It Always Happens

We stood at our kitchen window and saw the bloody massacre on the hill.   Since they were all dead to the ground we had only one witness, Sitting Santa by the hill.    His DNA was not found at the crime scene and he pled his innocence.  As we interrogated the “Big Guy” we noticed the snow accumulation on his feet and hat and therefore his alibi was strong.  The excessive snow had caused the massacre!  We were all deflated physically and emotionally.


The Tree

As I walked out of our church building the other day I turned to have my breath taken away.  The tree.  It is always the tree outside our beautiful wooden building that makes us gasp as it changes with the seasons.  Today it was winter, with snow stuck so perfectly to each limb that gives it gives the impression it could just crack off in pieces but it doesn’t.  It showcases it grandeur against the blue blue sky and I am proud.  I decide to post this affectionate piece of home for all to see and the messages I received back were so sweet and tender.  Oh the memories and the feelings.  They too love the tree.  



It is a wonder how our brain works.  I was very frustrated the other day at how dirty my glasses always get.  Everything I have tried just doesn’t seem to work very well.  Then the words came – they flowed as if right from her lips.  My Grandma Allan always told me the best way to clean your glasses is with plain old soap and water and don’t use paper at all to clean them – always use a soft cloth.  Those words of advice were just hiding in my brain all this time.  I thought deep and hard about words for a while and tried to think of other things people have said that I don’t want to forget and I thought of another.  Kyla played the flute at her high school graduation.  She did a beautiful job and when she was done the person that was announcing said “her fingers played that flute so fast and so well – she was amazing.”  I think Kyla remembered those words – I sure have.  “Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world.” -Lawrence G. Lovasik.






There Is No Place Like Home

From the white snowflake lights on Main Street in Saint Anthony, to the Christmas tree all decorated by the college students in Rexburg, to the Murray house in Wasilla where Devin put a ladder in the bed of the truck to reach high enough to finish adorning his house in colorful C9 lights, to the Red Birch house which illuminated the sky with their bright fashionable lights in white and colors there is a unanimous outpouring of the Christmas spirit amongst the Styers family.  To top of the festive show the Big Lake house is full of puffy air filled characters that makes us smile every time we come up our driveway.  Everyone needs more happiness in their life.  

Cats Do Rule

So what has Queen Ovi been up to lately?  Whatever I do and wherever I go she follows?  She laid on the piano while I put up the decorations,  she sat in the ornament box once I had emptied it,  she tried out the tree skirt to see what it was like to be under the tree, she got paint on her ear when I was repainting a wooden Christmas tree,  she got in the cupboard when I was looking for plastic spoons,  she got in a box that I was trying to mail something in, she dipped her paws into a pan of water I was using and then when she was really really naughty she got into my 9 X 13″ I had ready to put cinnamon rolls in.  I had to wash the pan again!



He Probably Deserved The Wooden Spoon

For years Devin has told his children the totally fabricated story about me breaking a wooden spoon on him when he was younger and naughty.  What must my grandchildren think of their Ahni?  Today, Mike was joking around and slammed my favorite wooden spoon on the counter while hollering at Ovi.  Ovi wasn’t too scared but now we have a new storyline for Devin to use with kids.  This will be probably be about Granddaddy running after the cat because he was so mad and he spanked her and left Anhi’s favorite spoon in pieces.  Maybe I’ll be off the hook for a bit.  





Thanksgiving was a feast where the table was loaded with so many dishes of assorted types.  We felt blessing with the bounty and stuffed ourselves with more than we should have.  Ovi watched Mike carve his fried turkey and his Traeger smoked turkey and she knew she need not proceed off her stool.  She obeyed and licked her lips every few minutes.  I slipped her a few nibbles without Papa knowing.   The kids played Thanksgiving Bingo and had a blast.  Brooke brought gifts for all the winners (everyone won in the end) and my heart was warmed watching them all playing so intently together.   It is times like these that they will always remember.  Happy Thanksgiving from the Styers.  


My New Tradition

One Instagram reel, one article in Better Homes and Gardens and a conversation with Kyla and I was in the orange dehydrating business.  I sliced up a couple of oranges and slid them on their tray for nine hours – poked a little hole in them – and looped up some twine into a knot.  They so beautifully hang next to my gingerbread boys on one of my trees downstairs.  I dehydrated grapefruit and oranges for Micah and Kelcy’s garland and trees.  So pretty.   The light that filters through the dried membranes of the fruit is beautiful.   My tree is homemade, it is earthy and very natural and next year I think I’ll put a star anise in the center.



Calling on Ahni for an emergency health scare.  Bandy has a slit in his arm and Mayvie felt the urgency that he needed to be stitched up.  So Easton buckled Bandy in the front seat of my car and off we zoomed to the Big Lake house.  Bandy had surgery yesterday – he needed about fifteen stitches but he did very well in surgery.  I told Mayvie that Bandy would be coming home tomorrow and he just needs to rest the arm for a bit.  Dr. Ahni always likes to be of service.

The Most Tender Letter

The most amazing letter came in the mail today for Mike.  It was from Hatcher expressing his appreciation for  Mike serving in the military.  Although Mike was in communications and satellite work and never shot a gun or threw a grenade in Hatcher’s proud soul his Granddaddy protected our country.  It is that respect and pride that is instilled in a young person’s heart that matters more than anything.   “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” Maya Angelou.  
