The Coolest People I Know

When I saw this list I thought of all my friends over the years and how truly “cool” they are.  I have some dear ones who have left an imprint on me because of who they are and how they treated me.  Diane Dasler (Sepala) was my friend who lived across the street from me in Richmond, British Columbia.   She is one of the kindest women I know and as I follow her life’s journeys I see such a warm, generous and loving person.  She was always that way with me.  Genene Cotten lived on Scott AFB at the same time we did.  She gave and gave and gave.  When Mike was gone for long periods of time she would invite me and the kids over for pancakes on Sundays.  I was never alone with Genene as a friend.    Eric Zebley was my best friend in college and he made me smile.  To this day I don’t know if he realizes what his friendship meant to me.  Eric was from Pennsylvania and I can still hear my name being said with his accent.  His sister was one of my roommates and through some hard and lonely times Eric was just right there for me.  I truly have the coolest friends ever and still do.


Hayk Shalunts – Painter

This artwork floated through my instagram and onto my phone wallpaper.  Absorbing. Bold.  Brilliant.  Aesthetically pleasing.  Daring.  Engrossing.  Hyper-creative.  Passionate.  Appealing.  Unique.  Textile.  Radiant.  Mystical.  Interesting.  Human and honest.   Those are just a few of my descriptive thoughts besides the fact it is a brilliant very beautifully done piece of art.


A Panic Moment and Fast Drive

I was counting down the days to today’s cardiologist’s appointment.   This isn’t really new for me as I was born with a heart that wasn’t quite right.  I have aortic stenosis of the biscupid valve and a hole in my heart (and an enlarged aorta due to the first issue).  The last echo showed that I have now gone from mild to severe so today’s appointment was necessary.  You can imagine my horror when I arrived at the Heart Institute (where I always go) to find my appointment was actually at his office in another hospital.  Thank goodness I was early and made it there on time.   That anxiety will cause anyone’s heart to go wacky.  The decision was made it is time to get it fixed.


A Very Fun Hair Day For Both Of Us

I’ll share my hair appointment afternoon with Oaklee any day.  While my hair was processing Oaklee got the full hair treatment by my good friend Mariah and she loved every minute of it.  What was so great was being a part of her excitement and love for her new hair wash and trim.  Even though she has beautiful curls she chose to have it straightened.  She was pretty excited to head back to school with her new doo but the day was ending . . . tomorrow will be fun for her.

At Least Calder Appreciated It

Calder had a heyday with Ovi’s new little cat bed.  He tried putting it on his head and he carried it around the living room.  I appreciated his interest in the cute little bed because Ovi will have nothing to do with it.  She loves getting into things that are small and tight such as the picture of her in a bowl but she refuses to reside in her little bed.  Little stinker!!!!  Now I have two beds that she refuses to go in- time for a give-away.


What Truly Matters

What happened here?  I remember back in the day when some of the family would put their sodas in the freezer to get them super cold and then they would explode everywhere.  I do believe I was the one who ended up cleaning it up.  Ugh.   Thankfully those days are behind us.   This was a weird thing though.  Mike grabbed his Dr. Pepper Zero out of the fridge and it was “sucked” in, not out.  It had major dents but it looked like the inside was just fine.  Maybe there is a lesson to be reminded of here.  Some of our bodies might have some major dents on the outside but we are cool, fizzy and absolutely beautiful inside.  That is what truly matters.


One Of Those Moments

I stood at the counter at our local Credit Union and pretended I wasn’t hearing what I was.  Not my debit card!  I had inquired about a curious charge on my account (from Hong Kong) and was told my numbers were probably compromised.  Those words stung.  Knowing my numbers were “out there” made me feel naked and exposed.  I gingerly passed my card across the counter and said that I understood but the realization of one week without it was hard.  I thought of all the places I would have to change my account information and then I pulled myself together.  Hong Kong go ahead and charge away – it won’t work.


Dear Rudy,

Rudy Nathan Dahl, meet your Uncle Nathan Dahl.  Your middle name comes from your Uncle Nathan.  He is a good man with many good qualities that we know one day you will emulate.   Nathan is raising three daughters and no sons so maybe a little part of you will be dear to Nathan’s heart. By the looks of this picture I think it already has.  Live up to all three of your names Rudy because there is great power in all three.


Sneaky Kids

I’m not sure why I think this is funny but I do.  While doing some rearranging and much needed cleaning downstairs in our family room I discovered this squished green Starry can tucked on the other side of the bookshelf on an old CD binder.  So why is this funny to me??  I let my grandkids have free reign of the downstairs although they do know I have some rules established.  When it comes to grabbing a soda out of the “Mary Jo” (the extra fridge) that decision falls under their parent’s tutelage.  So why is it funny to me?  If you kids want to sneak cans without your parents knowing just throw them in the trash.  I will find them either way.  Did you really think I wouldn’t find it??


The Tara Truly House

Here it is.  The Tara Truly house for 2023:  newly painted, slide primed, worn and tattered kiddy swing removed, faux foliage in the flower boxes, freshly covered awning and eight solar lights that shine so sweetly in the night.  Doesn’t every little house need some twinkle when it is dark?  Future plans for 2024:  new bucket baby swing, fresh paint on the slide, paint touch ups all around,  Tara Truly sign to be hung,  an encasing of boards around the perimeter with bark chips to fill the floor and maybe a few more twinkles if needed.
