Many Yellow Bins Came Down

What constitutes being an Alaskan?  Well the list seems to be growing and today I am throwing in the black bins with yellow lids as a hard core necessity and distinguishing feature of an Alaskan.  These bins are used as storage of course but also they are great for the hunters.  They carry out supplies with holes in the corners so they can be zip tied.  They bring back meat after the hunt and are totally in regulation with the airlines size requirements.   Seeing these bins going around the carousel back in Anchorage – well made me proud as I stepped up to retrieve my manly containers. Side note:   no one needed to know there was wrapping ribbon and scotch tape in them.


The Totals Perks Of A Visit

Once upon a time and young gal perfected “the making of the eclair” and what followed was a trail of happy customers with drooling palettes at the very thought of that plop of filling that always manages to fall on our bellies.  Trust us – you need a napkin.   “Éclair means lightning in French. Why it has been applied to this pastry is unknown. Some think it’s because you often eat them very fast, or a reference to the gleam of light from the shiny fondant icing.”  Well we gleam and we plop.  So when we got to Juneau and found out Brooke was doing eclair orders we melted with excitement.  Of course we worked it out to take two dozen home which I hand carried the whole way except when they went through the security screening and the TSA guy said he wanted one, as did the pilot, the flight attendant and about a dozen passengers as I walked back to my seat.  Sorry people.  These eclairs are already spoken for.

I Was Dreading The Turbulence

With the wind whipping and the windows plastered with raindrops I wondered how the big planes ever make it into Juneau.  Checking in with our air traffic controller son he said it happens but very rarely.  We loaded up the bins, the eclairs and the suitcases and arrived moments later at the airport a little soggy but on time and prepared.  As we made it through security between the oohs and ahhs of the decadent eclairs peeking through the plastic Sterlite windows we settled into our Gate 4 seats when we heard that the big planes couldn’t make it in because of the weather so all outgoing flights were cancelled.   We returned a little soggier but to the delight of the three little children.  One more night in Juneau.

A Huge Difference

Is a cotton swab just a cotton swab?  Apparently not.  I packed for Juneau with my necessary toiletries and while primping myself the day after arrival I felt like my ears needed a little cleaning.    I love the feeling of cleaning my ears – that sort of scratchy itchy feel that the swab soothes is amazing.  However, the stick was bending and right away I knew I had not bought this cotton swab!!!  I had gone under the sink before leaving and grabbed some that Mike had bought and hands down – they are not a Q-tip.  Only the real Q-tip  for this mama please!!!!


An Essential Tool

Twice a year I have the same thought. That thought spills out of the mouth when no one is really listening and it is at a time where nothing can be done about it. The first is at Thanksgiving and the other is at Christmas. It happens as the fried turkey is cooling and I go to grab our electric knife. The dinosaur electric knife with dull blades really needed to be trashed and a new one bought but because I only have this thought twice a year I forget about it. Well not this year baby. Today as Devin went to carve the turkey there was no electric knife in their home and I knew I needed to be on the hunt for two knives. One for them and one for us. Henceforth on every Thanksgiving and every Christmas I will have two thoughts but this time it will be of pure joy for having a sharp electric knife and the other will be for remembering to buy one.  (and one for them.)


You Are Doing Better Than You Think

To all the Moms out there this is a message of reassurance and understanding.  I can tell you that you are doing wonderful jobs being mothers and we have all survived what you have gone through and probably more.  There was a little mishap with no further explanation needed.  It involved an outlet and a pipe cleaner.  This is what I endured:  a son skiing off our tall roof and breaking his jaw, a son jumping spread eagle from a shed roof onto a trampoline and knocking the wind out of him,  a son ramming into a pole on a snow machine and totally splitting open his leg,  a son who punched a hole into the hallway wall, a son punching  holes in the waterbed liner just to see if it would leak (it did), a son who sunk their Dad’s snow machine, well not totally sunk but totally ruined,  a cat that mysteriously fell out the bedroom window,  a son who carved “I want to die” in the doorframe of his bedroom, a daughter who let the four wheeler roll down the driveway and then flipped it  also on the other side of the house and the list goes on and on and ON!

Just One Of Those Days

The exchanging of talents always works out well.  I help Brooke with her sewing needs and she helps me with my computer needs.  In the end we are both happy and satisfied.  However, her colorful ball cap had a way different plan for me and I was determined to make things right.  The first time I sewed the Velcro strap on I did it wrong.  The second time I sewed the Velcro strap on I did it wrong.  The third time I sewed the Velcro strap on I did it right.  My talent was totally lacking during this friendly exchange and I think when the strap falls again Brooke is getting a brand new ball cap.  Note:  my computer needs were perfectly met and I’m up and running well.

Juneau/Hoonah Day

We journeyed today.  The weather was frightful  with a very windy flight from Anchorage to Juneau and as we were contemplating whether Alaska Seaplanes could even transport us to Hoonah we got the word it was an “all go.”  This short twenty minute flight seemed like two hours to me because of the turbulence and nasty weather but we made it.  I looked down to my lap most of the flight and kept focused on what mattered most.  We were carrying precious cargo — Brooke’s eclairs were heading over to Dillon and Kristi and we just knew we might be rewarded with one.  So, I endured, we lived and yes we indulged.

A Frozen Ice Sculpture

Because we live in such beautiful state there are a plethora of stunning Alaskan photos posted on social media daily.  We see moose, snow-capped mountains, mini KUIU’s holding up their first salmon, long daggar-like icicles hanging from a roof and an incredible night sky when the northern lights decide to come out and dance.  However, what most people don’t see is when you retrieve the roll of foil from your grilling bin on the deck and . . . oh oh . . . someone forgot to bring the bin in the house before winter.


The Prayer

This beautiful prayer was offered by President Russell M. Nelson.  Rhea sent me the written copy of it and I love to reread its message and tenderness.  The most touching line for me is “Wilt thou bless us with a healing spirit that unites us despite our differences.”   It has been a year where people argue about mask wearing, about the Covid statistics, about unfair balloting, about the color of one’s skin, about whether schools should be open or not and the list continues.  They argue about the arguments.  Take a moment, close your eyes and just hear the Prophet’s soothing voice beckoning for us to get along and to put aside ALL our differences.  
