
Me?  Well when I need to take a picture of me I’m inside the house and I need on average about fifteen selfies before I get a good one.  I tried with Ovi and she either has her whole face in the screen or tries to put her wet damp nose onto mine.  We are a wreck.  Lane and Kelcy however took the most stunning photo and look at Jagr.  He is posing to get on the cover of “Just Labs”for their next month’s cover.  Lane and Kelcy are vying for a cover spot with “Alaska Magazine.”  Those three are so naturally, ruggedly and perfectly photogenic.  Not me.


More Than Worth My Monthly Ten Dollars

Someone asked me why I enjoyed going to Planet Fitness so much.  My response was not what they thought I would say.  I think it has a great smell – it smells clean to me.  I don’t smell sweat.  I also love to see all the elderly people or those who are handicapped.  I am inspired every single time I go.  There is a gentleman I watch, no I’m not a creepy stalker, who must be in his late seventies or eighties who climbs up on the elliptical machine and begins his routine.   With a gray balding head and pony-tail, a very slight bony body and hunched over back he works at a turtle pace with the endurance of a magnificent athlete.  He does not give up nor wain in his ability to be consistent and hard working.  He comes every day as I do but he is the one to marvel at.  He makes me want to be better at what I do.   I feel bad that I took this picture of him but I do so in awe of who he is and what he does.

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I think the hardest step is removing the box from the fridge because I know what lies ahead.   Out of the corner of my eye it lurks like an evil villain as it watches me clean and cook in the kitchen.  Its presence wants me to leave and forget everything but I know I can’t.  How long can one procrastinate?  Surely it has reached room temperature by now.  Or maybe I should wait another hour??  The impending pain one must endure to oneself makes me think of every reason to delay the cries of discomfort.  Somewhere deep in my psyche I conjure up some waves of braveness and unlock the capsule of death and jab my upper leg.  I hear the click and the pain is unbearable for about five seconds when the click repeats itself and I begin to breathe again.  One more month before I have to remove that box from the refrigerator and begin this “no more arthritis” cycle again, and I will.


Sending Happy Thoughts

One of the sweetest sounds is to hear “Grammie” from the mouths of little ones.  What a blessing to be a grandma to my grandchildren.  Today I opened the sweetest little card with two Valentine’s cards inside.  They were addressed to Grammie and they were from two of my little friends in the ward we used to attend until recently.  Moments like this one remind me that we are all family – most Alaskans are far from loved ones and we are to be there for each other.  We all have enough love to go around.  Thank you children for the reason you made me smile today.


This is how the story goes.  Once upon a time a grandmother named Ahni sent some little stuffed critters to her granddaughter Mayvie.  Mayvie fell in love with one in particular and named her Tuni.  Tuni was a well loved little friend who went everywhere with Mayvie and most especially slept tightly at her side every night.  Tuni then multiplied and her posterity grew.   There is now Gino-tuni, Loony Tuni, Flip-A-Tuni,  Cupcakey, M. Tuni and now the latest hefty, puffy, squishy Runi who was found deep in the Costco Forest.   The town of Tuniville resides in Mayvie’s kingdom where the now Grandma Tuni is the queen of them all.

Can I Go Too?

As I laid out my suitcases to pack for our trip to Juneau Ovi immediately found her spot.  Perhaps it was the shape and depth that was comforting where she felt a little hidden and safe – much like a box.  Or was it more?  Does she have that innate quality of knowing we are leaving?  Was I putting off vibes and shooting her some anxiety waves?  Our dog Tank always knew.  He sat and watched with those sad wrinkly eyes as if he just knew that someone would be tending to his needs and life wouldn’t quite be the same while we were gone.   But Ovi, I think she wanted to come with me.  I need to get one of those see through back packs and away we will go to see the world.   

Atta Girl

I received this sweet message today:   We went into the high council room for a meeting and Instinctually your beautiful daughter sat right in your spot! I thought it was so cute I had to snap a pic she had no idea it was your spot  I think she’s following in your footsteps and will be the Stake Relief Society president in no time.  Thank you so much again for all of your help with the desserts and making that happen on Sunday! It was so nice to be able to chat with leaders and use face-to-face and not have to worry about refreshments and restocking.”  So adorable.  Yup that is my seat and I sit there every month.  Terry White is to my left and Michael Gillson to my right.  Such a great spot.  



Be Kind

It is not often I pay much attention to articles and posts such as these but today’s caught my eye.   First of all I am always shocked at how vehicles are stolen.  Secondly, why would someone even dare to drive around in a stolen car?  With social media as big as it is anything and everything is always posted.  You can’t hide these days.  Thirdly, check out the license plate.  Bekind!  What sort of person would or could even steal a car with these plates?  This is inhumane.


Blanket Buddies

There was a hint of familiarity as I perused through photos of Calder that Brooke posted but I couldn’t pin point what.  Then Kyla told me about the blue and white blanket so I relooked at the photos and the flood of memories rushed back in.  That sharp blue and white fuzzy striped blanket was the exact blanket that Maverick had as a newborn and was in fact given to him as a gift from Uncle Poopy and Auntie Brooke.  Maverick’s precious little heirloom is now faded, tattered and thin and the love of his life.  He often folds it in the morning and places it on his pillow or wraps himself in its safe, loving fabric at night.  He tenderly pulls at the threads and drifts off to sleep.  Calder and Maverick are now blanket buddies.

Facebook Official

Now that the buzz is buzz it is buzzing.   Alec Leblanc made it official on Facebook that he and Rhea are “in a relationship.”  Yikes!!!  Who is this guy that has stolen the heart of my daughter?  This is what I know:  he is a super nice guy, he speaks Portugese, he served his mission in Brazil, he loves to cook, he is kind and sweet, he wants to be a PA, he is from Georgia and he treats our girl like a queen.  And he actually thinks our crazy, whacky family is ok – well I think he does.  What more could I ask?