
Halloween.  It always looks a little different each year.  I went to David and Micah’s and they took the kids trick or treating with their cousins as I passed out candy at their house.  I miss that job.   When we lived on base many years ago we probably had a few hundred and then we moved and it was down to about one hundred.  The last five to ten years we have had a handful and now there are none.   Where have all the trick or treaters gone?  Well, they are probably being more safe and getting candy from other venues.  I got my candy fix tonight though.  Thought I would pass on some pictures of the rest of our trick or treaters in our family and the Williams who won first place with their van.

Times Are So Different These Days

The cat and I sat in the living room and we thought for a long hard while.   I’m not sure where she was going in her mind but I had just pulled up my “Find My Friend” app to see where Mike was and my screen showed every single person in such a far away place.  We were scattered everywhere from Wasilla, to Palmer, to Soldotna, to Seattle, to Rexburg and to Mexico.  Our jet set group were just all together and zap we are dotting the earth.  I’m thinking how fast that all happens.  I saw my grandparents maybe once a year when I was young and that was usually because we drove there or they took the train to Vancouver.  These days are so different.

Look Alikes

It is so cool when you can see the similarities between people.  As we spent the last weekend hanging out together we mentioned more than once how some family members were meeting for the first time.  The fact that we live so far apart and have some that work all summer makes it tough to always make it to family gatherings.  As we ate and visited last Sunday I suddenly noticed that Sherri and Kristi have some strong similarities – although not blood related – they look alike.  And then there are Dads and their sons.  Calder, Hatcher and Devin are so alike – Tweedle Dees and Tweedle Dums.  Hartford is an Alflie.  We just have it going on everywhere we look.  I love it.

Ta Da

As is customary a small crowd gathers outside the Temple of the Lord and patiently waits for the doors to open and the bride and groom to be welcomed to the world as Mr and Mrs.  And so we did.  We gathered and waited in the cool October air for them to come.  It is nice to have those that attended the sealing to be in the picture to always remember it by.  Suddenly the doors opened, the photographer got into position and then . . . Kyla did the best bridal pose ever.  She received a burst of laughter and totally stole the show.   Sorry to the bride and groom.


A Privilege For Me To Have Known Her

I saw that Ann Madsen had passed away.  Her grandson Max is a good friend of mine.  I only met Ann for a short time when her and her husband, the well known Truman Madsen, lived in Provo.  Ann was teaching at BYU at the time and we chatted quite a bit about her classes and then we sat and watched a dance performance while we all sat on their bed.  They were both amazing people and I feel truly honored that I had the blessed opportunity of knowing her.  Max writes:  “A few nights ago, my beloved grandmother, Ann Madsen, finished her mortality. She was known far and wide as a fearless missionary, an elated epicure, a diligent family historian, and a venerated scholar. She savored the Gospel more deeply than her choicest cuisine, and deployed genuine laughter throughout her uncompromising trials. She was a matriarchal pillar in our family, and I can’t imagine how happy she is to finally be reunited with Bapa. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already begun their next assignment together.  Love and blessings, Nanny.”


Bad Kitty

While sitting next to Lane on the couch in a conversation with the others in the room we were a little oblivious as to what Ovi was doing.  Every so often Lane ruffled her head a little and she stayed close on the other side of him.  I smelled insulin.  My nose has always been partial  to the smell of insulin since Lane was ten and he started giving himself shots. I thought it was odd I was smelling it until Lane lifted up his tube that Ovi had chewed through and he firmly stated,”you stupid cat!”   Lane had to then go home and insert a new tube for the insulin to run into his body before he was off to his hockey game.   As Ovi was sitting on my lap after he left I quietly reaffirmed our feelings and said, “bad kitty!”  She was totally oblivious to what she had done – well at least I think she was.  Hmmmm. 



Maybe I Shouldn’t Even Ask

Kyla was packing and I was gathering.  I went down to the toy room and saw a toothbrush hanging from the blinds.  I stopped and thought about it.  I couldn’t figure out whose it was?  Why was it hanging there?    Has the child missed their toothbrush?  Was there a little toothbrush war?  It has been so much fun having all the cousins together this past week.  They have played hard, laughed hard and been super silly hard and I have enjoyed it all.  Sometimes things get misplaced, disheveled, rearranged and lost but never have I had a toothbrush hanging from my blind.  That is a first.


These Two

Does my cat talk or does she fake meow when I take a picture?  That is a tough one to answer.   I asked Maverick what their conversation was all about but he just laughed.  Of course, whenever one of the kids sits on my stools Ovi has to sit there too and pretend she is partaking in the meal with them.  As soon as I held up my phone to document the event Ovi opened her mouth but I don’t remember a meow so I’m saying it was just her way of smiling.

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How cool is this?  Robert Doty who lives here and has become a friend served his mission in Singapore the same time my parents served there.  We realized this connection a few months ago and so today they met up after all these years.   It was a cool moment and Robert posted on the Singapore Mission Facebook page all about the reunion to which he received an outpouring of love for the Allans.  Then we headed home for dinner – well – how do you do dinner after just doing a wedding and having so many people at your house?  You have Mike host the gathering in his garage and serve burgers and easy sides.  And that we did!!

The Day

The day that seemed so far away has arrived.  I really only wanted one thing – and that was for it all to look nice and for Rhea to be  happy.  I really did it all for my sweet daughter.  The reception looked great and the compliments were so appreciated – I felt like it was the “campground feel” she wanted.  Those desserts oh my – they couldn’t have been better.  Teresa Bowen’s cake was sooooo good, Shelby’s cupcakes were mouthwatering, the eclairs were the hit as usual and Mrs Crumbs cookies were a decor matching hit.    This is my last wedding.  It felt good.