The Lake At Target

I backed out of my parking spot in the usual fashion and headed toward the rear of the parking lot where I usually turn and head toward the intersection with the lights.  Right before me was a lake of water.  It was humongous and had to pull close to get a picture.  As the day went on more pictures showed up on social media where people were boating, canoeing and having fun.    This is what happens during an early break up in our State and warmer temps.  We take advantage and just purely have fun!!

Shoveling Did The Trick

He (the husband) told me to stay in the tracks and I would make it up the driveway.  The moment arrived and I turned my wheels but the large fluffy snowflakes hitting my windshield blinded my view and the tracks were obscured with new snow.   That moment ended so quickly with an “ooomph” and I was stuck.  I tried rocking the car as I was so perfectly trained but it rested and didn’t budge.  He (the husband) didn’t understand why I didn’t follow his counsel.   I obediently followed rule number six of “How to get your car unstuck” which is to ask for help but that didn’t go over too well.    All I truly wanted was to drive up the driveway and park the car . . . truly my intent.

It’s Valentine’s Week

Every morning and every evening as I drive through our little town of Big Lake I am perplexed. As darkness continues to set in two of the biggest trees on the main street are still illuminated with their bright Christmas lights.  I adore the festive look but by the first week of January or so I expected the lights to be turned off.   Here we are in the middle of February and I am still “Jingle Bell’ing” it as I cruise on by.  If we were the town of North Pole, Alaska where Christmas stays up year round that would be one thing . . . but we are Big Lake.  


Funniest Kid Around

My grandson Dash got up on his mom’s bed and said, “Mom, I am deflated.”  What three-year-old kid says he is deflated?  Where does that master of the English language come from?    I was more interested in why he felt the need to say he was “deflated?”  Apparently there was no discussion.  Did his lego tower collapse?  Did the pantry not produce any goldfish?    Were his brothers choosing to not play with him?  Or, should an intervention be happening to discuss the possible case that this little three-year- old could be battling a serious case of depression??  Knowing Dash we tend to believe it was not the latter suggestive reason as he is hilarious all day long except when he is sleeping.


A True Story Indeed

I got the call, you know the one, when your child has a different sound to his/her voice.  I was driving down KGB road with Ruth and Rhea called and said, “Mom (and then her voice goes up a little) I think I might have broken my foot.”  My mind rushes a million miles in two seconds and I can’t imagine how she could have done that.  Did she slip on ice, she wasn’t playing hockey I doubted, did she walk down stairs funny like her oldest sister did when she broke her foot (sorry Kyla?)   Then the incredible truth spurted out – she was playing Duck, Duck, Goose in her Elementary Ed class and she heard a pop.  Yup.  Broken by the goose we think.


Pablo Neruda

Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, better known by his pen name and, later, legal name Pablo Neruda, was a Chilean poet-diplomat and politician who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.  I never would have guessed a man of such distinction would have penned the following:  “He said, I want only five things, five chosen roots.  One is an endless love.  Two is to see the autumn.  I cannot exist without leaves flying and falling to the earth.  The third is the solemn winter, the rain I loved, the caress of fire in the rough cold.  Fourth, the summer, plump as a watermelon.  And fifthly, your eyes.”    Beautiful.


Wonderful People

Sometimes you want to wrap news around you like a warm blanket.  I did today.  Rodney Dean Metcalf and Terry Louise Potter Metcalf, Knik-Fairview Ward, Wasilla Alaska Stake, called as president and matron of the Anchorage Alaska Temple, succeeding President James L. McCarrey III and Sister Barbara McCarrey. President Metcalf is a temple sealer and a former stake president, bishop and high councilor. A retired owner of Metcalf Homes and Real Estate, he was born in Challis, Idaho, to Dale Robert Metcalf and Melva Eliza Metcalf.  Sister Metcalf is a temple ordinance worker and a former stake Young Women president and ward Primary president. She was born in Rock Springs, Wyoming, to Weldon Lyle Potter and Lenora Jane Potter.


Calder Kent

Written by Brooke Styers, my daughter-in-law:  Meet our little caboose 🚂 Calder Kent Styers.  He was ready to come, and so quickly he came- 3 days early on 02.11.22 at 10:28 pm. Weighing in at 8lbs. 12 Oz. & 21 inches long he’s our biggest babe.  His name has special meaning and I have felt strongly about this being his name for a long, long time. Calder means “brook or stream” so he gets to be named after his mama and then his middle name comes in honor of my dad Kent, his Popa. Lastly he gets to carry on the Styers name from his dad Devin  and all the Styers’ before him. 💙  We were also pleased to learn later about the Alaskan ties to Calder- like Calder Bay and Mount Calder🏔, tying him to Alaskan places just like Hatcher’s name does.  And lastly, Calder has hockey ties- relating to the Calder Cup and Calder trophy. 🏒  I love names tied to special people, places, and meanings and his name is loaded with them. He is already so loved and we are grateful for his safe arrival from heaven and can’t wait for his siblings to meet him. ❤️ #calderkent

Hockey Loving Canuck Cat

The Olympic mens hockey game was on tonight.  I got it up on the big screen and sat back to enjoy.  The kids always like to razz me about which team I will be rooting for and of course I always reply Canada.  I was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia and still feel the pride when the top podium recipient is softly mouthing the words to our beloved anthem “O Canada.”   I replied in my usual manner this evening and our group texting was entertaining and fun and even Ovi got into the action.    It may look like she was stepping onto the cabinet below the big screen but I think that paw was her vote was for the Canucks.  


My Favorite Place

It was a perfect day for me.  I was in a good place this morning and it was reverent and peaceful.  My time was healing as I went to the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  As  President Thomas S. Monson said: “Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings. There are never too many miles to travel, too many obstacles to overcome, or too much discomfort to endure.”
