
Sorry Ovi but here is the tragic news.  There is a cat food shortage and that explains why I can’t get your favorite cat food for quite a few weeks now.  It alway takes me back when I see the empty shelves at the stores and I wonder how all the little kitties in the world will make it.  They say that it stems from a supply chain issue and also an aluminum shortage. We have branched out to a few new flavors and varieties to satisfy her picky palate which have been ok but we are praying her little soups come back soon.  Not the weight loss program she chose to follow.   She is resting while absorbing all this news.


A Big Lake Thing

I have been passing this old vehicle tipped up on a snow bank for about a week now.  That is when my mind starts trying to figure out what happened?   It looks burned and the hood is up.  Were they kids goofing off?  Was it a legit accident and the vehicle burned?  Is it an eyesore so cunningly placed in a well driven area just because someone thought it was a fun thing to do?  Not fun.  I’ll probably never know why and it really doesn’t matter except it just makes my mind wander and wonder.  My thoughts are free to go in any direction but dang they always go in the direction of a burned up vehicle perched in a snow bank.  Drive on and move on.


For Real?

I found this ad in my Costco magazine today.  Seriously the name of this vitamin is Ashwagandha??  Ashwagandha is an ancient herb and natural adaptogen.  Today people love taking ashwgandha (or so the ad tells me) as a supplement to help them acclimate to the stressors that can accompany everyday life.  They come in gummie form.  The dilemma is do I buy abhwagandha because I love saying the name and I sound like I’m an herbal expert or do I take it because of the stressors in my life and it is cool to say? No dilemma – this is a win win situation.


Planet Fitness = No Critics

It feels so good to be back.  Being out of town brings memories, fun and laughs but I sure missed my daily trip to the gym.  Planet Fitness welcomed me this morning and I am stoked for my routine and my treadmill.  I have a system.  It works.  I get my time in and my miles and it happens.  I enjoyed my outdoor walks at The Links looking at all the homes, checking out the beautiful flowering desert plants and the warmth but truth be told I walk better and more consistently on my favorite purple machine.  I’m home so let’s hit it!


A Holy Place

Another sweet picture of Rhea and Alec.  Besides getting all mushy and twitterpated over these two my focus is where they are standing in front of.  That is the Rexburg, Idaho Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Latter-day Saints are a temple-building and temple-loving people. It has been so from the earliest days of the Church. Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord declared that “my people are always commanded to build temples unto my holy name” D&C 124:39-40.  This sacred beautiful edifice that shadows Rhea and Alec is the focus of our lives.


Squirt Squirt

It is time to discipline.  While we were gone to Arizona our awesome gal Anne who stays with Ovi said she put my flowers on the fridge because kitty was eating them.  That told me a few things.  Ovi is a silly cat for eating somewhat dead flowers and secondly she has grown enough that she can tackle the jump onto the kitchen counter.  That is a no-no.  She has always been loving our table and that is a no-no too.  Out came the squirt bottle and now we are disciplining.  So far.  So good.  Now I am aware there is some controversy out there saying that cats just grow to have a fear of the squirt bottle but hey she has totally stayed away and I’m holding on to that pattern of good behavior.  We do what we do.



A person walks to the rear of the plane to use the restroom and first checks the vacancy sign to make sure it is green and ready for entering.   While searching for a place to sleep one checks out the hotel “Vacancy” or “No Vacancy” illuminated messages to immediately know if there is room in the inn.  Many gas stations have metal circular signs above the door knob that you slide as you enter to let all know that the room is occupied.  At GG’s house we have our own special way of knowing if the bathroom is vacant without getting up and going down the hall.  It is the window.  Light on – occupied.  Light off – it is all yours.


Assignment Well Done

Thanks to Hatcher’s list of places to eat on our trip we had some guidance and suggestions as we carefully chose each days food place.  Kneaders was a huge it.  Hinckley downed his french toast but preferred to eat it as one big piece and Hatcher inhaled his piece smothered with strawberries and whipped cream.  I had steel cut oats.  In-N-Out pleased us all and then Granddaddy chose Waffle House for a big breakfast.  The boys loved the bacon. Chick-fil-a before the game and then after the splash pad we met up with cousins at Costa Vida and squeezed in a Panda lunch the day we flew out.  It was a week of glorious food.

GG Has A Grapefruit And An Orange Tree

I’m not sure either boy had any idea how grapefruit grew or where all of GG’s buckets of oranges came from.  It was a lightbulb moment for me – time to educate and have a little fun.  We retreated to the backyard where Mike and Devin figured out GG’s failing water system and the boys climbed high into the thick foliage to find grapefruit.  They were enthralled and so proud that they picked this amazing fruit right off the tree.  They were so excited as they made a pile for their moms.  With shirts as holders they carried them into the house and set them by their luggage.  It was the sweetest gesture of all.  Neither one has ever tasted a grapefruit or so they say.

Game Time

They have awaited this day.  Kraken vs Arizona Coyotes.  For a pre-game meal Hatcher and Hinckley enjoyed dining at their own table eating Chick-fil-a and sipping on milkshakes.  Off to the stadium in Phoenix they travelled wearing their matching Kraken hats and hockey shirts.   They moved with the music and cheered with the crowd.  The evening was so much fun for them and in the words of Hinckley, “that was way more fun than I thought it would be.”  Two very very tired boys walked through the door late into the evening to their blow-up bed all ready for them to crash – which they did!