Hidden Treasures

The life with a cat.  As I vacuumed my living room and dining room carpets today my feet were met with some unusual bumps.  My first thought was not my grandchildren, their toys are too big and protruding, but my cat.  I flipped back two areas of the carpet and discovered two meat sticks that I thought she would eat -instead she just plays with them and then hides them.  I wondered if Ovi remembered she hid these two meat sticks (now dried and old) and the string or could I just scoop them in and put them in the trash without her getting pouty with me.    My reading:  “Here are some of the research findings we’ve learned about cats’ short-term memories: In a 2006 study published in Animal Cognition, cats had very limited short-term memory of a hidden object. Their ability to remember the object’s location “rapidly declined” within seconds but generally persisted up to 1 minute.”    I’ll probably need to do a nightly look and then do a trash run.

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