How Did I Miss The Little Guy?

This is George Jeppesen.  He is my husband’s grandfather from his mother’s side.   When my husband’s father was away in Vietnam his Grandpa filled that empty void that is often left with young boys when their Daddy’s leave to war.    This photo was taken around 1966 or 1967 we believe and it has been a favorite for as long as I remember getting this copy.  The photo was taken in northern California and it is quite a strikingly beautiful pose.  For the first time in thirty-eight years I finally noticed the little “tow head boy” down in the midst of the timbers.  My eye was most enthusiastically drawn to the man this whole time.



Ole Canadian Steak Rub

Spices are so beautiful!  They remind me of going into a fabric store where I want to feel and gaze at all the bolts of exquisite materials and textures.  I wish I used spices more and knew how to use them more proficiently. I learned a few things that might help me as I am often found dumbfoundingly standing frozen in front of hundreds of bottles of spices just gazing.

Indian meals often incorporate a mix of cardamom, clove, cumin, coriander, nutmeg, mustard seeds, fenugreek, and turmeric.

Italian food often mixes oregano, parsley, basil, sage rosemary, and thyme.

If you’re looking for more of a Thai inspired meal, try using garlic, ginger, coriander, galangal, lemongrass, basil, cilantro, turmeric, and Kaffir lime leaves.

Moroccan dishes use a delightful mix of ginger, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, saffron, turmeric, coriander, anise, nutmeg, fenugreek and bay leaves.

For a spicier, Latin America inspired meal, try using dried chili peppers, cumin, paprika, cayenne pepper, annatto, cilantro and garlic.   

Seriously though the Cranberry Herb Rub is so enticing and I don’t even know how to use it but I want it.

Oh To Do It All Over Again

Back in college for some unknown reason I drew this.  I found it going through my things and wondered about my fears when I was younger.  I was so afraid of doing anything wrong that my first grade teacher called me to her desk one day.  She held in her hand my worksheet so perfectly penned and artistically drawn – well I think it was perfect but no one could tell because it was so faintly printed in thin pencil squibbles because I was too afraid to have any flaws be seen.  In high school it was daunting to be asked a question in front of a group – I lacked the confidence.   “Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. ”  Marilyn Ferguson   I sure wish I knew this truth when I was younger.



Cursive Beauty

My grandmother Norma Allan had the most beautiful handwriting.  We sent letters back and forth to one another back when that was how we communicated.  Norma and Frank Allan lived in Victoria, British Columbia most of their lives.   She was a beautiful pianist and those talented fingers also put the most the most elegant flair on her letters.  As I have been compiling my “life sentiments” I admire the well-written, artistically laid out lines of script.  She was an extremely talented, intelligent woman and I am so grateful I have these letters to treasure.



While I relax and absorb my days into purposeful moments there is something absolutely wild happening over two thousand miles away.  In a home that sits on Main Street in a small town there is a huge production going on of easter cookies.  There are bunnies with carrots and eggs with pallets of paint balls ready to be gently placed into a basket.  There are bunnies with fronts and bunnies showing their fuzzy butts.   All of these cookies will be bubble-wrapped, taped and placed into flat rate boxes where they will be flown all over for eager bunny recipients.   Mrs Crumb sits exhausted yet satisfied for the first of two Bunny runs.



 Today we watched Conference in a very different setting than we ever have before.  The Conference Center in Salt Lake City  which usually holds over 21,000 Saints was still.  There was no choir and no majestic organ.   How grateful I felt for such uplifting music that was selected and performed through inspiring decisions made weeks ago prior to the world being “hunkered” down.  “How Firm A Foundation” was for Brooke and Rhea, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”  is a general membership favorite, “Joseph’s Smith First Prayer” was reminding me of my preparation podcasts and videos and study of the Prophet Joseph and “All is Well With My Soul” reaffirmed the strength I have been given to endure.  “Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let his blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul,   It is well (it is well), With my soul (with my soul).  It is well, it is well with my soul.”


Ditto Machines?

Kids today don’t even know how good they have it when they are given a crispy clean xeroxed copy of school work.  Before a Xerox machine became the new wave ditto machines were used.  Students way back remember a bluish-purple print and a unforgettable aroma of a freshly printed page of ditto paper.  “There was no ink used in the ditto process, which involved elusive ‘master copies’ that the teacher would keep filed away, far away from the reaching hands of students. The master was either typed on, drawn on, or written upon, and a second sheet was coated with a layer of wax that was impregnated with one of a variety of colors, usually a deep purple since that particular pigment was the cheapest, durable and had contrast with the paper. As the paper was hand-cranked through the bulky printer, a pungent-smelling clear solvent was spread across each sheet by an absorbent wick. When the paper came in contact with the waxed original, it would take just enough of the pigment away to print the image on the sheet as it passed under. ”  As I am working on my “life book” I came across a program when I was a teenager and noticed the ditto copies and a flood of “ditto” memories surfaced.

Things Happen In Threes

While in Target on a very quick errand early in the morning to grab some scrapbooking items – the power went out.  Fortunately there were just a few of us in the store because the back up generators did not come on and it was pitch black.  Why do they use the word pitch black?  Well it comes from pitch, which is the sticky black substance that comes from the residue from the distillation of wood tar or turpentine.  That is a mouthful but to be very accurate it was so dark I couldn’t even push my cart an inch.  It was eerily black and thick feeling.  Suddenly the lights popped on and I moved a few feet and it happened again.  We repeated this process two more times.   Within those thirty seconds or so my life didn’t pass in front of me but I did have a short thought process going on.  “What is happening now?  I went through a major wildfire, a 7.1 earthquake, the Coronavirus and now my life is ending in Target??   As soon as the lights came on and stayed, I checked out fast and got OUT!!


Words Of Comfort

Elder Neil L. Anderson said, “As evil increases in the world, there is a compensatory spiritual power for the righteous. As the world slides from its spiritual moorings, the Lord prepares the way for those who seek Him, offering them greater assurance, greater confirmation, and greater confidence in the spiritual direction they are traveling. The gift of the Holy Ghost becomes a brighter light in the emerging twilight.”  And then, one of my favorite authors said, “Nothing happening in the world today is catching the Lord off-guard. Satan hasn’t pulled a fast one on Him. Circumstances that led to the inception and spreading of the coronavirus were all foreseen by Him who sees all. That is clear, because our leaders have been getting us ready for this very hour.”  Sheri Dew
