The Brecken Show

The Styers family have now branched into the YouTube world with the debut of “The Brecken Show.”  Brecken began with three videos showing the world some amazing card tricks.  His voice is soothing, confident and entices his audience into the world of trickery.  The fourth video then has him and his brother Easton showing the world their hockey moves on an outdoor Alaskan rink.  Now the soothing, confident voice comes from their Dad Bret who gives the audience his educated play by play of smooth hockey moves by two talented brothers.  

This Is What I Remember

I remember it was cold for Hawaii.  We went to the top of a volcano – I don’t know if it was Haleakala on Oahu or when we went to Maui for a weekend trip.  It would have been the spring of 1979 because we wanted to do a little touring before heading back to the mainland.   I jumped up and my friend took the picture and I always loved how it looked like I was just up in the sky.  Obviously without a coat I grabbed the blanket from the car and that is why I am all wrapped up.   I’m digging the short curly hair and wide legged pants.  This picture is great.  

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A Photo Worth Remembering

Who is this “hot mess” of a girl?    Well it is me.  The old photo was a little ripped but I still scanned it and thought the chewed up photograph gave it even more character.    What is up with the hat?  I’m not sure why my shorts are unbuttoned and that turtleneck sleeveless ensemble was so chic in the day.  My pink cat eye glasses were also very much in style.  The sad thing is I just don’t think I pulled off the whole look but the background is very pretty.

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The Things We Continually Learn

We had a little laugh on the phone, my daughter and I, because we were both buying tomatillos to make tomatillo dressing.  She said in their store the grocer displayed them minus their papery skins.  I commented about their “naked” tomatillos wondering if that was a legit thing to do.  And so I read up on them.  The papery film should stay on them for protection and freshness but oops I learned something else.  There is a sticky substance on the skin of the tomatillo that protects insects from getting in and that should be washed off before you use them.  Do not eat them with the sticky substance on them.  So far no one has died from my tomatillo sauce but I promise I’ll do better.

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As I have been scanning photos I pause to reflect on the image.  I see resemblances in old pictures of the children to their children now and see how we have all somewhat “matured” in age.  I found this picture of my Dad at work sorting and looking at negatives probably back from Title House days or before.  When one has worked in the film industry for as long as he has his mind must be blow away by technology and the new digital era.  I remember cleaning and sorting the trays of actual letters used in typesetting when I would visit his work.  It is so cool to see and remember.  Let’s not ever forget from where we came.


The Olden Days

I cleaned out an old change purse type wallet that I carry around in my car.  In it I keep cards like punch cards, gift cards, Red Robin Royalty cards, membership cards etc and lo and behold I still had a Blockbuster Membership Card.  This really dates how long since I have gone through the pouch.  I was remembering the days when I would promise the kids we would go to Blockbuster Video and they could pick out some VHS movies.  The older kids got theirs all the way down to the younger ones who usually chose a Disney cartoon or something.  I usually got the latest “chick flick” release too.  They begged for more but I told them it was just too expensive.  This card was dated 10/08/00.  So long ago.  Rhea was just one.


Bad Connection I Suppose

UPS delivery guys are just the best and the smartest.   My guy came to the door, handed me my box and asked me if I ordered over the phone for my product.  For those few seconds I wondered where he got his powers to know such a thing.  I said emphatically, “I sure did.”  He said, “I thought so” and turned to board his brown truck.  I looked at the box wondering how he knew I had talked to someone.  Hmmm “Holly Luke”  instead of “Holly Loop.”


O2 Levels Were Ok

A Sunday morning and I heard my phone making that very distinct ring.  That ring is from Messenger only when Rhea rarely calls but often leaves messages.    Something was up.    After 3,147,735 cases in California and only eight weeks left she was now is a number and a patient of the “Covid.”  I know full well she is in good hands and with the prayers of many our girl will forge ahead and pull through.  I guess it isn’t as cool as hitting a moose and knowing that whole year when you pass the Moose Kill sign that you contributed to one of those. (Kyla, Lane, David.)  The sister missionaries have strict orders to rest and do nothing all week.  


One Broken Part Always Leads To Another

This is a cup holder from a 2007 BMW.  This has been broken for a long time.   The fan for the heating/cooling system went out so while the glove box panel is totally off the gray cup holder compartment was removed.  A new fan was bought but the wiring mechanism broke that it is connected to it so now the hunt is on for a new wiring mechanism.  Meanwhile I searched for a new gray cup holder compartment and found one, ordered it and now it is being shipped.  I hope I’m not sitting in my car using my new cup holder with a can of Diet Pepsi  sitting in it because the car is still broken and sitting in the garage.   Oh well, it will great to have a decent holder.


I’m Dying With Joy

It is here.  On time.  The box was packed so perfectly and safely.  Styrofoam fit around all the frame pieces and the ends were securely protected.  My assembly instructions were easy to find.  It snapped together easier than they even portrayed and we hinged it onto the top and swung it down.  And then . . . I just sighed. . . it looks even more beautiful than I imagined.  I love the color of the warm silver.  It blends beautifully with my room.  My Etsy winter scene welcomed it adoringly.   Life is sooo good.  I let Gwendolyn watch a little cartoon on the big screen – yup looks good with Loo Loo Kids.
