The Warmth Of The Shingles

It is not a fiddler on the roof just an Ovi on the roof.  She has yearned for a sniff of the outdoors, the warmth of the sun and a better swipe at all flying  bugs so I opened the dining room window and pulled up the blinds a little so she could explore the perimeters of the roof.  She loves it and she hasn’t jumped yet so that is a smart cat.  When I went to run some errands she heard the door open and three distinct meows were heard above my head.   “Ovi don’t jump!” I cautioned and quickly hurried to the garage before she attempted the Evil Knievel jump to which I am sure she would have landed on her feet like all amazing cats do.


A Perfect Choice

For our Friday night date night we hit up one of our favorite places Tacos Cancun.  I entered thinking I would get a taco off the a la carte portion of the menu but something else caught my attention.  In a fleeting moment of excitement I decided to get out of my box and order a salmon taco.  The corn tortilla was warm with a gentle amount of crispiness, layered with tasty salmon, purple cabbage, grated cheese, slices of avocado, a tasty sauce on top and drizzled with grilled kernels of corn.  Exquisitely plated and very well received.


I’m A Wierdo

My toes!  I have no idea what has happened to my two toes but I produced two large blisters of unknown origin on two of my toes on my right foot.  I didn’t burn them.  I didn’t get a sunburn.  They give me no pain but they are large bubbles that won’t pop or drain.  I went to the clinic and she drained them – all the while she was curious, perplexed but compliant in draining and cleaning them.  I’m running out of shoes to wear – yikes.  What on earth did I do to produce these bubbles??

It Will Come Fast – Trust Me

After thirty or so weddings that I have been involved in I am under the assumption that this will be my last.  Is the adage that the best is for last actually a true statement or can I just say I’ll do my very best?  I truly will do my best for my last child.  Rhea and Alec will be married on October 22nd so the wedding preparations are underway.  If we are organized and efficient the whole process will go smoothly and less stress for the wedding planner herself which I guess is me and my team.    Rhea and I solidified the temple, the sealer, the Willow building for the reception, met with Deb (the queen guru of weddings and wow factors), looked at the chairs we want to rent, scheduled the Willow building,  tried on “the dress,” contacted the bridesmaids and shared the color palette.  I also made lists and dispersed those.   That is a start.


Jello Still Rules In My World

So silly but when I was a little girl I thought that the happiest place on earth would be a room that was filled with jello and whipping cream.  I would be in the center of the room surrounded by mounds and mounds of cream and endless red jello.  I often think of that dream and that visual and wonder why I didn’t choose Disneyland.  I didn’t – I chose food.  Can ya blame the girl?  I have now replaced that fantasy with my favorite go to snack.  I have a sugar free jello with a dollop or two of Cool Whip and I am transfixed into a heap of euphoria.


Just My Thing

I’m loving buttons, always have.  I have a collection that sits on my craft shelf and I gaze at it every night. My plethora of sizes, shapes and colors have accumulated over the years.  I bought many for crafting, I’ve cut some off of old shirts and dresses and some I admired and bought for that rainy day when I just might need one.  My dear friend Deb has an eye for exquisite buttons and often tutored me in my search for the perfect button.  I have a number of perfect buttons that peer through my jar – they evoke memories and glimpses of projects and dreams.  Buttons are my whimsical treasures.


Always Room For A First

I ate my first Uncrustable on our Arizona trip – actually just a piece of one but you know – it was better than I had anticipated.  It truly is a sealed crustless sandwich which the J.M. Smucker was award a patent for.  They named this genius act an “Uncrustable.”   You can get them with peanut butter and grape jelly or peanut butter and strawberry jam.  Dash highly recommend this delicacy for our trip so when a snack moment came he shared. I found out they used to have Uncrustables made with grilled cheese.  Now we are talking Smuckers.  




I Buy Cars

Just wrapped up my second sale for Devin and Brooke.  A while back I bought the Acadia (which they love) from some people on base and today “blueberry” became a welcome addition to the family as well.    “Blueberry” is a 2016 blue Subaru Legacy Sedan and lo and behold I have fallen in love with this vehicle as well.  The gas mileage is great, it rides like a dream and best of all the blue color is amazing.  I believe it is a lapis blue pearl and I’m really really hoping that this might be my Mother’s Day gift.  Ya think?

Order Up

Ovi has a new place she loves to sit.  My kitchen stools are a perfect height for viewing, a perfect spot for seeing what I’m doing and the best spot for receiving an escalated voice command to sit back down on that stool.  As James Herriot says, “cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”  Ovi perches herself on the stool and frequently places her two little paws on the counter – there she gazes and wonders what her mama is preparing for dinner.  Perhaps a grilled salmon entree or some grilled chicken . . . 


A Crappy Situation

Did you hear about the woman who fell into an outhouse toilet trying to get her phone out?  I just can’t get this stinky story out of my mind.   Brinnon Fire Department Chief Tim Manly said the woman, who was at the top of Mount Walker in the Olympic National Forest northwest of Seattle, had been using her phone when it fell into the toilet on Tuesday.  Manly said she disassembled the toilet seat and used dog leashes to try and get the phone and eventually used the leashes to tie herself off as she reached for it. That effort failed and she fell into the toilet head first.  “They didn’t work very well and in she went,” Manly said.  The woman was alone and tried to get out for ten to fifteen minutes.   Reunited with her phone, she called 911, Manly said.  This story haunts me – if I dropped my phone in an outhouse I can assure you it would stay there.
