Fresh Catch

When a good friend drops you off a salmon fillet just because. . . you have a few options.  You can stick it in the freezer untll your family decides to grill some salmon and maybe fry up a little halibut that is still in your freezer or you can savor in the freshness,  spoil yourself with all that goodness and grill it right up.  And so I did.  My little indoor grill came in so handy, I threw on some spices and away she grilled. . . . and . . . oh how fresh she tasted and beautiful she looked.   Add that with a few roasted potatoes and dinner was divine.   Good friends and a salmon fillet go hand in hand.

A Smart Move By Me

It was a great day for getting my yard work done.  I was on a roll.  In about three different shifts I got the lawn mowed with my “little guy mower” and did some weed eating.  I love days like this when the whole yard transpires into a green beauty all manicured and perfect.  I started the tripod sprinklers and proudly planned out the rest of the sunny blessing of a day.  My last task was to mow Lane and Kelcy’s lawn.  They were out-of-town so this would be a perfect time to finish up the day.  I wheeled down the mower and there she was.  She was not happy with me.  A mama and her babies were eating by G’s trampoline and she let me know that I was not invited.  We stared at one another for a few moments and those mama eyes let my mama eyes know that I needed to retreat and mow another day which is exactly what I did.  They hung out by the cabins for another few hours and I respected their time and their family togetherness.

Stay Out

My days are spent repainting our house.  It isn’t too bad of a job if I have the right equipment before proceeding.  I always wear wear my paint clothes that are rightfully getting stiff and “peely” buy that is ok.  I wear my old black Crocs so I’m not scraping paint off my toes and toenails.  I wear my gardening gloves because exterior paint is a pain to scrape off the digits every few hours.  I have my Bose speaker charged and Pandora ready to soothe me back into the days of the 60’s and 70’s and most importantly I have a baggie.  Dang if I will let any bugs journey down into my Fresca can.


Spot On Red Circle

I’m known for my Wasilla Target cleanliness “shout outs” but seriously look at what I beheld this morning.  I was the first one in the store and began my descent into what looked like a well lit runway.  Whoever they have cleaning their floors do an amazing job.  Those reflective circles from the lights are blinding and beautiful.   I was hoping the soles of my shoes and the wheels of my cart were dry and clean because I just wanted to savor the look as long as I could.  Cleanliness truly is next to Godliness.


All Donations Are Welcome

While purchasing a vehicle for our daughter in Utah we became members of America First Credit Union.    That was sort of cool.  It isn’t quite the same as having money in Swiss bank accounts or wherever but hey we do what we do.  Then we became aware of Beehive Credit Union who proudly serves all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we decided to do that one too.  The perks are awesome in that credit union.  Today our debit cards arrived and truth be told I’m feeling just a little bit richer than yesterday.

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Drip . . . drip.

It happened at the worst of times, doesn’t it always?    It was the end of winter and we were having family arriving for when Rhea arrived home from her mission when suddenly we had no water.  We did our investigation and finally surmised that we had a break in the line somewhere but with frozen ground we would need to wait until it was thawed before we began the dig.  Mike got a temporarily line that wrapped around the garage, threw his office window and into the utility room where he hooked us up to power from the well.  Finally today we are all wired in  and ready to go for another umpteen years.  It feels so good.  Not a good as laying on the beach with sand running through my pedicured toes but pretty close.

Their Little Minds

Let me count the many times I laugh out loud on Sunday evenings after my little cherubs have returned to their homes.  I tidied up the play room, wheeled the toys back into their appropriate holding patterns and dropped a few dishes back into the play kitchen bin.  I then went to shut the lower cabinet door and noticed my play kitchen has in reality turned into a real kitchen apparently equipped with snacks for the cousins.  We have some Ritz crackers and a bottle of G2.


Pioneer Day 2021

What an amazing Pioneer Day to have Shelby Ford baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Rhea has become such good friends and support to Shelby and we love her too.  It was a beautiful baptism and the spirit was strong.  Bishop Heck stated that it was a very special day in more ways that one.  She is a pioneer in her family being the only member to have joined the church so far but the seeds she has planted will grow – we all know that.  I’m so proud of my daughter for being the type of friend Shelby needed. 

It’s Ok

Some days we just feel like the day isn’t the day.  Even if Mom has you poised, high up on a mountain with a cute copper blow up number two because you are turning two doesn’t mean you have to like it.    You might not feel like celebrating or something was just a little off.  I have those days.  I can’t pin point what – I just get a little upset and shed a little tear and then all is well after that.    “Okay so you had a bad day.  Don’t let it spiral you into mindset of gloom and doom.  Get back in your power.  Remember who you are and who you choose to be.”  Karen Salmansohn.


Grateful and Blessed

Not a day I want to relive.  My daughter-in-law Kelcy posted this:
“I was following my husband home after dinner tonight and he was riding his motorcycle. Two dogs came darting out of the woods and ran right in front of him, a brown and black dog. My husband swerved and missed the first one but the second one was too close so he had to put the bike down to miss the second one and it got ugly quick. I’m very thankful he was wearing a helmet. We ended up taking him to the hospital to check for broken bones/internal bleeding. He is at home and doing okay now. I’m not writing this to bash anyone, this was a freak thing and who knows how the dogs got loose. Just wanted to give a little reminder for all dog owners. This is motorcycle season, they can’t hit dogs because it will end very badly for both and will most likely have to do what my husband had to do. Please be considerate and a responsible dog owner. Thanks!
Also wanted to say thank you to everyone that stopped and asked if they could help/call the ambulance. Including the Alaska Line Builders employee’s who helped with his bike since he couldn’t ride it home. Everyone was so neighborly and we couldn’t ask for a better community of people!!”