He Sees Us Deeply

I shared this quote early in the morning on our Stake Relief Society Facebook page.  “Jesus Christ sees people deeply. He sees individuals, their needs, and who they can become.”  (Sister Michelle Craig, Young Women general presidency).   Later, Darla shared the same quote in her remarks as we all spoke to the Young Singles.  Then Greta Goebel gave the same quote as she taught us later as a group.    Our promptings are evident of the truthfulness of those words.


A Gratitude Day

Today I am grateful for:  Frescas back on the shelf, car washes,  F-301 black Zebra pens, my new Command Strip broom holder,  snow gently falling, a big icicle that just showed up, a clean stove top,  a freshly plowed driveway,  grandchildren that try to share their food with me when we FaceTime,  Instragram influencers that influence for the good, sharing my fruit snacks at the rink with Paige and Remi and a very relaxing quiet Saturday.  The best!



Georgie Peorgie

May I introduce you to Miss Georgie Lee.  Georgie is posing for the infamous photographer Britta who owns her own photography business, brittastyersphotography and is modeling two different outfits.  The first is from her fairy princess collection where the sparkly pudgy cherub delights us all with her adorable smile and chubby arms.  Georgie accessorizes well with a matching gold and pearl headband and a smile that melts all hearts.  On to her jungle attire – Georgie loves the faux fur look with matching peach briefs and peach hair bow.  She truly wears it well and wears it best.   Georgie is proud of her chubs and is totally in love with her body image – as are we.


How cool is this?  Klim ordered cookies from my daughter Mrs Crumb.  The order is huge – many many cookies.  So why am  telling you about this order?  Klim is big.  Klim which is pronounced “climb.” is based in Rigby, Idaho.  The company manufactures sports, snowmobile and motorcycle clothing using the same-name brand for men, women and children.  Everywhere you look people are wearing Klim apparel.    I’ve already told Mrs Crumb that I would like a black “Whistler” jacket if they would care to tip.   Size large please.  


In Transit

Truly, I have such high praise for the USPS, Fed Ex and UPS.   I think they are hardworking, diligent people who truly try to get our packages and letters to us.  The whole system is so mind boggling to me – how one little piece of mail travels thousands of miles and lands right in my little mail box in my little town.  I’m always impressed and appreciative.  I ordered a new watch band on February 8th through a company I was not familiar with.  Today I received this update and it really made me laugh.  In those weeks since ordering the watch band it has stayed in Los Angeles but it says “departed”, “accepted” and “arrived.”  Ha ha and it is still in Los Angeles.  I stand by my original praise and will patiently await for my watch band to leave Los Angeles.  God Bless.


Toy Favs

When my grandchildren come over they seem to have their favorites.  The dishes and kitchen stuff in the playroom is a favorite.  The older boys love the TV downstairs of course.  The magnetic squares always intrigue the little girls and my new Chewbacca Squishmallow is the landing pad for the runners coming down the hall. I hear the riding unicorn cruising around in the play room so I know that is a likeable thing.     Gwendolyn however loves the family photo.  She lifts it off my table, stares at it for a few seconds and then carries it around.  Every time. same procedure, same few moments of pondering and then it is hers to hold for a bit.  I point out Mommy and Daddy and Grammie and her little blue piercing eyes internally comprehend something – I say it is love.  


Delta Flight 1295

I’ve been waiting for weeks for flight information for Rhea.  You know what it is like when you are anticipating something- the longing can be dreadful.  Every time an email came through and I checked my watch for the notification and it wasn’t it – I sighed. I wondered where I would be and what I would be doing when the actual email came through.  Well, I was sitting in my chair waiting for Rhea to call when it popped up.  It sounds like I’m always waiting for something, doesn’t it?  I’m such a dang planner that I need to know what is happening one month from now – NOW!    It was perfect timing to tell her the news too and now I wait for that day to come because that is what I do.   I wait.


Goodbye Granola Bars

The power of words.  I saw the box and slowly walked by and then backed up.  Those words were all I needed.  Here they are:  mango, coconut, almond, thin, cookie lightly sweet, crunchy, addictive and 100 calories.    Could they be as good as all the words?  I broke open my French-looking little package and crunched my way into a totally blissville obsessive realm of pure joy.   “If you’re looking for a treat that you can feel good about, our THINaddictives are the perfect snack to turn to. These sweet almond thin cookies are a secret European family recipe handed down from our founder’s mother. Their crunchy and chewy texture is unmistakable, and their taste is unforgettable.”   Also may I add – they are made in Canada.  Score!!!


This Aluminum Shortage Is Rough

A good friend is one who texts and says there were four cartons of Fresca at Walmart and two were for her and two for me.  A good daughter says she was at Fred’s and bought what was left – I get two.  A good move was heading to Target early in the morning and just on a whim decide to peruse the soda pop aisle and find three lonely cartons of Fresca just sitting there for me.  I’m stocked.   Isn’t life totally wonderful and grapefruity too.


Big Mike’s Auto

My strange crazy desire in life was to be an auto mechanic.  Don’t ask me why but diagnosing a car and its issues is a real thing for me.  So I left the house and drove down the road and noticed a slight rumble as I slowed at the intersection.  My baby was riding rough and within a few moments the “Service Engine Soon” light appeared.  I was thinking she might need some new spark plugs but I gave her a chance to redeem herself.  I stopped at the gas station, turned the car off and on, and went on my way again but her performance definitely lacked.  She was cruising with a rumble so a quick stop at P3 Imports (my foreign car peeps) for him to plug me in for a diagnosis answered my original concerns.  He suggested spark plugs and possibly coil #5.  I spoke with my resident mechanic at home and soon she was in the shop (garage) for her overhaul.    All is well and she is back on the road purring like kitten.
