The Salsa

The reason isn’t required- just my response to a sweet gift from a friend.  “It was the salsa.  The salsa that made me feel tender and loved.  The salsa that had us gather together just the four of us and totally enjoy one another’s company for the first time all summer.  That salsa dipped with crunchy chips took away a lot of pain, made us smile with hope that things can hopefully get better.   It was the salsa that made me realize I need friends that will let me cry on their shoulder and that truly understand.    I owe it all to the loving hands that made the salsa.”  


Why Do I Love These Two?

I love these two for the following reasons:  They are both organists – such a talent.  They have sweetly begun a friendship.  Suzette is new to the church and Cam is a life long member.  Suzette wears organ shoes but Cam doesn’t-it is a preference although Suzette states that wearing organ shoes is a must when you are experienced.  I just smile and agree.  Cam left a treat for Suzette in her shoes one week and Suzette beamed with happiness.  Suzette offered to play for Cam any week that she can’t because of her ailing husband.  Cam was touched.   These are hardworking ladies – they are stalwarts in their musical arenas – they are aged and refined in their art.  I love them both so much.  



She Has Grit

When you read something from a news source and you realize you know that person it sort of hits you hard.  Then you reread it and realize that this is a crazy event and you are even more perplexed.  Annalee is seriously eighty years old and has lived off the grid for quite some time.   She is a woman who is deep into nature, into the land in which she has firmly planted herself as “her” choice of a way to live.  Annalee was just protecting what was hers and she got a little ahead of herself.  Do ya think??


No One Noticed But Me

Something just didn’t feel right.  It had been a stressful day even a perplexing week but as we often do we muddle through the daily issues and move forward.   That is what I did.  I just went about my stuff and carried on.  It was the end of the day and Mike suggested we grab something to eat and do our errands to which I hurriedly complied – maybe a change of venue might be nice to clear my head.  As we arrived at our destination something still didn’t feel right.  I looked down at my feet and noticed I was wearing two different Birkenstocks.   Ya think I might be a little stressed??


Grandpa Jones

Our beloved Tom Jones passed.  Not the Tom Jones you might be thinking of but the Tom Jones we have known and loved for about twenty-five years.  He was known as Grandpa to Rhea who spent many years vacationing and going to the cabin with beloved “Grandpa.” These words came from Rob Walker.  “This week has been one of a lot of reflection, as my father-in-law passed away this last Sunday. He was a great man who has taught me a lot over the past 20 years. We were often found giving each other a hard time, which I will miss immensely. I was able to share a few words at his funeral services and mentioned grandpas ”happy place”. The photos are of his happy place, his cabin at Lake Rita.”

Bang Are In Girls

Today was a day I just couldn’t miss.  Both the “G” girls were getting their bangs cut and I wanted to see it happen in person.  It was good they went together.  One watched the other and they were both so good and cute.   Kimber, their newly found hairdresser was patient and kind and the girls could feel her softness.  After they were done they sort of look at each other as if to say – “hey I see your eyes – do you see mine?”

The Life Of Ovi

Ovi has a busy life.  She should contact Dr. Suess about writing a children’s book.  She can be found in a cupboard, on the saw cutting table, on a canoe, laying like a dog, sitting in a box,  in the cutting board cupboard, resting in the bathroom sink,  gnawing on a basket tag, hiding behind boards, holding down the printer papers and all sorts of other silly places.  Oh where will she go and what will she do?  All you need to do is following this little girl for a few days and you will have lots of stories to tell.  

The Biggest Cheese

“Orchards are a beautiful place and it’s a wonderful experience to do with your children so they see where apples come from. Nothing beats the sensation of picking the first apple of the season.”- Charles Pratt.   Gwendolyn had her annual apple picking experience and displayed her bounty with the biggest grin.  Love this little human beyond.


Happy Birthday T

It is my birthday day and I love this day.  I am pampered and spoiled and who doesn’t love gifts?  It was a great day and I got some really nice things.  I also had delivered some beautiful flowers from Kyla and Sam which have totally brightened up my day.  Since I am now sixty-three I can offer this quote with absolute conviction that it is so true.   “One day you will look back and see that all along, you were blooming.”



It started with check your tire pressure (although it is illuminated as “tyre” in my German car) and then a treadmill walk at the gym.  As I pulled out of my parking spot a man pointed down at my tire.  I thought it was just low so I inched my way to the gas station next to the gym.  It would keep no air which lead me to calling Mike and Devin to come to the rescue.  I knew my arthritic hands would not loosen those lug nuts at all.  Within the hour my rescuers came and I then labeled it as a “blow out.”  Look at that ruined tire.  I was so blessed to not have been driving sixty miles per hour down the highway or faster knowing me.  God is good.