Our New Life With Covid

I have been struggling with a cold.  In a nutshell it has been coughing, congestion, scatchy throat, DayQuil and NyQuil.  I kept a throat lozenge in my mouth on our flight home to detract from the “looks” – mostly from those with accusatory, deep probing “she has Covid” minds.  I survived the flight and passed my pre-op appointment and my Covid test was negative.  The poor old common cold can’t even get top billing anymore and it is torchuous trying to muffle coughs and sneezes with a mask on.

Portrait of a girl wearing ppe having her  eyeglasses fogging  up

I Am One Lucky Girl

This is better than having a meal brought in.  This is better than having someone clean my house.  This is better than becoming an Alaska Airlines gold member.  This is better than a fresh dump of snow.  This is better than getting a cat for Christmas.  Ok maybe not that one.  This is better than clean sheets on a bed.  This is better than relaxing in a hot tub.  I am now hooked into Rhea’s playlists through Apple Music and I leave all the searching and gathering of songs to her and I just relax. listen and luxuriate.


Let Christmas Begin

We had one last thing to do before leaving Arizona – we had to see Kaitlyn and Oliver’s lights on their house.  The Christmas show was spectacular and the motivation was strong for me to return home and get our blow-ups on the hill and the house decorated.  Oliver did a great job – a meticulous well thought out array of whimsical and festive.  The neighbors should be proud – hopefully not too envious.

Lighting The World

“Imagine swiping your credit card at a vending machine—but instead of buying a candy bar for yourself, you’re buying a sheep for a family in a third-world country. Or a polio vaccine. Or a pair of shoes. Or 100 meals for your local food bank. With the #LightTheWorld Giving Machines, that’s exactly what happens. The Giving Machines provide a way for people to follow the example of Jesus to help those in need and make the Christmas season a little more meaningful for themselves and for countless others.” (lds.org)  I was so thrilled that we could go to downtown Gilbert, Arizona to their “Giving Machine” so I could finally in person buy for others.  The three of us bought cases of beef jerky, three cases of Mac & Cheese and a  full holiday meal for a family.   It felt soooo good.

The Tour of Links

Our trips to Arizona are relaxing, warm and fun!  We have our usual list of “have to’s” each time we go.  We have to go to the pool.  We have to eat at In n out and Chick fil a.  We have to go to Deseret Book and we have to hit up Circle K to get us and Grandma a soda.  There is however one other traditional thing that is loved and carried out by all and that is the infamous golf cart ride.  Every visitor, grandchild and great grandchild takes their spin through the park, hair blowing and hanging on for dear life to encapsulate memories that are embedded for years to come.



It has been a proud week for this mama.   Dillon is building a home in Hoonah and has basically been doing it all by himself.  Lane took a week and went to help him out and they worked morning till night through all sorts of wintery weather conditions.  Bret, Devin and Easton also spend some time on their hunt to give their bro some help.   Devin is also Dillon’s go-to guy in Juneau helping him get his supplies on the boat.  You see why I am proud.  They all look out for one another.  I love my boys!


Grand Canyon State

It all starts somewhere.  There is a beginning to our thoughts and desires.  I can pin point when and where each process is formulated.  For example over a month ago there was a jar on a table at a dinner I was at.  In the jar was Ranch dressing and I was smitten.  What kind of dressing was it and I loved the jar?  Inquiries were made and my friend Wendy Heck had brought it.  Oh I needed that jar.  She laughed – the jar came from Whole Foods in Gilbert, Arizona and it originally had lemonade in it.  I had a plan for our upcoming trip.  I totally forgot about the Ranch but oh well.  And so . . . plan implemented.


Mike and Mary Jo

Here I am once again in the Cadillac sitting in the back seat driving the roads of Arizona and listening.  This conversation has repeated itself over the years-it never seems to change and the passenger in the back, well that is me, is succumbed to its repeated verbiage but I endure.  This is an example of a two minute drive:  Isn’t it better to take the 101 than the 202?  There is construction on Octatillo so go up to Rittenhouse and make a right.  But why not take Germann and go that way because there are less lights?  No go this way because there is less traffic in the afternoon.  Ok but I think the other way is better.  I still think it is better to take the 101 than the 202!!!  Help.


Always Love His Words

“Dear Wasilla Stake Family,

As the Nation pauses to give thanks for blessings received, we want you to know how grateful we are for you!

Thank you for your examples, your love, and your concern for one another.  Your generosity and “Love of your Neighbors” has been inspiring.  Your willingness to consecrate your time, talents, finances, and abilities have lifted our community, neighbors, families, and individuals in ways that truly bring out the best in one another.

We want to thank you for your donations during the “Thanksgiving Blessing” event.  You baked thousands of cookies, donated thousands of cans of corn and beans, and spent hundreds of hours of your precious time serving others.  Your actions and attitudes are exemplary.  Thank you for your participation in this and so many other opportunities.  You are the blessing in many others lives.  We are truly grateful for you.

We have each been recipients of your goodness.  Last week, I, President Taylor, and my family were the recipients of your incredible goodness.  Your thoughts and prayers, meals and flowers, love and service, will forever be remembered.  We are changed for the better because of your selflessness and love.  We experienced the heavenly joy that comes from being served.  We promise to serve as you have.

We know many have struggles.  The struggles are real and they can be painful to body and soul.  Some struggle through health issues.  Some through emotional challenges.  Financial issues beset many.  Many of you feel lonely and alone.  Guilt has robbed many of happiness.  Please know we think of and pray for you and want to assist in lifting increasing your joy.  But, more importantly, please know that your Father in Heaven knows and loves you.  He knows your challenges and will bless you through them.  Joy can be experienced even in the most difficult of situations.  We know that Gratitude is a key to happiness.

We are grateful that we can pause today and notice the good in life.


The Wasilla Stake Presidency”


Brrrrr. . .

Baby it is cold outside and we haven’t even had Thanksgiving yet.  How did we ever survive without our garage – I must say it is so nice getting into a warm car.  But the newsflash remains:  It is cold!  And the frigid temperatures aren’t going away anytime soon.  The National Weather service says it is relatively early to be seeing such cold.  Brettschneider, he is a weather guy in Alaska, who revels in the cold, says
“that in the current global climate situation, it’s also much more exceptional to be setting low temperature records.  Well, the way in Alaska we get cold air masses to develop is you get a big area of upper level low pressure. And if you can get clear skies, it really maximizes the transfer of heat from the lower elevations up through the atmosphere. So you can literally just get rid of the warmth at the surface. And so that’s what we’ve had, we’ve had this this big upper level low pressure, you know, just parked over the state for a couple of weeks. And it’s going to stick around, you know, for at least another week and a half and maybe longer.”  Thanks Brettschneider I think I’ll go hang in the garage awhile.
