Always Love His Words

“Dear Wasilla Stake Family,

As the Nation pauses to give thanks for blessings received, we want you to know how grateful we are for you!

Thank you for your examples, your love, and your concern for one another.  Your generosity and “Love of your Neighbors” has been inspiring.  Your willingness to consecrate your time, talents, finances, and abilities have lifted our community, neighbors, families, and individuals in ways that truly bring out the best in one another.

We want to thank you for your donations during the “Thanksgiving Blessing” event.  You baked thousands of cookies, donated thousands of cans of corn and beans, and spent hundreds of hours of your precious time serving others.  Your actions and attitudes are exemplary.  Thank you for your participation in this and so many other opportunities.  You are the blessing in many others lives.  We are truly grateful for you.

We have each been recipients of your goodness.  Last week, I, President Taylor, and my family were the recipients of your incredible goodness.  Your thoughts and prayers, meals and flowers, love and service, will forever be remembered.  We are changed for the better because of your selflessness and love.  We experienced the heavenly joy that comes from being served.  We promise to serve as you have.

We know many have struggles.  The struggles are real and they can be painful to body and soul.  Some struggle through health issues.  Some through emotional challenges.  Financial issues beset many.  Many of you feel lonely and alone.  Guilt has robbed many of happiness.  Please know we think of and pray for you and want to assist in lifting increasing your joy.  But, more importantly, please know that your Father in Heaven knows and loves you.  He knows your challenges and will bless you through them.  Joy can be experienced even in the most difficult of situations.  We know that Gratitude is a key to happiness.

We are grateful that we can pause today and notice the good in life.


The Wasilla Stake Presidency”


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