netflix and then Amazon Prime to be solely disappointed at the lack of good, clean entertainment to watch.   I like to relax in the evenings to a good show or movie but lately the chore to watch anything of worth has been very dismal.    I welcomed these mindful words by Richard G. Scott given back in 1994.  He said,   “Some bad thoughts come by themselves. Others come because we invite them by what we look at and listen to. Talking about or looking at immodest pictures … can stimulate powerful emotions. It will tempt you to watch improper videos or movies. These things surround you, but you must not participate in them. Work at keeping your thoughts clean by thinking of something good. The mind can think of only one thing at a time. Use that fact to crowd out ugly thoughts. Above all, don’t feed thoughts by reading or watching things that are wrong. If you don’t control your thoughts, Satan will keep tempting you until you eventually act them out.”  And to that I will stay close to Hallmark and Disney!


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