Halloween 2023

The annual cousin Halloween trick-or-treating extravanza happened and they were so happy.  I showed up to Micah’s to find a livingroom of piles and piles of candy where the kids traded off what they didn’t want and did want.  Micah served treats and hot cocoa and the tradition lives on.   Nothing better than photos to prove the night was a success.

Princess Peach

Princess Peach is a recurring fictional character in Nintendo’s Mario franchise.  She is the princess regnant and head of state of the Mushroom kingdom where she resides in her castle along with her Toads.  Peach has an affinity for the color pink which accents her gentle personality and kind temperament.  Peach’s gentle nature and role as damsel in distress are often represented with her heart abilities and crown emblem.  And so . . . standing in as her understudy is Georgie.  I think she should truly take over as lead actress because her hand gestures are priceless.  She has a natural talent for playing Princess Peach.

G’s Face and Position Cracks Me Up

One can often forget that sweet Kelcy is on her second pregnancy.  When you deliver at twenty-four weeks and spend a number of those weeks on bedrest hardly anyone saw a true “baby bump.”  And so this time around we relish in the “bump” and want to see it every chance we get.  She has now surpassed when Gwendolyn was born so every hour, every day and every week is a cherished blessing.


You Did Well Shari

Today we had Bunnies where we craft, laugh, cry and eat.   It was a great day of doing all of those things and this group of friends have been through so much together.  We truly do need one another and love one another.    Each time we meet someone brings a small treat or gift for the others.  Today we got bunny slippers and I was over the top thrilled because I knew I needed slippers for the hospital but hadn’t bought any yet.  They are perfect.   Such an amazing uplifting day.


My Best Friend

Oh sweet cat.  She hears me bringing up the trash barrel from the end of the road and runs towards me as if she hadn’t seen me for days.  I believe cats are a human’s best friend and I have some studies to back me up.  “Science has finally proven that cats are just as competent as their canine counterparts to position themselves as man’s best friends.  Cats’ enigmatic personalities have unfairly led to assumptions that their aloofness demonstrates an inability to connect and bond with humans. But researchers at Oregon State University found that cats are able to  — and do — form strong bonds with humans much the same way dogs do. In a study, published  in Cell Press, the lead author Kristyn Vitale said cats “share social traits once attributed to dogs and humans.”  You run sweet girl.


What Is Your Pain Level?

Have you ever been in a situation where you are asked what your pain level is and you don’t really know?  LIke during childbirth with your first baby – what is your pain level?  Uhhhhh I don’t know.  What I thought was a seven was actually a three.  So . . . I did a little research so when I go in for my open heart surgery I will be so educated and helpful when I am asked, “What is your pain level Tara?”   It is a ten.  I need more morphine.


“I’m Number One!”

Ovi continues her quest for my love.  I think she needs a play mate but I can’t convince “Pappy” that it is a great idea.  I think my photo evidence will show that Ovi demands I put her number one.   I think she just wants another blog post all about her so here you go Ovi.   Ovi insists I have cut up too many gratitude books.  “Stop cutting.”  Ovi doesn’t like it when I’m on the phone with Kyla updating our 2023 walking chart.  “No more coloring.”  Ovi doesn’t want me to move this box.  “It is MY box.”  Ovi is bothered that I’m making muffins and so she shows me that she can fit in this little bowl before I put the oatmeal and flour in it.  “See I fit!”

They Find Beauty

Lane, Kelcy and Gwendolyn always find beauty in their endeavors.  With gorgeous photos to prove they search for solace, God’s hidden masterpieces and exquisite silence and they find it.   Alaska has what the world wants – it is right here – just look and find it.

“I think I’ll move to Alaska.  I hear it is much cooler there.  Lots of wide open spaces.  With no people everywhere.  I think I’ll move to Alaska.  Up where the north wind does blow.  Find a deep old empty cave.  And sit and watch the snow.  I think I’ll move to Alaska.  I want to get out of this town.  Away from people, places, things.  All that’s getting me down.  I think I’ll move to Alaska.  To just run away from home.  It is one of those days all year long.  And I want to be alone.”  Tobbie WhiteBird Crowe


October 23, 2023

Back in late September I was visiting with Brooke in her home and we were talking about my upcoming surgery and wondering when it would be.  I told her I kept having a date pop in my mind and I don’t know why but October 23rd seems to be the day.  I told Brooke to just remember that I told her that day because if it is the day of my surgery no one will believe I actually said it quite a number of weeks prior.  Well . . . my brother Mark called today to say that my mum had fallen the day before and fractured her skull in numerous places.  They would be taking her off life support later that day.  The significance of October 23rd took on a whole new meaning.  This was the day my mum passed on from this early world.  We know that when we die, our spirit and body separate. Even though our body dies, our spirit—which is the essence of who we are—lives on. Our spirit goes to the spirit world. The spirit world is a waiting period until we receive the gift of resurrection, when our spirits will reunite with our bodies.


I Am Grateful

Today I started making gratitude journals for our class.  I am a firm believer that expressing gratitude truly changes us.  I have done this journal in the past and the response was so overwhelming.   So here is how it works.  Commit yourself to be consistent for thirty days.  Each day take your journal, read the prompt and record your thoughts.  Here is one day’s example:  “Think about the things that you take for granted every day . . . like your cell phone, your car, the internet, your microwave, a hot shower, etc.  When you stop to think about it, all of these things truly are miracles.  Not too long ago, many of these things didn’t even exist and were thought to be impossible.  Make a list of all the “miracles” you benefit from on a regular basis.  How would it change your life if you looked at and appreciated everything as the miracle that it is?”
