Got My Dose – How About You?

Should we all have a chart like this to keep us on track and keep our bodies happy?  Yes!    I thought I would do a little self-check list for today to see where I am at.  Dopamine.  I am a list maker and a one line “crosser-outer” so I completed tasks which pumped my body with dopamine.  Oxytocin.  I loved on my cat this morning and snuggled my face into her warm fuzzy body.   I got my oxy!  Endorphins.  I hit up the gym and got in my three miles and endorphins were flowing.  Serotonin.  I wish I could have said sun exposure but the clouds are out – but I spent a few hours painting in the playhouse which allowed me to think and be outdoors.  Boom – serotonin.  Am I happy??  Sure am.


One thought on “Got My Dose – How About You?

  1. Oh I love this!!! Thanks for the reminder that we all need to take care of ourselves and each other sometimes! Your Blog is always on point! Keep it up!

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