Dog Thoughts

Some days the drive into the gym is an unwanted drive and my motivation lacks and slowly wanes.  But I go.  As I pulled in and parked in the Planet Fitness parking lot I noticed this old boy next to me.  He seemed a little embarrassed but he did look my way.  He had a cone around his neck which of course added to his insecurity and attack on his manhood.  His boss was in working on his own body and he had to sit in the car and have everyone notice the contraption around his neck.   I felt bad for the boy and thought things could be a lot worse for me – so I put my chin up, marched in and began walking my miles.   Life will start looking up fella.


My Farming Children

I find myself sometimes questioning  as to why things are happening in our world and I lose track on all the “why reasons.”    Why can’t I find eggs?  Why are eggs so expensive?  What is all the hubbub?  Here is the answer:  “One of the major reasons for the shortage is an outbreak of the bird flu (avian influenza), which is a very contagious and deadly virus. While this outbreak occurred over a year ago, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it has affected more than 57 million birds in both commercial and backyard flocks.”  And so when  Lane brought me over six eggs I wanted to jump for joy.  My golden treasures were so good.  We should be raising chickens!!

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So Hard To Be In A Lost World

I had a new three year old boy in my Primary class today.  He sat so quietly in his chair and never said a word.  After a while he seemed a little nervous and his little hand took mine.  We stayed clasped until it was time to go to class.  I was told he was non-verbal and then I suspected autism by his behaviors in the classroom – Mom confirmed what I thought.  Such a sweet little boy in his own tender world.  Mom and I will need to visit more so we can make him feel happy and safe and for sure I will reach for his little hand next week.


Our Rink Rats

And 45 comes around the net and passes to 81 and he shoots.  It didn’t go in but what a super great moment to have Hinckley pass to Hatcher in their game.  That is what it is all about:  cousins, teammates, comrades and plain old good friends.  We all gathered in Palmer to watch a lot of hockey.  Two games and a lot of switching bleachers from one side to the other.  I’m so proud of these two for working hard.  The girls of course loved their rink time too.  Rink rats all over again.

Blessed Beyond Measure

Everyone that shops at Costco knows that when you see something you want you need to impulse buy and grab it right then because in a few days you may never get it again.  The exact thing happened to me.  I saw a laundry basket I fell in love with but just couldn’t justify the price so I passed it on by and then I kicked myself that I didn’t get it.  I looked around on Amazon later and the prices were even higher for a laundry container of equal description.  Costco of course had no more.  I pleaded with friends and family to keep their eyes open for anymore but to no avail.  As I was shopping today I walked the aisle just in case and there was one, just one, tipped on its side with the price sticker hanging from it.  I asked if I could buy it and they said yes.  I proudly wheeled out my my Deluxe Laundry Service basket with my Cheez Its.  IMG_1687 2

Be Safe

I am always careful at keeping medicines put up high in our home.  We have curious grandchildren that are always poking and prodding into cabinets and so forth so I never have to worry about them finding them.  When I came home today I saw this scene and my heart literally stopped beating.  My pills!!!!!  Where are they?????  Who took them all???  Ovi??????  Oh no – there is no way she took them or did she hide them. . . then I remembered the empty bottle that was left on the counter as I replenished.  Oh good grief – don’t ever let me see an empty medicine bottle lying on the carpet ever again.


Born In Japan, Raised In California

What is a sumo orange?  A sumo orange isn’t an orange it is an oversized mandarin.   “The legendary Sumo Citrus is a variety of oversized mandarins known as “dekopon” in Japan, celebrated for its sweetness and distinctive bump we call a Top Knot.”  It was the exterior roughness and “top knot” that caught my eye as I passed the display of them.   It was so sweet and juicy.   I read up on them and this is what I learned:  They are a very pampered fruit:  hand-pruned for more sunlight,  ripened on the tree,  hand-picked from trees,  harvested in small totes instead of big bins,  floated into the line to prevent bruising and hand-packed into each crate.  Welcome to my world Top Knot.

Proud Moments

I am always gushing over our Houston Hockey team to people – can’t help but be proud of my son who is the Head Coach but also to all those who put so much work into the organization and the hard-working athletes.   There is one event however that always puts me over the top with such pride and that is when the hockey team plays again the Special Olympics team.  I can’t think of a better way for these young people to give service, to be provided with the most rewarding experience, to feel empathy and to show love and great sportsmanship.  “Special Olympics strives to create a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people.”   The Houston hockey team is the BEST!!

A Historic Moment

I must record this amazing news that was just reported.  My heart is overflowing with happiness-so so so awesome.

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced that the Anchorage Alaska Temple will be rebuilt in a new location and will be larger than the original.  According to a news release from the Church, the new temple — which will be approximately 30,000 square feet instead of the original 11,930-square-foot structure — will be built on the same property where a meetinghouse is currently being used.  Construction on the temple — which will be built at 13111 Brayton Drive in Anchorage — is set to begin in early 2024 and end the summer of 2026.  “Once the temple is dedicated, the current temple will be decommissioned and a new meetinghouse will be built on the existing temple location,” the release stated.  While the new temple is being built, the original Anchorage Alaska Temple will remain open.


Each Day Has A Story

Nine years ago I had a goal.  I wanted to start a blog and write down something about my day, each day for a year.    Often times it was where my mind went, a funny that happened, achievements of my family, some spiritual thoughts,  sad occurrences,  our pets and all their silly predicaments, goals,  gardening and food experiences and really just any thing about that wonderful day that God has given to me to live.   For nine years I have achieved that goal.  Oh sure I get behind but I always catch up.  At the end of the year I have my blog printed off and my nine books sit so proudly in my cabinet.  Taratruly is truly just about me, Tara.
