Living With A Cat

Me:  Ovi, did you walk on the table?  Ovi gives me a blank stare.  “Ovi, I visibly see paw prints all over my table that I just wiped off so be honest.”  Ovi gives me a blank stare.  “Ovi, look right here on my phone screen I have proof that you did it so just tell me you did it.”  Ovi turns and walks away.  “It is impossible for a lover of cats to banish these alert, gentle, and discriminating friends, who give us just enough of their regard and complaisance to make us hunger for more.”  Agnes Repplier.



Rhea teased me that I should make Ovi a little blanket for her house since I was crocheting stuff for everyone else.  And so I did.  It is a pink 12 X 17 inch cute little crocheted “blankie” that fits so nicely in her little domain.  Will she go in it?  NO!!  So Rhea – look what has happened.  She went into her new house just fine – I make her a blanket and now she refuses.    She is the most typical cat – stubborn, sassy and obstinant but I do love her.  I am giving her two weeks – if she does not go into her house the blanket comes out.


I Remember

I saw this message today and yes I do remember my phonenumber back when I was a kid.  You know, when we had a phone on the wall or it sat on a table.   Your fingers went in the holes and it moved the dial around.   The number was 738-4405 and I remember it.  However, do I remember the new password I set up on a medical portal yesterday – nope – I have to look it up in my password log book.    So crazy how we remember things from fifty years ago but not yesterday.


Well Hello

I lay down at night to sleep . . . then the thumping is heard . . . rhythmic, constant, exact . . . thump . . . thump . . . thump . . . my mechanical valve is working I am assured . . . I try to muffle the sound with my blanket and pillow . . . thump . . . thump . . . thump . . . I am alive . . . and the sound keeps me awake . . . I’m so grateful for my extension on life . . . I am told I will get used to it . . . thump, thump thump . . . I just can’t sleep!!!    But I am grateful!


The Big Boy Cracked

The old trash barrel has had its day.  It started with a little crack, then another and then a hole.  The jury is still out as to how it happened.   The trash truck might have dropped it, maybe a car hit it or maybe this frigid Alaskan weather just decided to crack it up.  Until our new barrel arrives from our trash service I still stuffed the barrel and proudly let those driving by to see our trash peeking out.


Perfectly Played Out

It all played out just as we had wished.  David is off to a training in Georgia for three weeks.   We kept that quiet from Rhea knowing he was close enough to surprise her.   He planned out his Friday, rented a Turo, drove an hour to where she worked, walked in and surprised the heck out of her.    Well played out.  He got a video the best he could and I got a few pics from that.  I love surprises like that.  She was so shocked and confused for a moment she thought she was back in Alaska. 



Oh Target!!

I knew Kyla had applied for a Red Card so she can shop at her Idaho Falls Target or to order online however . . . there has been some confusion.  I got the mail today and while tossing out junk stuff I noticed a piece of mail was for Kyla with her maiden name – but I felt a card inside.  I opened it and there was a Red Card with her full name, except it had her maiden name.  I called her right away and we both decided there was a major amount of disorientation going on at the Target Corporation.


Home To Gwendolyn

Holton Lane is home and this sweet little sister might never let go of him.  He spent eight days in the NICU and came home a day before his Daddy had a birthday.  What a great gift.   Both of these children are just miracles that have blessed Lane and Kelcy so much.  The wonders of medicine and smart doctors who have the ability to aide a woman to carry a child even under difficult circumstances is just amazing.


This treasure popped up on my Facebook feed and I was flooded with thoughts.  Did we even realize many years ago that these two little cousins who are enjoying a few moments on my piano would become such buddies?   They now play hockey together, go to school together, are in the same class at church and hang out every Sunday for our family dinners.  I love their bond and friendship.  I’m not sure what Hatcher was thinking when Hinckley leaned in for a hug?!



Good Old Per Diem

We have had  a lot of conversation about my piano this last while.   I would love for one of our kids to have it if they can fit in their homes – that is the tough part.  No one’s home seems to have quite the room but that is still under discussion.  That piano was bought way back in the eighties when we lived in Illinois.  Mike went away for a month or so for training and he used a chunk of his per diem money so we could pay cash for it.  He never used his daily allowance so there was always some leftover.  What a great purchase and one that has benefited us for years and wow – we paid cash for it.
