And There She Sat

I was down at the Deshka Blue cabin painting the deck when I heard Ovi meowing.  I called for her and she came to visit, very briefly, and then she returned just to grass line of our yard.  And there she sat.  She waited and waited until I was done painting and we returned home together.  This silly, sweet little cat of mine was loyal to her yard and loyal to her master.


We Needed The Variety

Jersey Mike’s opened up in Wasilla – another go-to place from the lower 48 that will be super to have here.  We thought the wait might be horrendous but we made it through the line quite quickly.  I ordered the mini veggie with the “juice.”  Red wine vinegar and an olive oil blend.  “It’s how a Jersey Mike’s sub gets its exquisite zing. It’s how bites get boosted, and a great sub becomes an even better one. The juice adds that certain something extra. An exclamation. The kind of exclamation… you can eat.”   Oh gosh – I’m going to be craving the “juice” again real soon.

Inspired Programs

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a program for children.  They are called Primary Activities.   Children may participate in these activities beginning in January of the year children turn eight.  “The service and activities focus on the work of salvation and exaltation.  They are fun and engaging.  They build testimonies, strengthen families, and foster personal growth.”    Paige, Hinckley and Hatcher were able to go up to Willow to attend a Primary Activities Day Camp.  These three had some great times and they all raved about the biscuits.


The Look

“There’s a moose!!” shrieked Ovi in her native cat language.   I came running and sure enough there was a moose up on the hill.  I marveled at the beauty of the creature while Ovi was dead in her tracks.  There was no way that feline was going to step foot out that door for a day of frolicking and fun – no way.  Once Ovi came out of her trance and the moose sauntered off into the woods Ovi retired to her perch, curled up and never left the house all day.  Scaredy cat.

Family Work Day

I love days when we just work in the yard.  Obviously Ovi thought the six-wheeler was out for her to go on a ride but it was to pick up rocks and debris and move them to a better spot.  Nice try Ovi.  Next came fertilizing and well Ovi sort of liked seeing the fertilizer spreader going up and down and up and down so when I got close she wanted to jump in.  Sorry Ovi.  Then I needed to water some dry grass and guess who wanted to be in the sprinkler – well that would be Ovi.  You see, when I mentioned let’s work in the yard our cat thinks that means her too.  Why not?

I Birthed

I’m not a gardener as I have stated many times before but today I birthed my first little strawberry.  I bought this basket from a fundraiser from the Bowen kids (super kids) and I wanted to support them.  Maybe deep down I thought I would look like a woman that knew exactly what she was doing.  Well that is not the case – I keep asking around for advice and don’t get too much so for now it is hanging, getting some sun, being watered and birthing babies.    Who said I was not a gardener?  Poo poo.


Crack Up Photo

This photo was posted by Brooke with the caption “this picture cracks me up.”  The more I have looked at it I totally get her thoughts.  This is what I see that makes me chuckle.  First of all they look as relaxed as can be and yet they are in a store.  Mayvie’s shoes are on the wrong feet.  Remi with her legs crossed and her arms as they are make her look about ten years beyond her age.  Oaklee is totally slumped on that couch like they have walked miles that day but Remi is sitting straight up.  This is a class act trio – love these girls.


A Classic

This classic bench and old beauty had its last day here on earth.  By the looks of the inscriptions on the bottom we have had this bench about twenty or so years.  We bought it from Monty Cassidy but it was his Dad that actually made the bench and then it was hauled up from Montana.    This old gal has found its way all around our yard – sat on by many people, admired by all and a great conversation piece because of its beauty.  Now as is the custom of all of us – she is old and worn out.   Her legs are brittle and her base is weak.  She chose cremation as her mode of burial.

Two Cents On The Loan

This is how it went.  I decided we needed to move our safe from one spot to another.  I took out my “Very Important Papers” binders to lighten the load for the move.  Just at that moment I decided to turn to the “Titles” tab and I noticed there was no title to my car.  The thought then popped into my head that after paying off that vehicle quite some time ago we had not received the title in the mail.  The lender was in Utah so we got on the phone to inquire its whereabouts.   The lady fumbled on her computer for a moment and returned saying the loan was not paid off – we owed two cents!!!!  “How did we want to pay those two cents?”  “Oh just take it out of our savings.”  “That will leave your savings two cents in the hole.”  “That is ok – we will be closing out the account anyway.”    Unreal yet true.


School’s Out For Summer

Another school year has ended and the kids all look older and a little bit smarter.  These four are truly “movin on up” in all areas of life.  I can’t believe Easton will be entering tenth grade, Brecken to eighth,  Paige into third and Remi to first grade.  Can the life clock just shift a little – they can get old and I can just stay just as I am?   I guess not.