Girls Will Be Girls

When lipstick isn’t handy one can use the frosting from the hamburger cake and the most red, plump, full and a pouty lips are produced.  Oaklee and Paige giggled and giggled as Oaklee tried to coerce Paige to “smile” for the camera.  Oh the funny things girls do.  I often think back to the time my friend Michele and I dressed up in gowns with a banana peel on the grass and chanted the song “Here comes the bride, big fat and wide, stepped on a banana peel and went for a ride,”  and then we slid and yes we giggled.

Pumpkin Wars

In the left hand corner we have the pumpkin winner for the Alaska State Fair weighing in at an incredible 2023 pounds – no joke – how did that happen?  It is so ginormous it kind of takes on the “big, orange blob” look but for real this is how we grow ’em in the land of the midnight sun.  And then down in the right hand corner we have peeking through the vines a budding baby pumpkin – no weight yet – from the Williams Family Farm.  They must be recognized for their endurance in excessive watering in the hot Idaho sun and their first year learning process of gardening.  They are both winners in my books.

The New Rink Rats

In many families things are passed on for many generations, everything from furniture to china and silver to family photos and maybe a cherished painted portrait.  In our family things are a little different.  We pass down the honor of being a Styers Rink Rat.  This upcoming generation have the privilege of mimicking their fathers and mothers by “hanging out” at the rink, spending hours and hours playing while their siblings are on the ice, practicing their own hockey skills in the corners and playing for hours.  There is never a fear that they won’t be unrecognized because the Styers’ gene is strong.  Way to honor your forefathers kids – make us proud.


It Looks Like One Big Shot Giver

Aren’t great gifts just the best?  I was bewildered and then educated at this mechanism that looks like a  one big shot of arthritis meds needed to the hip but is instead a pickle pincher.  How can a women of sixty-four years not know that a picker pincher even existed and how many times have I stabbed around the bottom of a pickle jar trying to grasp that last bread and butter chip?   According to the experts “Never again will you ever have to get your hand stuck in a pickle jar trying to get the last pickle out! Simply depress the end of it, and a little “Grabber” will come out of the other end allowing you to grab the last pickle. Easily grab olives and other hard to reach condiments in jars.”  Ta-da.

My Collection

As I received a salt and pepper shaker set for my birthday I gently placed the original polar bear and ice drift shaker set in my cabinet.  This slight movement erupted feelings of why this collection exists and why it continues.  I thought back to when I left home and in my possession were some old sets from our family that had been passed down.  Over the years the collection grew and then I read this: “It stimulates our brains in areas that connect to our pleasure center. This may also have an evolutionary benefit. We explore the new until we determine whether it is a benefit to us or not. Another contributing motive for some collectors is pride in acquiring exquisite objects.”  And so . . . my salt and shaker sets sit proudly in its cabinet and I continue to seek pleasure from their existence.

M e o w!

When it rains I cannot do all my outside projects and I am bummed.  What about my painting, weeding and cleaning up?  All of those things must wait as we long for the sun and dryness.  Not only do I feel forlorn when the days of rain continue on for quite sometime but Ovi’s sadness runs very deep.  She can’t hunt, explore, use the facilities the earth has provided and play.  As I worked in my office today she napped on the bed and then went to the window.  “Oh mama – when is the rain going to stop?”   Then with her listening ears tipped back in true form she just waited and listened as I tried to comfort.

Geography Is Not My Forte

We embrace brilliance and that is Mickey.  This four-year-old is outside and finds a rock and tell his mom it looks like Pennsylvania.  Hmm, could I do that?  She posted a map of the that state and sure enough it is a replica.  What a mind.  Is my mind like that- nope!!   His brain is curious, factual, inquisitive, contemplative, embracing and super deep.  Mickey will do great things.

Fishing Is Good

Two fisherman out in the wee hours of the morning.  Father and son.  The smiles tell the successes.  A friend that joined and captured the thrill.  Airplanes that fly to every great and wonderful spot that Alaska offers to hunt, to fish and to awe in all its great slendor.  I love images like these because they capture a good memory that bonds us all – forever.


Aren’t I Gadget Savvy

Unique I am and different gifts are so welcomed and cherished.  I received this dish from a friend.  I noticed its hand made feel and three distinct holes at the end of the ceramic plate.  How intriguing.  I loved its beauty and earthiness and asked about the holes.  It is an herb dish with three holes to strip the herbs and leafy greens.  What a wonderful addition to my kitchen, my freshly harvested cilantro and the taco I conveniently brought home from Taco Bell.

And Finally!!!

And then . . . we have our kindergartners and today was their big day.  How grateful we are that Callahan and Mayvie are in the same class and according to Cal, “I’ll take care of her.”    I’m so proud of these two well behaved and kind little cherubs who will be such great examples for their classmates.  Don’t their little smiles and faces just say it all.  They are big.
