What Hangs In Our Cars?

Let’s talk masks.  They sort of make me giggle when I see a room full of people wearing masks.  Sometimes they can be frightening.  I put on my black mask and had my sunglasses on and I jumped a little when I looked in my rear view mirror.  There are those that grumble about wearing a mask, yup some in my own family but personally I am a compliant person, I will wear a mask.  I can’t tell who people are though when they are wearing a mask.   I hope I haven’t offended any of my friends but not waving or saying hello – just the type that can’t always recognize people from the nose bridge up.    I have met a few new people recently but seriously I have no idea what they look like.  I might next year.  The grandest thing of all about wearing masks is that I have learned to see people smile through their eyes.  I love that.


I Could Probably Eat The Whole Jar

Guaranteed I was the only person taking a picture of Waffle Cone Pieces while grabbing lettuce in our Three Bears store.  There is was though, a tall stand of jars of Waffle Cone Pieces which perpetuated a whole string of thoughts and questions in my mind.  Is there a group of Three Bears Executives who sit around and decide what to make to they can package it and sell it?  Kudos to them for being creative and ingenious.  I would love to try some next time we dig out our favorite ice cream with toppings.  “Hey, I will bring the waffle cone pieces!”   They will think I’m so on top of the latest trends.


One Soul Worth Remembering

Every quarter we receive our BYU magazine.  BYU magazine is published for graduates, students and friends of the university.  I thoroughly enjoy reading the articles and  reminiscing about the good old days that we spent there thirty-five years ago.  BYU life comes to life with each edition.  Listed near the back are the alumni deaths and for some odd reason I always go up and down the columns and wonder about these people.  Did they use their degrees?  How did they pass away?  What were their lives like?  I know nothing except the year they graduated and where they were from.  I am intrigued.  With each name there must be the most amazing story – I would love to know them all.  And then I stopped – there was one I knew.  It is Gary Earl Condie from Valencia, California.  He was our Bishop and such a good man.  When we would go out to eat he would always order dessert first so we had something to do while waiting for our food.  His wife Myrna was always so sweet and kind.  A man dearly missed and not forgotten.

See With Your Heart

We sat in the red adirondack chairs looking over the lake.  This is the wedding venue and Deb and I had a million thoughts going through our minds on how to make a yard into bridal heaven.  The lights would be strung in the trees and surrounding the fire pit would be our smores bar.  My eye was drawn to the tree just beyond that pit.  It was the most beautiful leaning tree with a tuft of dead brush hanging for dear life.  There could be many reasons it leans as it does – so unique and so different.  Maybe we as humans lean a little.  It is those that lean that create masterpieces and see the world just a little differently than most.   To lean isn’t bad – it is wonderful.


Raspberries Anyone?

“Therefore he said unto them., The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.”  (Luke 10:2)  Once again the Dahl’s raspberry crop is so ready for its harvest.  Each day they pick and pick and the berries continue to flourish bush after bush.  Friends come and partake and the little ones fill their little bowls and mouths all at the same time.   love to pull in for whatever reason I can think of and have a midmorning snack of those sweet, ripe juicy berries aiding as a laborer in the harvest.

She Is A Good One

I got a call from a woman who needed to ask me some questions about a friend of mine Abby Parker.   I will not disclose the company or agency that was inquiring for her own privacy but I happily agreed to provide all I could and while sitting in the McDonalds parking lot, we chatted.  I adore Abby and think she is the smartest gal I know – sorry to all my other friends out there but she is so intelligent.   Answering everything in the affirmative rolled right out of my mouth so easily and smoothly that part way through I got the feeling I was really impressing her.  I just answered honestly and to the best of my recollection from the three years I have known Abs.  When we were done the gal said, “I wish this woman was my friend – she sounds so amazing and fun.”  Yup – but sorry – she is mine.


Watermelon Cake With Cream

Our little watermelon seed celebrated with family and friends.  Her little, now fifteen pound, body was adorned in a little melon romper and with her wide blue eyes she wasn’t quite sure what all the fuss was about.  Kelcy brought her “104 Sleeps” book with some other hospital paraphernalia for people to look through.  The food was delicious, the cookies familiar and spectacular and little “G” had many many gifts to unwrap in the evening when the party had simmered down.  Happy Birthday little seed.




A Fast Casual Chinese Restaurant

The boys wanted to spend the night so after soccer we splurged on Panda Express and brought it home.  As we sat around the table all we talked about was Panda.  We talked about what we liked, chow mein ranked high for us,  we all love eating our fortune cookies although the fortunes were sometimes lame and we talked about how much Uncle Poopy loves Panda.  We made a pact that every time we eat there we have to send him a picture to rub it in.  Which we did!



Team Work

Our good wonderful missionaries joined us in the baptismal font area to clean and scrub.    They were so helpful and obedient and we accomplished much.  We now have organized baptismal clothing, clean floors, a shiny mirror, sanitized showers and bathrooms that smell fresh.   More than the end product, we worked together as a team.  It is fascinating to watch a murmuration of starlings for five minutes.   There is a seamless, wordless, beautiful cooperation between hundreds (and sometimes even hundreds of thousands) of birds.  We were birds today.

Our Little Miracle

One year ago today we sat in the hospital waiting room wondering and praying.  Would our teeny Gwendolyn at one pound and ten ounces even make it through the first hour?  Then we prayed for a day.  After the first week we offered thanks to the Almighty and questioned if another week was just begging for too many miracles.  Our prayers were granted and through many joyous highs and devastating lows and one hundred and four sleeps she came home.  She has brought us so much happiness and so much gratitude.
