Dahl and Styers

I am so proud of our little hockey playing grandchildren.  The latest duo to “tear it up on the ice” are Callahan and Remi.   It has been said that “hockey players have fire in their hearts and ice in their veins” and this fierce little duo are just that.  How can they not?  They have parents that played, a Granddaddy that coached, an uncle that coaches high school now and many siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins that live to play.  It is in their blood.   “To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. To love the game is greatest of all. (Bob O’Connor)

I Always Marvel At Moments Like These

I walked out of the Maverik in Rexburg with my Diet Pepsi in hand and there he was. We hugged immediately- it has been about eighteen years ago that he served as a missionary in Alaska and he has not been forgotten. He was without a doubt one of the good ones.   What are the chances? Dr. Logan Miller and his family just drove out from Iowa for a funeral. The timing was providential.



Pumpkin Heaven

There are about two billion pumpkins grown annually in the United States each year.  Sadly most of these pumpkins end up in a landfill.  I can attest to that but what is even worse is for those of us that live in cool or cold climates by the time Halloween is over the pumpkins are frozen, soggy and often heavily waterlogged.  I once had to shovel my pumpkins off the ground and carefully get them into the trash barrel.  It was a messy, smelly job.    Why not dispose of them where the pumpkins can be taken to an aerobic digester where they can be turned into biofuel and compost?  Kudos to Juneau for providing a place for all the old pumpkins to go.

Just A Quick Two Day Trip

I didn’t have to ask.  I didn’t have to prompt or hint.  When I awoke from my sleep in the Juneau house I smelled the cheese waffles being made.  What an amazing daughter-in-law I have who cooks up the most delicious breakfast.  Her trade mark cheese waffles were followed by movies, books, cuddling with sick Oaklee, puzzles and a few games.  This was a quick trip to Juneau and I always love my Hatcher, Oaklee and Mayvie time.  Mayvie became my little pal this trip – such tender times that I cherish.  And those waffles . . . the best.


Bring Em In

I had a real cool thing happen today. I was in the church building putting some things away and was getting ready to leave when I was approached by a woman that I knew briefly. She asked if they could drop a few things off in the building and then they would leave. She had her children in the car. For a brief moment I pondered my decision to leave them in the building and questioned my silliness. Of course it would be fine. I left and then later in the day there was a post that showed that there was a huge drop of canned vegetables for the canned vegetable drive. I am so glad I graciously let them in and felt at ease in my decision. It was a good decision.

Reunited And It Feels So Good

I bumped into so many old friends this past week.  I wondered if I was because I was shopping at different times than I usually do or was it just fate or was there Divine intervention blending together two old souls together for a pleasant well-needed conversation.  Irregardless of the reasoning I was astonished that two of my interactions were right after I wondered how they were doing . . . and bam . . . there they were.  I love those “twinkle” moments.  Rhea had one at college.  Her old mission companion in the MTC was there visiting and they reconnected.   Connections are so good for the soul.

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Rhea was Face-timing me while she was doing her math. This was math for Elementary school teachers where they are taught that that “six does not exist.” Stay with me here – I don’t understand that either but this assignment were problems that were wrong that she had to find out how they came to that answer. It was intriguing. Rhea, Shelby and I were focused and gleefully let out a squeal when we got one right. Should I be concerned we need to expand our horizons just a little more?



My Fingers Did the Walking

It all began with a simple Walmart pick up order.  My computer was open, I got on the Walmart page and I ordered.  I like to do a Walmart pickup especially when I need tomatillos for our infamous Cafe Rio dinner.  Tomatillos can be hard to find so it works out best when I can just do an order for everything and include my little green friends that Walmart usually carries.  The order was ready and the pick up was smooth and slick.  About ten days later I received a box in the mail.  Puzzled I opened up the box to find a mild red taco sauce.  Hmmmm.  What did I do??


You Would Be So Proud Samsung

I have given Samsung a shout out before and I will continue to sing their praises for being so patient with me as I tried to work through their app issues in putting up a new picture on my Frame TV.   We thought we had a solution but then we didn’t.  My frustration level had peaked when I turned to plan B.  Plan B meant I had to get out of my box and go find the box and a drive and try and put the picture on that way.  You know what?  I ain’t no dummy.  I did it.  Here we have my wintery tree scene for the month of November.  

Georgie Hair

This is our princess with the hot mess look after arising from her bed.  You know the one with the pea about six mattresses down that left her with a night of horrible painful sleep that bruised and tormented her body.  Georgie rather suits the tossled and wild look – she goes to anyone in sight – loves to be snuggled – loves all food and desserts – love pretty dresses and loves attention.  It has been noted that Georgie has a similar look to . . .