Hey Cuz

All we need in life are little moments.  If we had little moments all during our days we would have a life of joy.  The precision of it all is capturing those few seconds and keeping them.  They need to be kept in a photo or a journal or they get lost in our mumble jumble minds of remembering and recollecting.    This was a moment.  Callahan and Remi.  They are cousins and best of little friends.  They cuddled up on the couch to share a moment – a moment that will last forever.


The 21 Girl

Rhea’s army of boxes arrived in Stockton for her special day but I needed one more thing to send her.  And so from my heart came this list:

21 Ways In Which You Have Been Blessed (and us) 

  1. You are happy, optimistic, positive and upbeat.
  2. You have been always been a loyal friend to others – even when they haven’t always been the best friend to you.
  3. You are so dependable. When you are asked to do something you always follow through
  4. You teach in a way that people can relate and understand what you are teaching.
  5. You write in a very personable way – your letters are warm and inviting and fun.
  6. You are the most loved aunt! Hands down you are the winner.
  7. You serve always – when you are asked to help, you go,. You are always willing to do what is needed to be done.
  8. You are becoming more humble. This is a work in progress that is progressing well.
  9. You are a nice person – so kind to everyone. This is a wonderful attribute to have –not all people are..
  10. You have a way of drawing people into you. It is like a magnetic circle of warmth that many gravitate towards.
  11. You are a follower of Christ – you do not stray from the iron rod.
  12. You are an obedient missionary. You follow the rules.
  13. You stand for truth and righteousness. Who tells a group of hockey players to watch their language – YOU!!
  14. You love deep. You love people deeply.  You are “all in” when teaching your friends. 
  15. You have a love of music and are the guru of great songs.
  16. You are social – you organize the best movie nights ever.
  17. You are the queen of the lion’s mane – such great hair.
  18. You have confidence – no fear when playing with rough and tough hockey players.
  19. You have your own relaxed attire – Crocs, tie die, xtra tuffs, anything orange and lots of headbands.
  20. You are a hard worker – you split wood,, stack wood,, move shingles and paint with ease.
  21. You are President and Sister Zimmernan’s favorite missionary and most definitely mine too.


My Guy

I have the best UPS guy ever.  I love it when he comes because he is such a friendly guy.  I don’t know his name yet and I really should find out.  This week he came twice, one day right after the other so that was a real treat.  He pulled out a white square box and said that it wasn’t the most exciting package ever because he knew it was a medical product.  I said that we had a diabetic son and this would be one of his last few shipments of insulin since he would be off of our insurance early next year.   He has an autistic son and is in the same predicament.  We shared a few thoughts and my day was a hundred times brighter because of him.  The next time I order insulin – I’m getting his name, writing UPS about his excellent service and giving him a Merry Christmas “special” envelope.  Can’t wait.



Do you even hear thoughts and believe they are the most profound words you have ever heard and you want to etch them into your mind so you will never forget them?    I do but I always forget them.  So now they are typed for me to reread and reread because its meaning moves me.    “Oh, it is a living, busy, mighty thing, this faith; and so it is impossible for it not to do good works incessantly. It does not ask whether there are any good works to do, but before the question rises; it has already done them, and is always at the doing of them. He who does not these works is a faithless man. He gropes and looks about after faith and good works, and knows neither what faith is nor what good works are, though he talks and talks, with many words, about faith and good works” (Martin Luther, Preface to the Epistle of Romans).


Birthday Tradition

The tradition of the birthday person allows them to choose their meal and type of dessert.  Some like a cake and some just prefer a dessert.  Today is Micah’s day and she chose her usual “traditional” Costco chocolate cake with chocolate mousse.  Divine choice.  However due to Covid Costco is not selling the large size cakes in Anchorage to discourage large gatherings I assume.  However we noticed that our Three Bears store had a large Costco chocolate cake with chocolate mousse.  I have grappled with the perplexing question as to how this could be?  So I asked.  Three Bears orders the big cakes and Costco delivers.  No big secret.  So let the finger licking feast of celestial bliss begin.  I got the big cake Micah!!


Lots Of Questions

I looked into the old armoire in the guest room.  I saw tons of blankets and a stack of pillows beside it.   Why do I have so many blankets?  I’m not really sure.  Are there sentimental reasons I keep them all?  Maybe – one dates back to 1978.   Am I worried I’ll have a group of homeless people at my door and everyone will need to keep warm?  Maybe – it could happen.  What about if all sixteen grandchildren came for a sleepover?  Lots of fuzzies to go around.  Could I ever give one of my blankets away knowing my children’s bodies were so gently wrapped in them through all those hours of cartoons?  Never.  I think the real question is where should all be blankets be stored?  This is an armoire and should be able to hang guests’ clothes.  Now that is the real question.

Amen My Friend

So grateful to see this message come through today:    “While I look at the pattern of the Nephites’ lives what always brings them back into unity and prosperity is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It always, always, always starts with the individual turning to the Lord and then sharing His Gospel with others.  This is the first week I have come away from a discussion with clear ideas on what I can do to incorporate the lessons learned.  The first is to completely avoid political arguments and anything on social media that is divisive.  The second is to ponder and write in my journal about how I see the Lord in my life.  This is what will help me to keep focused on Him and not be so easily led away into worldly things or contention.”


Enjoy Your Siamese Cat

I grew up with one cat named EeSung.  He passed on when I was in college but I’ll always be reminded of his funny little cat ways and his nightly sleeping routine in my bed.  We acquired another cat along the way, this time a Chocolate Point Siamese named Ming whereas EeSung was a Seal Point.    I had a book, my sort of cat Bible, that aided me in all sorts of their problems and issues.  I referred to it often for guidance as the internet was unheard of back then and for thirteen years that little book stayed close by.  I found it yesterday while shuffling around some books.  We paid .49 for the book.  A priceless gem with warm memories attached.  


Preservation Done

One more project done.  Completed.  Finished.  Crossed off  the list.  I finished Kyla’s mission book which was she completed thirteen years ago but hey when I say I’ll do something I’ll do it.  I always thought she wanted to do it but she got busy with school, then marriage, then teaching and then children.  Well more important that just completing it is the fact that a part of history has been recorded.  Those amazing eighteen months filled with experiences, growth, challenges and lasting friendships are now cemented between pages of scrapbooked memories that are so easy to relive.   My shelves are filled with people, with lives, with stories –us.

Sensitivity At The Post Office

I slid out the plain brown envelope out of our Post Office box wondering what I was getting with my name so nicely typed on the front.  While waiting in line for a package I inquisitively opened up the letter to find information on hearing aids.  Do I have a big sign on my head that says I just turned sixty-one and now need hearing aides?    What is even funnier is the fact I have misophonia and my hearing is sooo sensitive that I need head phones to block out the noise.  Oh people.    The Bose people need to send me information in a plain brown envelope – those are “my” people.
