Doritos And Salsa

Today we honored and remembered our Betty D who was laid to rest.  All of her children shared sweet thoughts and impressions of their mother during her service and while I zoomed and prepared for their family meal I listened and reminisced.   I have so many memories of her from having us sit on balloons and getting them to pop during Primary singing time to floating the Gulkana and washing Grace Anderson’s hair in the river.   She spilled milk on President Metcalf’s shoe a few years ago – she was so flustered and embarrassed.  All I had to do was say “hey Betty, remember when you spilled milk . . .” and she was shushing me up.  I love you my friend Betty D.


Sweet Blessings Day

The day we worked so hard for arrived.  I emptied three freezers and we loaded two cars filled with every variety of cookies one could imagine.  We headed to the Wasilla Bible church and pulled under the carport canopy and then the help came to unload.   We walked into an area that was filled with tables, people, canned goods and piles and piles of cookies.  There was a hustle and bustle of workers young and old scurrying to help and organize.  I met the lady in charge who was overwhelmed with our support but as we talked more cookies kept coming in so we had to stop visiting and get to work.  Today was so gratifying but tomorrow will be ever so sweet and humbling.

My Heart Overfloweth

This is my Facebook post for tomorrow.  Thank you Mrs Crumb for baking and decorating my “thank you” cookies.  To our amazing, generous, selfless, unified and supportive Stake I say thank you AND thank you. We tipped to over 2000 dozen cookies, we overshot our goal in a big way (the goal was 1500), we fed so many families that are in need but most of all we saw how it changed each of us. In the “sweetest” most simple way our Stake showed our community that the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are giving and kind. We follow our Savior Jesus Christ in loving all.


Preemie Power

“Throughout November, Prematurity Awareness Month, we raise awareness of the infant health crisis of preterm birth and ask for lifesaving donations in honor of World Prematurity Day, November 17.”  That day is today and if I hadn’t been a part of the life of a micro-preemie I probably wouldn’t have paid any attention.  Gwendolyn has made huge strides and has received such good health care to aid her in her little life of uncertainties and complexities.  She is the light of our life and her parents have done an amazing job in living the Alaskan life right along side of her.  


Love The Christmas Spirit

It has been a dream to have Alaska Airlines fly out of Idaho Falls again after pulling out many years ago.  Since we have two daughters that live so close in nearby towns flying down has been so easy and convenient.   Kyla drove me to the airport early this morning to catch their one flight that heads to Seattle and as we pulled in I was delighted to see they had their Christmas wreath up on their small tower.  Kind of reminds me of the Juneau airport – small with just a few gates.  My son Devin is an air traffic controller at that airport.  Hey Devin does your tower have their wreath up yet???


Kirkland Pieces

There is always that one kid who stands out and makes everyone laugh.  That would be Dash.  His smile draws you in and the things he says are priceless.  I bought the Costco 500 piece puzzle of “Costco” and my grandsons Blaze and Maverick were enthralled and hard at work at getting it done. It took us all about four hours to complete the masterpiece and going to Costco twice a month truly aided in my knowledge of the building and the food.   It was out of Dash’s league however so he amused himself with other things like eating candy and redressing himself.  He had Grammie laughing.

Path to God

The parents had meetings so the three little boys and I walked home.  They led the way through the parking lot, carefully crossing the street and down the sidewalk.  At the first house they leave the path and move to the outer edges to stay clear of the two black fenced in dogs.  The walk is short – less than five minutes.  The oldest leads the way and knows the right numbers to unlock the door.   They walk to church and home every week all year whatever the weather and whatever the circumstances.    The red headed, blue eyed, white-shirted boys are being taught a clear direction in life – not only by where they walk but by what they do.

It Is Tradition

Two of my sons and my grandson went deer hunting.  They flew from Anchorage to Juneau and then took a small plane to Hoonah.  This is where my other son lives.  Hoonah is a Tlingit community on Chichagof Island where about nine hundred people live. “Alaska deer hunting, in terms of sheer numbers, is usually the best on Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof islands. Known as the ABC islands, these areas are host to a very abundant deer herd.”  This trip has become annual, bonding and some years quite fruitful.  I tried to locate one of my sons today and was shown a map with very little references to follow – that must be a good sign – they are out hunting.  And then came the victorious picture.  Success!!!  And the hunt has just begun . . .

Well Look Who Came

Oh my look who it is?  It is my youngest college daughter who is such a busy girl.  We were able to slip in a few hour visit with her but tomorrow, well she is booked.  Her and some friends are going to Jackson Hole, Wyoming,  going hiking and watching a hockey game.   I suppose trips like these you can’t really expect a full “Mom-daughter” experience when she has class, studying, homework, friends, dates and well needed sleep.  So daughter I’ll see you Sunday for another few hours and just so you know I’m so pleased you are busy, well-adjusted and very happy.  That says it all.


Working Off Some Steam

I am the queen of quick trips this month and might I add I have also acquired “MVP Gold” status.  Not only did I go to Juneau but I am also now in Idaho for a short Christmas gift drop off and visit.  Kyla and I took the boys to the Gravity Factor for a few hours of jumping and swinging.  Blaze has mastered his drop into the sponge pit and Maverick runs and jumps so incredibly fast.  Now Dash, he has no fear nor trepidation in holding onto the trapeze bar swinging way out into the pit and dropping himself into the pit.  Whenever possible he loved to turn my way for a smiling photo moment before the soft crash.