Another Run

It seems like the deluge of photos and thoughts just happened up here with the kids starting school and yes I do hear that school bus flying along on our dirt road as well.   This week however it is the Hoonah kids and the St. Anthony kids that are freshly and cutely ready for their first day.   Mickey – preschool, Dash – kindergarten, Maverick – first grade, Alfie – second grade and Blaze into fifth grade.    Grammie wishes you all the best school year ever and I know you will make us proud.  We have some smart ones in this group.

This Is What You Do

Williams Family Farm produced some amazing produce.  With some of that harvest Kyla made a very delicious Cucumber Salad which she said was divine.  My mouth waters just thinking about it and I wish it was sitting right at my table but it isn’t.  How awesome and amazing that they reap from their hard work and patience to enjoy such a treat.  Here is the recipe:   1/4 cup olive oil, 3 tbsps. red wine vinegar, 1/2 tsp dried oregano, 2 cucumbers, quartered, 1/2 pint grape tomatoes, halved, 1/4 cup chopped red onion, 3 tbsp. chopped parsley or basil, 1-2 ounces crumbled feta cheese and salt and pepper to taste.  Whisk together the olive oil, vinegar and oregano in a small bowl.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Set aside.  Combine the cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, parsley and feta in a medium-sized bowl.  Then pour the vinaigrette over the top and toss until combined.  Add more feta, parsley and salt and pepper to taste.  Refrigerate at least 15 minutes before serving.

I Do Love People

I was asked to do a little write-up for the monthly newsletter for Relief Society.  I’m sort of a to-the-point and non sappy person so this is what I wrote.  “Forty-two years ago I told my soon-to-be husband “I would love to live in Alaska” and for the past thirty-three years that statement has become my reality.  This Canadian girl (born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia) fit right in and this is home.  Our seven children love the outdoors, all played hockey and have blessed us with eighteen grandchildren (two more on the way to give us twenty).  I love to be creative, to make messy things clean and organized and I always have a few projects up my sleeve.  Everyone thinks I love to paint but truth be known – I despise painting.  I challenged myself nine years ago to start a blog which I have faithfully posted every single day.  When I get behind – I catch up.  I’m a crime junkie, love crafting, play the piano a little these day (that darn autoimmune ate away my finger joints), live by my daily lists, brag about my Siamese cat Ovi and I love people.”

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Still At It

I decided to do a little end of summer cleaning in my livingroom.  I put on an old chick flick on Netflix on the big screen and pulled out the couches to begin the process.  With my vacuum and mopper close by I cleaned the floors and picked up loose kid and Ovi toys.  Then came the carpet.  I rolled it up half way and there I saw dirt and straws.  The dirt I can understand but little missy cat is still up to her old shenanigans by hiding my Taco Bell straws.  Oh Ovi.


Tidying Up

When one good thing turns into another good thing.  The raft got moved, cleaned and dried and then deflated.  Then it got folded up and put in its bag.  That was one good thing.  The second was when the new tractor inched its way into the garage and just scooped it up.  It is now in its resting spot for the winter and it feels sooooo good.  Two good things – even simple – make for a great day.

Leather and Embers

“Like many aspects of modern life, candles owe their existence to the ancient Romans. They began producing dipped tallow candles in the year 500 BC. These early candles were made using tallow wax, which was derived from the meat of cows and sheep, and an unwound strand of twine.”  We have come a long way from then but the candle remains one of my intrigues.  I am particular on the scents – nothing fruity-it must be deep and rich.  The earthier the scent the better.  My favorite addition to my candles is my candle warmer – love this girl and I won’t burn the house down.


School Again!!!

And they are off.  With their new clothes, slicked and tidy hair, gripper shoes and smiles the first gang of grandchildren are beginning school again.  How awesome to have so many cousins in the side by side schools.  Hinckley and Hatcher are in the same class as well as Mayvie and Callahan but they don’t start for another week.  Easton and Brecken – they are the big guys now off to their respective schools (no photos.)   I love the freshness and newness of the first day of school.  It is a rebirth, a day of starting over, of new beginnings and the heartfelt intention it is going to be a “super great year.”

It Says It All To Me

Often times a photo comes across the waves of media and I’m just mesmerized.  This is one such photo.  And . . . it just happens to be of my son Dillon.  I am captivated by many things:  he walks as if his journey in life is swift, he is enraptured in the land around him, he is casual in his dress as usual signifying his way about him,  with his energetic and hard working life he takes some moments to relax and enjoy, his tall 6’5″ stature is ominous and he is a man with purpose and direction.  My boy.

A Miracle Indeed

This is Chad and Robin.  They are good friends that we have known since they first got married.  We have seen them grow, learn and raise some amazing children.  They are adventurous, outgoing, have many friends and love the outdoors.  Life is not without trials however as their oldest daughter Makayla fell while hiking in Southern Utah a few months ago and broke her back and other bones.  It has been miraculous to see her progress and heal.  Today she spoke in church and told her beautiful story.  She heads back to school in a few weeks and yes – the handicap parking pass will be done and gone.


No More Hole

To the average Joe this might not be a big deal but I’m not the average Joe and this is a big deal.  When we had to replace our water line to the well a few years ago they had to get access above the addition we had built on so a hole had to cut into the back of the house.  Yup we were the house with the hole.  Mike and I searched for a vent that would fit there but to no avail.  I did a little searching and lo and behold in Idaho Falls we found a place that do custom gable vents and lo and behold we headed there last month.  The vent is up.  The vent is painted and now the vent awaits its trim.  This is a big deal.