Photo Of The Year

To the company Perfetti Van Melle you might want to pay a little attention to me.  My photography skills have exceeded all expectations and I have advertised your product Airheads in the most fun way.  You have the all-American parade, the mom assisting her son, the anxious little guy and in the clearest view, your product!!   And what candy did that float choose to toss – well Airheads of course – a beloved favorite amongst the youngsters.   Congratulations Tara Truly for such a great photo.


How many posts about a finger can be done?  I am hoping this is coming to an end.  I took off my “dummy” brace and noticed my finger looked like a red hot bratwurst. Apologizes again for the photo.  It hurt, it was swollen and I knew right away an infection had crept in.  I zipped off to the local clinic (it was Sunday) and she confirmed the bratwurst wasn’t looking good and put me on an antibiotic.  While my prescription was being done I scurried back to the fam in time for dinner.  Come on pointer finger let’s move forward now.

It Looks Like An Ouch

Here is the picture as I headed off to the clinic after speaking with my doctor.  One of my pins just eased its way right on out of my hand.  I apologize once again for the unpleasant photo.  It was painless as it worked its way to who knows where and sure enough it came right out of the bone.  He pulled it out with little problem and set me up with another appointment for a few days to reassess the situation.  I’m down to my side pin which gives me little problems – well at least for today.

The Dinosaur

My first morning at Kyla’s and she whipped out her toaster for my piece of toast with crunchy peanut butter for breakfast.   She apologized for her dinosaur toaster which she has had since she was married – twelve years ago!  She said that at times she is tempted to buy a new one but it toasts just great so why?  I have probably been through about three toasters in that amount of time – I should check what brand she has – dang -I’m buying the wrong ones.

Doctor Day

My wrapped hand was unwrapped today and two pins now adorn my digit.  I can’t wait to shower and clean it up.  The two pins are to stabilize the bone that cracked when he was putting the staples in – oh arthritis – what hast thou done to me?  They made me a brace for my hand to protect the “quilting block” finger and I’ve been told I look like the dummy in the crash vehicles.  Yeah, I can see that.


Come Home Mama

It was a big move for me to leave Ovi queen of the house while we were gone.  Micah and the kids came every day to feed her and to give her snuggles but I needed photos of my little fur ball every day to keep me happy.  She got brushed, petted and showered with attention-well until she had enough and went down the hall.  Sassy pants!  By the end of the week she wanted out so badly that I told Micah to open the dining room window so she could go on the little roof.  Oh Ovi . . what a kitty cat


Sassy Cat

We arrived home at 5:30 in the morning and I hurriedly entered our house and called for Ovi.  The house stood still.  Micah had told me she hadn’t come home so I had her leave the deck door open a smidge so “miss naughty” could return.  Well she didn’t!  I went to the deck and called her name and after about ten seconds she flew across the lawn as fast as the last leg of the barrel racing event – she was at top speed.  I slept for a few hours with baby curled up beside me purring.  I received a text from Micah worried that she hadn’t returned.  I couldn’t resist and sent her the “sleepy head” photo of one little cat that missed her mama.

Such Is Traveling

Lo and behold as soon as we got to the ticket counter we found out our flight from Salt Lake City to Seattle was postponed four hours.  After waiting a few hours we returned to the ticket counter and found Shelby and Ranger were also on our flight and delayed.  Grrrrrr we all said.  We headed to our gate and lo and behold there was Brandon, Sharon and Katie Ray also delayed for the Seattle flight and also on our Anchorage flight.   As we hung out for hours we laughed and caught up and met a girl from BYU who was on her way to see her boyfriend in North Pole for a week. The little girl in yellow-well she was another little friend we met.   What a wacko evening of craziness but . . . lo and behold we made our flights.


Cool little fact.  I follow a couple on instagram because of their creativity, their wholesomeness, because they make me laugh and because I love their extended family.  Her parents are from Blackfoot, Idaho and their family have owned and ran Kesler’s (a grocery/garden store).  As we pulled off the highway to get a drink, there it was and my dream became a reality.  Mike found the biggest watermelon ever – roughly forty pounds and his dream came true.  Kesler’s is a hometown, very friendly, clean and organized store and to know I was in the midst of this family’s domain was super cool.   How was the watermelon?  It was sweet, thirst-quenching and very tasty.

The Day

The chairs were pegged as “our spot” yesterday.  There was shade under the tree for Mike.  This is Kyla’s biggest day – the St. Anthony Pioneer Day Parade in full force.  Their ward placed fourth which is the best they have done.  Blaze and Maverick rode on the float while Dash collected all the candy.  I love the atmosphere, I love the excitement, I love the people and I love the morale.  As Lee Smith said:  “I write about people in small towns; I don’t write about people living in big cities.  My kind of storytelling depends upon people that have time to talk to each other.”  I love the town of St. Anthony.  And then we floated the slough to cool off-my perfect day.