The Old Girl Did Her Job

After about twenty-five years or so our old dining room table is done and out.  For Christmas I got a brand new beautiful table with lovely padded chairs so the “old girl” needs to go.  I know it is breaking hearts with some of our family members but the memories live on.  There was home work imprinted in the wood on one end.  I had a few zealous school workers I suppose.  Then at one end are a whole bunch of little dents – those came from the Grandmas when they were banging the little jars of honey butter for Kyla’s wedding.  We never told them – sshhhh.  I remember when all four leaves were put in and I practically sat in the livingroom – those were the dinners with nearly everyone here and they were my favorite.  She was a great table, she made the back cover of our family cookbook, there were lots of meals, lots of conversations, lots of love, lots of homework, lots of crafting and a lot of being together.  Job well done my dear table.

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