Welcome Goblins

It is all worth our grandchildren’s faces as they pull up the driveway.   We just can’t stop the decor nor the fun during the season.  My big scary pumpkin doesn’t get turned on though because it scares the littles-it has been said that sometimes “big brothers” like to turn it on to make their little sisters get frightened.  “There is a goblin at my window, a monster by my door.  The pumpkin at my table keeps on smiling more and more.  There’s a ghost who haunts my bedroom, a witch whose face is green, they used to be my family, till they dressed for Halloween.”  Sandra Liatso


Even Imperfect You Can Inspire People

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. … Self-affirmation may also help to mitigate the effects of stress.  Every morning I get a daily affirmation from my son-in-law Sam.  Sometimes I breeze through the words without absorbing the meanings but I vow to improve on that because I understand and believe the effects of these affirmations.  Here is a taste: 

You don’t have to be a rock star or an Olympic athlete to inspire people.  Ordinary people struggling through extraordinary challenges is one of the most inspiring things in life.  Keep striving for growth in whatever ways you need, large or small.  We can change just about anything in our lives, but we can’t do it all in a day. Change takes time, so be patient with yourself.  Expect bumps and setbacks but stick with it.  When you choose to keep struggling through your worst trials you are setting an example that makes a difference.  When your family and friends are struggling through their worst trials, your example might be what gives them the courage to keep on going.  What imperfect yet inspiring people have you known in your life? Maybe reach out and thank one of them.   If you don’t know what to say, just forward this email and say it made you think of them. Gratitude makes life better for everyone involved.  You never know who is watching. Even complete strangers may catch a glimpse of your simple bravery in the face of your trials.  No matter what life throws at you, nothing can make you quit. You can always choose to keep on going.  Even imperfect, you can inspire people.   Subscribe to Sam:  “-affirmation-project-ck.page


Grillo Me Baby

The savvy shopper does her usual sweep through the aisles of Costco.  Aaah. . . the street tacos are  back filling a section of the cooler that was recently broken.  That section is well stocked with the favs, chicken alfredo and macaroni and cheese.  She glances over and sees the pallets of paper towels and toilet paper, limit one as we endure our pandemic and then she maneuvers her cart quickly to the left and while looking forward to the Christmas section she hears her name.  Spinning her head quickly she realizes she is alone, but who, or rather what?  Then she sees, their eyes lock and within a three second window it is all over.  The prize has hit the cart.


Our Reality

We are making history – probably not the way we had hoped but nonetheless our lives have been truly affected by the Covid 19 Pandemic.  Our good friend and Bishop John Boston couldn’t have summarized this past week any better,”  After consulting with the other Bishops of the Stake and with our Stake Presidency, it has been decided to cancel all meetings this Sunday. Furthermore, we will be cancelling all activities for the next two weeks. We are doing this to help our ailing medical community as our state achieved the highest infection rate in the nation this past week. To help put this into perspective, we have a 13 bed ICU at Mat-Su Regional and last night we had 19 ICU patients scattered throughout the hospital, this morning we have 17 because two passed away. Over 40% of our admitted patients at the hospital are positive with COVID-19, and in the last week we have set a state record for new infections in a day, twice. I personally spent last night holding the hand of a “Gold Star” mom as she passed away from COVID-19.   We love you, we’re thankful for your simple acts of kindness that you do everyday. We ask that you remember those who are ailing and suffering, not just with COVID-19 but with heartache, loss and so many other physical and emotional pains. We will get through this, for that I am certain. Please reach out to any of us if you have any thoughts or questions.”



I Love This Family Of Mine

This beautiful fall weekend kept our entire family enjoying wholesome uplifting activities.  Some played hockey and “tore it up.”  Some delighted in home grown cucumbers.  Some went to Pyrah’s to the fall festival and loved everything animal, pumpkin, food and fun.  Some went on go-cart rides around their block.  Some went to the Pocatello Temple open house.  Some went to their mission reunions.  Some helped move Shelby into our home.  And I . . . gloried in it all!

Fresh And Hearty Snowdrops

I have weaknesses.  A new scent was on the end cap at Target and I immediately saw “Snowdrop” and put in in my cart.  A fellow patron copied me – it was as if I were standing at a blue light special and she was afraid she was going to miss out.  I’m a sucker for scents and hurried home wondering just what the heck “Snowdrop” actually smelled like.  I peeled off the inner seal and breathed in ‘clean.’  I had no other descriptive words.  It was radiant.  This is what Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day’s Snowdrop scented dish soap people said: fresh, clean Snowdrop is a seasonal scent of bright white grapefruit, cool iced petunia, and just a hint of woodsy warmth.”  So there you go – if you want all of that bubbling in your sink – buy it. 


Autoimmunes Are Tough

The day opened up as I sat with my wrapped paw laying across a table.  Within thirty minutes, I was upwrapped, gently unpeeled, stitches removed from one finger and x-rayed.  I was glad I was masked so my facial squirmings were not seen.  Ouch – my fingers hurt.  They declared that all looked good but I couldn’t quite see or feel the greatness just yet.  Then,  I carefully and delicately walke my naked swollen fingers down to physical therapy and that was where my little shin guards were made.  Ugh . . . this is a long road indeed.  Sorry for the visual.


Darla’s Infamous Rolls

“Sometimes we think we have to do something grand and heroic to ‘count’ as serving our neighbors. Yet simple acts of service can have profound effects on others — as well as on ourselves. What did the Savior do? Through His supernal gifts of the Atonement and Resurrection — which we celebrate on  beautiful Easter Sunday — ‘none other has had so profound an influence (on) all who have lived and who will yet live upon the earth’ . But He also smiled at, talked with, walked with, listened to, made time for, encouraged, taught, fed, and forgave. He served family and friends, neighbors and strangers alike, and He invited acquaintances and loved ones to enjoy the rich blessings of His gospel. Those simple acts of service and love provide a template for our ministering today.”  Sister Jean Bingham.  Dinner this evening was lovingly given by Darla Joy Wilson.


Getting Prepared

Perhaps William Shakespeare said it best when he said,” I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.”  Tonight David, Micah and the kids came over to cut down my peonies, mow part of the lawn, dump out the dried up flowers in their planters and put a few things away.  And to add to that thanks they brought over chicken teriyaki and broccoli for dinner.   The hubs has been working long hours and my hand is still a wrapped paw so receiving that help was . . . well . . . just a whole lot of thanks.  


It’s All About The Details

The day is here.  The redemption of the gift card.  The redemption of the “low rider.”   This awesome place, RC Detail, transformed my car into a pretzel free, fry free, crumb free work of beauty.  Everything shined and the smell – it truly transformed me into another sphere.  I don’t know if I have ever seen the trunk that clean EVER!!  If I had a brand new car I would seriously consider their monthly detail club where you pay $99 and your vehicle looks “showroom clean” all year long.  This is not a paid advertisement.