Go Away Kitty

We stopped by to visit our friend Suzette and of course her big fluffy orange cat jumped up on Ruth’s lap for a cuddle.  Ruth does not care for cats!   Why is it that cats always go to the person that doesn’t like them?  That is the question I have always wondered.  Here is an explanation I found:  “When humans don’t care for cats, they try to avoid looking at them and at the same time keep an eye on them. They want to make sure that the cat isn’t coming … Oh darn, here it comes, rubbing on my leg, jumping in my lap, purring. Let’s look at this from the cat’s point of view. All aggression in the feline world starts with staring. Polite cats are demure; they look briefly and then look away. So when you meet a cat you want to be friends with, note its location in the room and avert your eyes.”

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