
It was a long day yesterday as we worked on our ice dams.  We shoveled, we chiseled and we threw out ice melt to relieve our roof and eaves from the bondage of too much ice.  The snow was deep as we put up ladders and moved our way along the edges of our roof.  As the evening came and we sat eating pizza at Cadillac Cafe I said I was going to take a bath when we got home – I was exhausted.  At the end of my luxurious soak – the water sputtered and just stopped.  We had no water.  In disbelief that two somewhat catastrophic events could happen just days before we were to have a houseful of family we quickly assessed our problems, made some calls and became proactive.  Unfortunately we still went to bed with no water, lots of prayers and awoke to no water.  By the afternoon, after seeking some expert help (Ace Water Wells), Mike was able to hook up a temporary solution from the well to inside the house and then I stood at the kitchen sink and just let it pour.  At that moment there was no greater sound and no greater sight.  I was hypnotic and in a state of relaxation and offered great thanks to all who brought me to this “happy place.”


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