Another One Bites The Dust

And another up for sale – the hot rod.  This beauty was purchased down in Utah for Lane when he was going to school there.  This 1993 BMW 325 is and was a classic and once I posted it on Facebook Marketplace only the coolest of the coolest dudes messaged me back.  They know a classic when they see one.  This one young kid came with his mom.  She sat in her Mercedes and he made the deal.  Out came the cash and then he grabbed the inner panels of the doors that hadn’t been put back on and squeezed them in the back.   He didn’t care.  He said his Dad had a car like this and off they drove to Anchorage.  A happy kid in a hot rod.

God Does Answer Prayers

The day we had dreamed of was here.  The day we had prayed for was here.  The day we thought would never come was here.  Today was the moving day and on the early flight from Juneau  were Brooke and the kids and lots of luggage.  I drove in with their truck all clean and shiny and we loaded up the kids and the luggage, and the kids and the luggage – oh yeah and the luggage and drove to their new house.  The Murray house.   Welcome home Juneau family.


Be Still To See The Tender

I was so glad I was reminded of tender mercies today because they happen all around me in my life and I never want one to flitter by without my acknowledgment of their comfort and recognition.  Elder Bender stated:  “My mind was drawn immediately to Nephi’s phrase ‘the tender mercies of the Lord,’ and I knew in that very moment I was experiencing just such a tender mercy.  A loving Savior was sending me a most personal and timely message of comfort and reassurance through a hymn. . . Some may count this experience as simply a coincidence, but I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence.  Often, the Lord’s timing of His tender mercies helps us to both discern and acknowledge them.”  



A Fine Dog

It was a familiar flashback moment as were playing out side and working in the garage.  I looked over by the door and there was Jagr looking handsome and strong.   It reminded me of Tank-hanging on the mat by the door being the King of the home and just waiting for either a beckon to “come” or the door to open to hang in the warmth.   Jagr is a great dog and trained well by Lane.  He loves his master and we love their visits.   Thanks for the great memories Jagr.


The Final Touch

I felt like I had to do my part when it came to Devin and Brooke’s move.  It was pretty obvious what I needed to do even as a Canadian.  The flag which hung on their porch at their new house on Murray Street was so faded and old and it needed replacing.  I just happened to have an extra one at home and replaced the old gal.  The colors are now striking and vibrant.  After all the red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence and blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.  Those are important facts we need to be reminded of.  Trust this Canuck.


A Roast To Toast

From the raising, to the butchering, to the bagging and to the delivering we offer great thanks to our daughter-in-law Kelcy for today’s dinner.  Our bird was cooked so gently by Chef Mike at the Traeger and seasoned to perfection.  It was a great feast and we so appreciate feeling like we are truly living on a farm or rather close to it.


Mike’s Lawn Service

As Devin and Brooke’s impending move was coming quickly their grass at the Murray House was growing taller and thicker.  Mike took his big guy mower over and mowed it or rather swathed it about three or four times.  It doesn’t look great but it sure looks better.  He made he sure he got some good lawn lines done for the new homeowner.  You know, the guy who loves a great looking lawn.   We laughed that his neighbors probably think Devin has a lawn service that comes to do his work because Dad pulled in with his truck and trailer and backed down the big mower.  Now there is a job for him when he retires.

Such A Good Habit

And we are back.  Our writing group is back in action with Merada Gregory as our host and Dorothy Breshears looking down on us with a warm heart so happy we are continuing on.  Terry Metcalf is also proud but serves as our temple matron which keeps her busy and away from us a lot.  We had a good group and I always feel comforted knowing that this writing group makes me type down what is all fuddled up and stored in compartments in my brain but really needs to be on paper.  It forces me but for that I am grateful.  Thank you to dear Merada for twisting my arm ever so gently.  

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Get Forensics Here

I have been painting signs on my counter and usually clean up my paint and brushes the best I can.  Today I saw this print.  I didn’t need to call anyone for verification – no shoe sizes nor tread was needed.   It was Ovi.  She left her DNA and lovely paw print for all to see.  When I saw the feline mark on the counter I quickly looked to my sign to see if she had autographed that too but she hadn’t.   I may have left that print as her way of saying congratulations.

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Do I Really Look Like A Grandma??

Oh these precious gems.  Britta sent me this epic card because Paige was just too embarrassed to send it on to me.   She said it was top secret.   First of all the sentiments were beautiful and sweet and the picture!!  I could go back through my kids’ binders and I would find pictures identical to this.  I’m not sure about me but Mike – they have the look down perfectly.   Thank you Paige for the card.  You made me feel loved and old?!!
