My Life Has Been Transformed Into a Cat’s World

Sai is our neighbor.  She is a Siamese cat too.  Sai loves our house and yard for some reason – she walked down her driveway, along the road and up our driveway to visit.  If you look closely at the photo and see a dark dot that is her coming for her daily look see.  Maybe she is coming to see Ovi but Ovi has absolutely no interest in going out to play so I’m not sure what the intrigue is.  Her ma and pa (Emily and Clint) have put a camera around Sai’s next so her travels can be documented.  I messaged Emily to tell her if the footage was a little scratchy I knew of her whereabouts.  Just hangin at the neighbors.



I am a crime junkie and a lover of legal/police shows.  When I was asked to support a friend in his day in court I was flattered and also excited to be a part of the “process.”  You know, the judge, the lawyers, testifying, swearing in etc. – it is all a part of my fantasy world.  That ended after about fifteen minutes when the judge threw us out of the courtroom.  That does sound a little harsh – she didn’t exactly throw us out but she didn’t want any other people in her courtroom and when the first break came she basically asked us to leave.   We mulled around a little in the hallway, scathing at the thought of being removed and when the lawyer came by us with a sour scowl on his face we knew he wasn’t happy either.  Nonetheless we were supporters for our friend and that meant the world to him.  My four hours of fame was reduced to about fifteen minutes and now I’ll just have to get back to Netflix for my fix.



As is our custom when I get home from the gym I open the dining room window for Ovi.  She goes out on the small roof and gets her sun, scans the yard for intruders, puts her nose in the air to feel any breeze and just gets outside since the yard still has mounds of mounds of snow.   We had some sun today and out she went.  She looked so cute and adorable so I decided to open the window a little further and just take a happy picture.  In response I got this look which to me says, “Can a girl just get a little sun please if you don’t mind!?*&^%$


There Is Always That “One”

Sweet Mayvie is taking swim lessons and I came to watch.  Her little class consisted of two absolutely perfect little girls who followed their instructor explicitly and each took turns learning to float and they worked on techniques that will aide them into being good little swimmers.  Mayvie did great – she smiled and had so much fun.  There was a red-headed boy (I do love red-heads) – the third student, who totally dominated the class – well when he actually listened and obeyed!!  He just wanted all the rings and wanted to do his own thing.  I loved watching Mayvie’s face at times – she gave him a look – “don’t splash me – I don’t like it.!”  You go Mayvie.

Had To Have Been The Other Guy In Front Of Me

I have a monthly car wash pass which allows me to get as many car washes as I need.  I absolutely love a clean car so this joyfully pushes me over the edge each time I arrive ready to pull around.  I truly feel like royalty as I pull up and the big arm extends for me to swing around to the entrance.  It is a simple process, follow the waving arms, let them prewash and scrub your vehicle, put it in neutral and keep your foot off the brake.  I got this and I do the exact same routine each time.  Today however half way through the entire machine shuts down, the colored lights go black and I think the SWAT team has entered the car wash looking for someone.  I am wide eyed and then this gal motions for me to roll down my window.  She tells me to back up a little, put it in neutral and keep my foot off the brake.   Gulp!!  Did I do something wrong?    Not me!!  Couldn’t be.


Is This A Problem?

Nothing warms my heart more than to watch and hear our grandchildren play and interact together.  They can’t wait to go to one another’s houses.  They rarely fight – just the occasional sadness, the occasional tattle-tale and the occasional prompting from the adults to turn down the level of noise.  Oaklee, Cal, Paige and Georgie decided to break off from the gang and come down to the table to play a game.   We were all visiting and talking at Brooke and Devin’s when I looked over to see Georgie sprawled across the table.   It was the best view in the house.  Mommy Micah was mortified.


Ovi Is A Star

I’m the one.  I believe I am the only one who has a shirt like this.  Kelcy ordered me a shirt for Christmas but there was a problem with it when it arrived so she had a friend do a redo and ta-da.  This is my Ovi shirt.  No one in the world has a shirt like mine.  I proudly wear her mug shot and her name on the upper corner of my shirt and embrace individuality.  Yes I am the cat’s meow and Ovi is enjoying notoriety.


Lovers Of Wings

Here they are – two men loving their wings.  Cal had never been to Susitna Brewing Company before and when he found out they had wings and that Granddaddy loved wings – well that changed everything.   Cal moved himself down to sit by him so they could eat together.  There were thirty wings ordered – just barbecue- just as they liked them.  There was a lot of face wiping, a lot of counting how many they had eaten and the two “old” men loved to see the bones piled high on their plates.  It is their guy thing.

A Lovely Surprise

This is what I know.  ” It takes 33 intricate and intensive steps to make a Guggenhein. We guarantee that your pair of Guggenhein™ scissors will cut through fabric like butter. If not, we will gladly refund your money, let you keep the scissors, and send you a pair of Gingher® 8-inch shears to your doorstep for your trouble.  Your Guggenhein IX™ will be covered by a lifetime warranty.”   This is what else I know.  Mike surprised me with a pair of Guggenheim fabric scissors which are absolutely beautiful to look at.  I haven’t cut anything yet so I guess that means I needs to start cutting fabric.  Was that a subtle hint with the purchase of the scissors?  I sound so rich saying I have Guggenheim’s.

Bread And Me Are Total Friends

A super easy new bread recipe summoned me to the kitchen to try it out.  We ate it at Darla’s a week or so ago and it is the type of bread I love.  It has a hard crust and is more dense than my homemade bread.  It turned out perfect.  I would agree that more than the taste is the look of the bread.  I am a sucker for how things look and this bread is appealing – in the pot and out.   I sliced the loaf in half and then sliced it all into slices for freezing.  Hello toaster in the morning.