Grateful and Blessed

Not a day I want to relive.  My daughter-in-law Kelcy posted this:
“I was following my husband home after dinner tonight and he was riding his motorcycle. Two dogs came darting out of the woods and ran right in front of him, a brown and black dog. My husband swerved and missed the first one but the second one was too close so he had to put the bike down to miss the second one and it got ugly quick. I’m very thankful he was wearing a helmet. We ended up taking him to the hospital to check for broken bones/internal bleeding. He is at home and doing okay now. I’m not writing this to bash anyone, this was a freak thing and who knows how the dogs got loose. Just wanted to give a little reminder for all dog owners. This is motorcycle season, they can’t hit dogs because it will end very badly for both and will most likely have to do what my husband had to do. Please be considerate and a responsible dog owner. Thanks!
Also wanted to say thank you to everyone that stopped and asked if they could help/call the ambulance. Including the Alaska Line Builders employee’s who helped with his bike since he couldn’t ride it home. Everyone was so neighborly and we couldn’t ask for a better community of people!!”

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