Way Over Due

Out with the old and in with the new.  The old water holding tank was wheeled out today and replaced with a new little blue bubble.   Will I miss the monster tank that showered my floor with condensation?  No.  Will I miss the drip drip that fell from a leaky water valve?  No. The “drip drip” container has been trashed and I find myself staring at the blue bubble and the dry floor happily welcoming in the new guy.   I am so used to the blowing fan drying out the floor and the corner of the room hidden with the monster tank.  You know,  change is good-real good.

Honey Butter Baby

Rhea has been working at the Alaska State Fair for Whittier Fudge Too and we have reaped in the perks of her employment.  Mike gets his favorite fudge at the end of the day and I . . . well I relive all the memories of when my girls worked at the fair.  Kyla worked at The Original Gourmet Ice Cream Bars for many years and even though we were familiar with all their processes and toppings we always stopped by to see her work, buy a bar and say hi to her boss Pat.  Micah, my little horticulturist, worked the grounds and made all the hanging baskets and grounds so beautiful.  Once we toured all her creations.  And then there was the purple gate where I did all the drop offs and pickups before the girls could drive.  The fair is great, the corn fritters were amazing but the memories are sweeter.

Five More Years Until I Paint Again

Do these clothes represent anything?  I do believe they do.  This is what I see.  I see a lot of hard work.  I see lots of ladder work and numerous steps being counted on my watch.  I see a house totally painted with a two and half inch angled brush.  I see a clean fresh look to my home.  I see and feel the exhaustion of a hard day outside painting and it feels good.  These clothes kept me going.  They gave me energy and kept me relaxed because I didn’t care how many drips they endured.  They endured.  Job well done.


The Big Screen

This daughter of mine had the coolest idea ever.  Late into the Alaskan evening, when a little more time was needed for the darkness to creep in, she implemented her idea.  She threw a sheet over the tall wooden playhouse structure and set up my projector a ways back with extension cords running to the house.  She blew up two queen sized air mattresses and with piles of blankets, sleeping bags and a family size bag of Cheddar and Sour Cream chips she was ready.  Her crowd arrived and in the darkness two movies “Cool Runnings” and “Miracle” illuminated the big screen until about four in the morning.  I heard talking, silence and laughing and then the cycle repeated again.  The yard glowed like a spaceship throughout the night and a bunch of kids made the most lasting memories.

Oops Target

Now this is interesting.  I strolled through my Target store this morning and noticed the sign up above.  It said School Uniforms but when you look below – there are racks of summer swimsuits obviously for viewing so they can be sold at a discounted price.  So . . . we are now wearing swimsuits to school?   What is the world coming to??


It Has Been A Long Summer

As proud as punch I declared I had painted the house, AGAIN!  However, I couldn’t reach the high triangle areas on both sides and then one little strip at one of the corners.  I just didn’t want to rent the lift again although I love going up in the bucket. So I threw my need on my local community Facebook page and got a text from a girl saying that her boyfriend could do it.  So over he came.  Oh . . . he was a young one but had graduated from high school the year prior and any kid that will “work” for money is good enough for me.  He worked hard for four hours, way longer than he thought it would take, but he did a great job.  I kept worrying he would fall and my nerves were unsettled all evening but . . . it is truly done and I would recommend him anytime.  And now I am declaring.  MY HOUSE IS PAINTED!!


I’m not a tea drinker.  I’m a hot chocolate drinker.  I love a tea pot on my stove for just that reason.   My old pot was getting old looking so on my birthday list I put a picture of the pot I wanted.  Upon opening my tea pot package it was not the same one but my daughter explained that I could exchange it for the one I wanted.  And so I did.  On a whim however, I decided to make the decision once I had both of them side by side.  So on the stove they went and within two seconds there was a decision made.  I can’t have a tea pot without the whistle.  Hers won and I love it.  “Polly put the kettle on, kettle on, kettle on. . . “

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Maybe Last Names Would Be Helpful

So this is how the story goes.  We received an invitation in the mail addressed with our first names and correct address.  There was a return address on the envelope.  Upon opening and reading I was stumped.  Who were these people?  Rick and Tammie?  I questioned the children, completely devoured my brain for any clues, stalked their address on line, went to their Target wedding registry hoping for a clue and lost a great amount of sleep over who the heck were Rick and Tammie? After days of nothing our son came to visit from Juneau and I presented the puzzle to him.  He noticed the teamrio at the bottom of the card and connected and few names on Facebook and said it was Ricky!  Oh Ricky!!!  I know Ricky – he lived with my parents for many years.  That was more fulfilling that completing a five thousand piece jig saw puzzle and of course I’m getting on that Target registry.

Bent Rim Too

Here is our girl in training after discovering her tire was hissing and flat.  We are attributing the mishap to a pot hole or due to all of her many adventures in the “low rider.”  We found the spare and Rhea learned how to change a tire.  I think she was taught in the past but often . . . those undesired tasks are soon forgotten. I read this recently: Of those polled, 42.2 percent said they felt confident that they could change a flat tire, 17 percent claimed they were somewhat confident, 19 percent said they were not very confident, and 21.8 percent stated they were “clueless.”   Well Rhea we would like you to be confident and not clueless.

Sweet 62

The sweetest cupcakes by the sweetest Shelbs for my birthday.  She picked the blueberries up at Hatcher’s Pass which then drizzled the tops of my fluffy lemon wonders.  Shelbs provided dessert for my big day and overwhelmingly delighted us all by how good they were, like we even doubted.    We all justified eating three or four because they were light and fluffy and so mouthwatering delectable.