Feline Fancies

One will often find me in the cat food section of a store staring at the cat food.  It is time for a dry food replacement and I just don’t know how to decide.  Did Ovi like the salmon flavor or the tuna flavor last time?    Does she like the cheaper brands or the more expensive brands?  Does she like it when I change things up a little each time?  I really thought I knew all about my cat – but I just put the dry food in the bowl and she eats it.  Oh how I wish she could just whisper in my ear and tell me what she likes.


Pond Hockey 2023

This girl and her adventures.    This weekend was pond hockey on Big Lake and although Mike and I didn’t make it to any games Gwendolyn sure made herself known.  She has the look, the outfit, the adventurous spirit and the spunk.  That’s our girl.  She never misses an event nor an activity where her presence isn’t known by her spirit and outfit.  Also notice how well she just fits right in – she doesn’t think she is a kid.


I Was Inspired

On Sunday I visited another ward and noticed this young boy.  It was close to the end of the meeting and with his scriptures in hand he was prepared to move on to his class.  It wasn’t so much his excitement to be done but his love of his scriptures that impressed me the most.  What a fine young man. “God counsels us to go forward with faith in Jesus when facing the varied experiences of life. Throughout the scriptures, we find inspired teachings on what faith is and its blessings.”  (lds.org)


Silly Me

I bought this table light when I was down in Idaho a few years ago.  They had it at their Costco and I just loved how it worked because Kyla had one and I enjoyed hers.    I squeezed the big box into my luggage as I usually do with things when I am out of state and excitedly returned home and unpacked it.  I keep it on the corner of my kitchen counter and have used it many many times.  It does two different kinds of lights – there is a warm light option and then more of a brighter light option.  The one thing I noticed when I brought it home was that it didn’t seem to be as bright as it should be.  Hmmm.  Oh well.  Then the other day I was having problems getting the light to turn on (plug issue) and went to check out the bulb and realized I had left the covering on the bulb this whole time  Oh heck – now we have brightness.

The Cat Loaf In Her Cottage

Ovi’s igloo has been put away and out came her spring house.  She loves her new digs especially when she can put her paw through the little windows and still play her circular ball game.   While inside she is usually in the cat loaf position.  This position has become so popular it’s becoming an internet meme.    When sleeping like this, your cat has her front paws tucked and crossed completely beneath her, and her back legs are tucked, so she resembles a bread loaf. Any time a cat sleeps with her body pulled tightly like this, she’s conserving heat while feeling relaxed and comfy.  The picture on the right shows Ovi just coming out of her loaf position for the photo shoot.  

It Is Off

Today I got to peel off my little heart monitor that has been cemented to my chest for the past week.  Oh, it felt so good.  There was a little button on it (I called it my doorbell) that I was always worried about because Ovi would walk across me and most likely stepped on it numerous times.  How do you explain that to the cardiologist?   My routine testing is over and I will continue to peel off the sticky stuff for quite some time.  Now I can shower with my face directly in the stream of water and it will feel so good.  I’m so grateful for technology but so grateful for normalcy.

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Precisely Correct

This funny little informational post has been going around Facebook.  I am here to say that even though it is humorous it is precisely correct.  Many years ago, about twenty-five or so a good friend of mine said that her other friend lived next door.  For many years I thought Tammy lived right next door to Deb until the day we went to Tammy’s house and I discovered they live a few miles apart as the crows fly.  I told Deb that I thought she lived next door and Deb said “she does!”   Yup they are both Alaskans and know distances just perfectly.


Way Over Due

“Sing us the song, you’re the piano man.   Sing us a song tonight.  Well, we’re all in the mood for a melody.  And you’ve got us feelin’ alright”  Well he is a far cry from Billy Joel but Ben the piano man is downstairs tuning my piano.  I had thought it had been a long time since I had it tuned but when his business card came out from its hidden spot in the piano, I was shocked.  After blowing off the dust he said it was 2010 – gulp – that was thirteen years ago.   Now I will be able to tell if I really am playing the wrong notes.  He tuned her up and played a little melody which sounded so good . . .  a little Billy Joel.

Hidden Treasures

The life with a cat.  As I vacuumed my living room and dining room carpets today my feet were met with some unusual bumps.  My first thought was not my grandchildren, their toys are too big and protruding, but my cat.  I flipped back two areas of the carpet and discovered two meat sticks that I thought she would eat -instead she just plays with them and then hides them.  I wondered if Ovi remembered she hid these two meat sticks (now dried and old) and the string or could I just scoop them in and put them in the trash without her getting pouty with me.    My reading:  “Here are some of the research findings we’ve learned about cats’ short-term memories: In a 2006 study published in Animal Cognition, cats had very limited short-term memory of a hidden object. Their ability to remember the object’s location “rapidly declined” within seconds but generally persisted up to 1 minute.”    I’ll probably need to do a nightly look and then do a trash run.

Love Hammocks

This chair.  This awesome hammock chair now has a home and a metal C-clamp to hang it from.  Dillon and Kristi gave this chair to me a a few years ago and every summer I planned to order the apparatus to hang it from and then it would rain and rain and I just never did it.  Well, a few weeks ago I had an epiphany that I should keep it in the family room.   So up it went and it really is super dreamy sitting in it.  Ask my grandkids in a few days and they will tell you what they think.
