No Tears Shed For The Shed

What was once a shed is now a slab and what was once an empty space behind a cabin is the beginnings of a smaller shed.   Some of the materials were scrapped into a huge burn pile while the walls were moved down the hill to their new location.   That old shed has served us well – as well as the squirrels and ants over the years.  It housed all our stuff before we had a garage and was the dreaded cleaning project that no one wanted except for one good son who organized impeccably.

Who Wore It Best Might Be A Tough Question

To the wearer of this sweater it probably looks fabulous on you but I’m left wondering what one sees in it.  While shopping online for a sweater for a Christmas gift this frilly creation popped up.  I asked a few others what they thought and these were some of the responses:  too ruffly, accentuates the shoulders, only a small chested person could pull it off, Pirate sweater and  the best response of all – Seinfeld.  Some fashion statements have certainly taken us to a new level.


So Delightful To Buy For

Could we not all be like Brooke and keep a running tab of our gift ideas throughout the year?    My daughter-in-law ceases to amaze with how she keeps such a great tally going of wants and wishes so when I am trying to birthday or Christmas shop it comes with such great ease.  Not only does she list the item but she offers the link too.    I seriously thought of doing this starting in January but here is my problem.  When I think of something I want – I just go and buy it.   “Nothing haunts us like the things we didn’t buy.”     I’m feeling some New Year’s goals coming on.


So Sweet

Very few things tear at our heartstrings more than hearing and watching our grandchildren read from the scriptures.  Micah posted some pictures of Hinckley reading with Callahan beside him and then she took a video and shared it with Rhea.   Hermana Styers then reposted the video on social media with the scripture for all to see:  2 Nephi 27: 23 which reads “For behold I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith.”   God works miracles through the little children who are the greatest little miracles of all.

He Is Just As She Said He Is

The kindest, most humble and very emotional man just called me.  I hesitated to answer the unknown number but I did and his first words were “Sister Styers, your daughter is just fine.”    And then he shared and he cried and he had me crying.  He needed Rhea to leave her area and serve with a new sister missionary that was struggling.  He knew he needed Rhea.  He spoke so highly of her.  What impressed him the most was when he called her he said he had a favor to ask of her.  She responded with, “Whatever you need me to do President I will do it.”   President Zimmerman said nothing could have lifted his spirits at that moment than hearing her obedience and willingness.   I agreed with him – she is an amazing daughter.  



The More You Read The More You Know

I’m back to the book ordering.  I can’t offer any reviews yet but I will soon.  I have the book “Educated,” a New York Bestseller on its way to my mailbox and I’ll be looking into listening Chad Ford’s book either to read in book form or digitally.  I came across a review about Tara’s book and immediately I knew I wanted to read it.  “In vivid and riveting prose terror, Tara Westover describes a childhood both harrowing and loving in her book, Educated. We learn about her upbringing on an Idaho farm in a devout Mormon family who are paranoid and live off the grid. No birth certificates, no school, no doctors, no registered existence. Yet despite all this, including abuse at the hands of one of her brothers and working for her family under dangerous conditions, Westover escapes and improbably, if not shockingly, goes on to graduate from Brigham Young University and Harvard.”  I listened to a podcast with Chad Ford and I thought his knowledge and wisdom with regards to resolving conflict were so insightful.  I love how when I am so so busy and involved with things I choose to buy more books.  Atta girl.  

Now It Is Written Down

A memory that is written down is not forgotten.  Many years ago my children were singing in church.  I can’t remember what the occasion was but Kyla sung the main part and she/me wanted Devin to sing the counter part.  The other children sang together in the chorus if I remember correctly.  I knew Devin would never do it so I stretched myself and said “I’ll pay you two hundred dollars if you will do it!” knowing full well that even that amount of money would not coerce him to agreeing to the task.  Right then my role as a mother was “guttered” because he accepted the challenge and did a great job.  I paid up and shut up.  No more bribes.


Making Up Things Again

I swore I heard the term “shipaggeden” on the news as they were doing a segment on what his holiday season is going to look like.  I haven’t seen it used since so maybe I just made that whole thing up.  Nonetheless I am a part of “shipaggeden.”  I have ordered and ordered and my boxes will either be at our post office or at my door.  This whole thing is feeling pretty darn nice  which says a lot for the gal who loves to shop in a store.  The best part of all is picking up . . . between Kelcy and I it’s Christmas every single day.


He Is On A Nerds Kick

With Halloween soon approaching in nine days a “normal” household purchases a few bags of candy in preparation for their “trick or treaters.”  In our home my husband purchases bags of goodies way ahead of time and between him and his grandchildren they go through about half of them.  Today I noticed that we have only so many days left and one large bowl.  I may suggest he hit up the Halloween aisle again soon and put an emphasis on chocolate.   As a side note last year we had no one come to our door.
