Studying Doesn’t Always Pay Off

I’m not too sure about this finding but while studying in the Old Testament the Hebrew word for poor is Ani.   My Juneau grandkids have always called me Ahni  although we prefer the Canadian/British spelling that has an “h.”   Upon my discovery I was elated to know that I have a Biblical name with a pure and profound meaning.  As I read further I sank into some sort of quandry wondering what I will even think of the next time they call out my name.  Poor = Ani, Someone who is “humble, afflicted, depressed in mind or circumstance.”


I Was Patient And Then I Succumbed

This is my Monroe Lane Metal Wall Basket that is still to be hung on the wall, my coveted purchase that took me about a year to finalize.  I saw it on one of my Instagram followers that is an awesome decorator and I knew I wanted it.  Walmart used to sell it but they sold out.  I tucked the desire into that very small portion of my brain that stores my “don’t really need things” and tried to release the desire from me.   Then the rack was posted again and I went full bore into wanting it.  I put it on my Christmas knowing full well I wouldn’t get it so after the holidays I bit the bullet and she just came.    One may be wondering what it is I see in this wall rack – I don’t know but the potential for a bunch of creative items to be stored in it is wondrous and vast.  The next big hurdle is getting it hung.


I Understand The Price Difference

I treat myself every morning after my good long walk on the treadmill at Planet Fitness to a medium Diet Dr. Pepper at Sonic.  I would prefer a Diet Pepsi but they only do Coke products.  About fifty percent of the time after I order my medium sized drink for $2.69 they tell me I can get a large for $1.00.  I realize this is a steal of a deal but there are a few reasons I totally insist on medium.  Because of my fingers and hands still being rather weak it is too hard to grab onto the huge cup to pull it out of the drink holder so I much prefer the medium.  Also I love fizz and in the larger cups my fizz is gone super fast.  There is one worker however that pressures me to get the one dollar deal and I nicely say I would prefer the medium.  Then the worker emphatically tells me it is so much cheaper and I nicely say I would prefer the medium.   On the third go around I nicely say thank you – and I’ll have that medium please.  Now we understand each other.


Valley Guy

I’ve seen this guy around town.  He was parked in the Walmart parking lot a few weeks ago and then today he was in the parking lot at Planet Fitness.  He is always the passenger and always sits in the car waiting for his driver.  I stepped out of my car and walked to the front to get a good picture – I didn’t think he would mind.    Is he aware that Halloween was over months ago?   Is it any wonder the driver never has someone else sitting in the passenger seat – maybe the type of person who drives around with a skeleton doesn’t have too many friends.  Just saying.


I’m Sure It Will Crumble

I took a quick dash down to our local Big Lake Three Bears grocery store this evening.  This place has been my last minute go-to place for years and is stocked with all sorts of great items.  Rhea was their top notch stocker gal this past summer and the shelves have never looked as neat and orderly as when she was there.  Such a loss.   I stood in the checkout aisle for just a moment and couldn’t help but notice the cardboard shipper standing by the conveyor belt.  It was packed with Violet Crumble Santas made in Australia.  It states on the shipper “shattering pieces of Violet Crumble candy honeycomb in milk chocolate.”    Shattering is the perfect word for some bars that have been hanging out in the Bear for a number of months now probably barged over from Aussieland.  Yikes!


They Have Returned!!!

I heard that the combo pizza was going away at Costco and they brought out those dumb paper straws.  My every other week shopping trips had become a drudgery, a disappointment and downright dull due to the lack of these all important immenities.  It is that long drive home often in the elements of snow, rain, traffic and sometimes freezing rain that makes a slice of pizza and a sip of a Diet Pepsi that takes away all the stress and worry of the drive.  Today I took a chance and it paid off – no there wasn’t any combo pizza but that plastic straw left me shocked, so stunned that I heard “ma’am were you going to get a soda?”   Yes, yes, yes and I sipped away so happily all the way home.  Good riddance paper straws and bless you Costco.


The G’s

These little girls are just hilarious and so cute.  Every time they are together they are learning new things.  They listen to Kelcy.  They are learning to “pound it” and give each other a “high five.”  They were taught to give hugs but theirs are so far apart you get put another child in the middle.  They love to play in the kid’s kitchen and laundry area and push every loud irritating button for us. Georgie in her “grandma jeans” as I call them and Gwendolyn in her frilly dress – they couldn’t be more opposite in some ways and yet the absolute perfect little Gwendolyn/Georgie cousins and friends for life.

Sunday Smiles

I have always felt strongly about having Sunday dinners.  Our Sabbath days are usually one of the longest days for me but gathering everyone in a home sitting around a long table of yummy food is worth every moment.  “I think there’s so much benefit that comes out of just being with each other and different generations being around each other,” says Kyle Curtis, whose wife, Barbara, served in a stake Relief Society presidency. When you recognize people that you love and respect and admire—uncles and aunts and grandparents—I think it plants in you a desire to find out what makes them who they are. So I think in a roundabout way, [time spent at Sunday dinner] plants a seed of the Gospel as far as growing and learning and trying to develop.”  Amen to all of that.  I firmly agree and as many times as we can we will gather.  Also I really want the table in this picture too.


The One Man Show

And he is doing it.  I love to see Kristi’s updates since we do live in the same state but far away – Hoonah is a twenty-minute small plane flight out of Juneau so traveling to visit isn’t always the easiest.  Each time there is a post I marvel at the progress Dillon is making and from what we hear the town has a clear view of his progress as well.  Knowing Dillon he has attracted many friends that have helped or just stop by to “shoot the breeze.”  He does that super well too.


Cabin In The Woods

May I introduce to you my new cover photo for my 2022 Taratruly Blog.  It is the “Cabin in the Woods” and here is its rather simple origin.  Our family built two cabins on our adjacent lot and we rent them out.  One summer we did a Vrbo which was fun, a big success and yes a lot of work some days.  I still like to glance through the journal I left out for all to write in and it is a delightful reminder of all the good people that floated in and out.  We just happened to have both units open to rent out again so we decided it was time to paint, get new carpet and do some minor repairs.  Now they are done and spoken for by some loving tenants.  As I drove in to drop one little thing off I sat in my car and just looked at the beautiful little cabin scene that stood before me.   This was it – a peaceful and captivating moment – much like the year I’m planning on having.
