Looking Good

Mr. Garage has now received its outer layer on all four sides and is looking more fully dressed.  Ben came to put the siding on the front and back and reached way up to the peak which is about twenty-five feet.  That is just a little higher that we feel comfortable with and way more on his comfort level.  Now that the siding is up the big job lies just around the corner.  Painting.  My job indeed.   We will be renting a lift to reach that peak for sure.


Say It Right

Cheesy Chicken is one of our all time family favorites.  The recipe dates back to our BYU days when we went to some “engineering student” friends for dinner and that was what what was served.  The cheesy sauce that goes on top of the chicken has a unique blend of cheese, mayonnaise, egg and Worchestershire sauce.  Lo and behold as I went to prepare it I had no Worchestershire sauce in the fridge.  The bottle that literally can last me ten years was empty so off I went to retrieve the secret ingredient.  I was pondering that if I had to ask the clerk where it was located I wouldn’t be able to say it properly because I always stumble with its pronunciation.  So . . . while my chicken was baking . . . I settled the “how to say it” debate.  It is “wooster sher.”  Got it.




Just A Goofy Mother

This picture is super funny but it never intended to be.  Rhea usually calls on Google Hangouts but since it was a Thursday and just her and I she called me on Messenger.  We were having a super nice conversation and as we were showing each other a few things on our phones I pushed a button on the bottom thinking it was turning my camera around but oops – silly me, it wasn’t.   Rhea took a screenshot and this is the epic shot that   lives on.


Rhea May Smiles

Our girl.  I love my Mondays because we spend about an hour and a half laughing, listening and joking with Rhea.  She calls us usually in the afternoon and we all jump on Hangouts for our weekly update.  I must say, I admire her sunny disposition and her positive outlook during the toughest of times for a missionary.  Most of her days are spent in her apartment with her companion and yet she uplifts us and she shares  her triumphs and her disappointment all the while smiling and being the best daughter of God ever.

He’ll Never Know I Took This Pic

The inevitable happened.  Mike had to wear a mask.  He swore he would never wear one and he had to eat his words.  The missionaries stopped by and in order for them to come in and visit with us he had to comply with their rules.  Knowing that his darling daughter is a missionary and also needs to comply with certain rules he succumbed to the dreaded task of face shielding.  He was sweating bullets when they left fifteen minutes later.  Watch what you say Mike!!


The Two’s Are Coming

What was a normal morning FaceTime turned sour within a few minutes.  The infamous Mrs Crumb, the cookie maker from Idaho and also my eldest daughter was proudly showing me her three day process of the cutest little animals ready for packaging and delivery.  Then came the “OH NO!”   I thought water had dripped on them, or the fan had fallen over on them but it was none of  those catastrophic things.  It was Dash.  Her just about two year had gone downstairs, while Mom showered, while his brothers played in the playroom another floor up and while Dad was working at his desk nearby and licked nine out of twelve cookies.  He also so carefully placed the covering back on the cookies when he was done.  The dreaded task of calling up the girl who ordered them for her daughter’s birthday was then done and the tenderest of mercies fell into place.  She was so very sweet and understanding and new arrangements were made for another delivery the following week.  Dash may still have a birthday party next week –but that is still under negotiation.


Grammie’s Pool Party

Grammie’s annual pool party was in full force today.  We had nice weather – if I stretched just a little I would say 70 degrees.  I bought a new pool that took forever to fill.  I had intended it would be for the “littles” but the more we filled it the bigger it got.  It became the fav.  The octupus’ arms were the best.  One of them had holes so we ran warm water through the hose and they enjoyed a dip and a warm shower.   Party 2020 a success!










The Bush

Sorry but you might have to go.  I have had this rose bush on my peony row for about twenty-eight years now.  Micah has helped me prune it down and keep it from its wildness.  I stood in front of it and realized “Mrs Rose” is taking up way too much room and certainly not socially distancing herself from “Miss Peony.”  Like way too close especially when they are in full bloom.    So now we have to figure out when and how we will separate!  I already have a new home for “Mrs Rose” in the fall – just not sure how she will be feeling about leaving her friends.  Sorry gals.


Calm Down Boy

We all get a little angry at times.  When I get really mad I vent.  I just get it all out and then I feel a lot better.  Everyone gets angry sometimes.  In fact, anger is a normal, healthy emotion when expressed appropriately.   There was an incident that was done in anger but found us busting out in laughter.   I’m not sure why it was funny but just talking about anger management program for the little guy made it even funnier.   Dash went into his crib for a nap with his books that he likes to look at it.  This is what was found when he woke up.  Maybe it was just a bad review for the book.


Bye Daddy

And he is off.  Our boy is heading down to Southeast Alaska for three months to work.  Kelcy and I were talking about how much we will miss him but also how much he will miss his little Gwennie.  She was absolutely the cutest saying goodbye to her Daddy at the airport.  He has been at her side since her early arrival last July.  It will be tough but Daddy has to make the money!  Thank goodness for FaceTime.
