
I think this is so cool and I love when traditions are passed down from generation to generation.  My daughter-in-law Kristi does the most amazing things in the kitchen: Traditional Norwegian Potato Lefsa is a treat I remember from my childhood, made for only the most special occasion. All these years later I know why, it takes an army of Norwegian girls to make it happen! These three girls had their first go at it. Teaching them the process and a bit about their family history was a treat in itself. You see, Alfie and Kinley’s Great Great Grandpa Alf knew Norie’s Great Grandpa Joar back in Norway. Daddy Al actually sponsored Joars arrival and they both came and settled in Hoonah! Now these three girls get to be the best Hoonah buds every summer! How incredible is that?!

Be Bright And Stand Tall

My dear sweet friend Ashlie Giles did this post and I was so impressed with her outlook on life.  She writes:  “If you ask me what my favorite flower is, you can’t find it in the store. It’s fireweed, a wild flower. It’s a beautiful flower with bright pink and magenta flowers that look like a heart or a butterfly.  This flower is an easy symbol of release, rebirth, and potential for something innovative and new. When fire burns and causes destruction, from the ashes fireweed grows bringing beauty and color.  Sometimes in life we get burned and go through trials. During those trials that’s when we grow and are able to strengthen our testimony and faith in our Savior Jesus Christ. When we increase our faith and testimony we are able to have the potential to be bright and stand tall.”


Ovi’s Night

I saw this ‘funny’ and thought how true it is.  This is Ovi at night.  She has certain designated spots that she repeats each night. She begins up by my head and curls up to be cuddled and stroked.  When that is complete she moves to my feet where she likes to deep sleep.  In between she sometimes jumps up on the headboard and launches over to the bedside table.  Often she gets a little tangled in the blinds and causes a big ruckus.  The mornings are spent right by my head where I wake up to Ovi’s back as my vibrating pillow.  She is getting ready for me to wake up because she knows breakfast is nigh.  


Raspberries and Rocks

It was a two fold mission.  Micah’s raspberries needed to be picked and I needed more rocks for my fire pit.  As we picked the berries the kids gathered the rocks I needed.  I gave an incentive to Hinckley that if he collected ten big rocks I would give him a dollar because he was earning money for a future purchase.  I opened my hatchback and they loaded me up.  As I closed up the back I noticed my little collection of rocks that Georgie had so lovingly added to the rest.


Looking back.  Oh my heck here is a picture that Kelcy just posted from way back to 2009  “A Night In Venice.”  Look at these youngins King and Queen I presume – just babies.  Now they are married with a daughter, a home, a dog, cat and chickens.  Life is good for them and I bet they had absolutely no idea what their life was going to be like.  They have surpassed some of the hardest hurdles and with great faith have moved forward to conquer it all.  We look forward to many more years of happiness and love with these two.


That Belly

She is getting way too big.  This is Hartford Kay and she is our eighteenth little pudge.  We are so looking forward to seeing her on September 2nd when they come here to Anchorage for a wedding down in Homer.   Finally we will be able to hold her and love on her.  She is a little Alfie look-a-like and she will totally follow in the footsteps of big sis.  We can’t wait to watch.


Way To Slay ‘Em

We can’t keep up with these two.  While we are hunkering down in the rain and enjoying the warmth of our home these two are fishing up a storm.  Gwendolyn lives the Alaskan life and always will.  “And one day she discovered she was fierce,  and strong, and full of fire and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears” – Mark Anthony


Our Girl Is Three

It was the sweetest little party for our Gwendolyn.  She turned three and Auntie Micah made her cupcakes shaped into a fish.  Gwendolyn thought they were so cute.  The kids loved all her toys and they had fun opening all her surprises.  Lane and Kelcy had all the kids gathered around them trying out a new game – they were enthralled.  As I think back three years ago we all wondered if we would see this day come.   Little G was passed through a little door, having taken some breaths and we prayed and waited.  Lane and Kelcy loved on her, they nurtured her, they spent every day and night giving their absolute all and our little miracle lives on.

Big Lake Ward Annual July 24th Picnic

And once again we gathered on Mont Mahoney’s air strip, sitting around in camp chairs, eating a pig that was roasted, deciding whether to sample the Samoan food, enjoying a plate of great food, watching the kids in the lake, listening to the baseball game cheers, talking with one another, catching up on everyone’s latest, introducing ourselves to new friends and wondering why Walt Warner kept taking naps on the ground although the photo is amazing.



Things like this just creep me out.  I received this message on Facebook from a man named Astha Sinha. He posted:  “Excuse my behaviour because I was too rude to have left a comment in your comment box without your permission . . . I was just browsing through a page and came across your profile and I must say your posts are very interesting to my liking and I know you don’t really know me and I don’t know you either but we’re human and we have chance of making new friends all the time. . . I would love to be a friend with you and get to know you better if you don’t mind but I tried sending you a friend request but it is not going through, I would want you to send me a friend request so we can get to know each other . . . God bless you.”  Uh dude – absolutely no way!!!!
