Such Beauty/So Many Germs

This charcuterie board is stunning.  The array of foods are so unique and creatively laid out.  I loved how all the foods carried the “earthy” tone and are so pleasing to the eye.  I’m not sure I could have thought up so many different varieties of nuts, crackers and breads but this gal did.  However. . . I just don’t know that I could eat off of it though.  I have become such a germaphobe.  When I see people’s fingers reaching in and grabbing I sort of gag.  I’m sorry to be the party pooper of the event but I won’t be eating off the charcuterie board as impressive as it is.


Memories That Are Hard Not To Forget

I laughed out loud.  A photo showing old flooring in the 70’s has been floating around and I quickly glanced over the samples and then . . . yes I laughed out loud.  When we lived in Richmond, British Columbia and we had just had our new home built – we had the “brick” pattern – second from the left.  Oh my goodness.  Did we have no decor taste back then?? Do you think every fourth or fifth house had the same?? They are all so ghastly ugly but yes we lovingly walked on these fake bricks for years.  We also had the golden yellow appliances.  What a knockout kitchen we had.


Bitter Sweet Event

This is a historical event.  The Brayton Chapel in Anchorage is being demolished.  What a sight.  There is a chain-link fence that surrounds the area leaving parking quite limited for the temple patrons but we know that is short lived.  The demolition of this building is in preparation for our new temple which will be built on its location.  Each week I will get to see the progress and photograph it for my own records.  We are so blessed.  Since the days of the Old Testament, the Lord has commanded His people to build temples and other sacred structures where He could teach and bless them.


The Family

In a world of turmoil and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities. Families lie at the center of our Heavenly Father’s plan. This statement from “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” declares the responsibilities of parents to their families:

“Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. ‘Children are an heritage of the Lord’ (Psalms 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.”  (L. Tom Perry)



They are twinsies for sure.  Oaklee and Paige dressed in their same Christmas jammies.  They are cousins.  They both love gymnastics.  They are sweet good girls.  They are wearing matching headbands that I helped Oaklee crochet.  Look at those smiles.  You two will always be the bestest twinsies and cousins and friends.


Player Dahl

I drove to Palmer to watch Callahan play in his jamboree.  I haven’t seen him play in a game all year because all the jamborees are on Sunday.  As I sat up in the stands I saw Cal, while chatting away with his fellow teammate, glanced up to see who had come to watch.  That few moments of a look, that little reassurance that he had some fans in the crowd made the morning the best ever.  He smiled with those cute chubby cheeks and my heart melted.  I cheered him through all three goals.


Happy Dog

Here is everything I love about this photo.  Hartford the Hoonah girl.  Corgi dog going for his beloved walk.  Beautiful clouds with a gorgeous sun glow.   The easy life living in a small town.  That little smile.  Hartford looking like big sis Alfie.  Hoonah has snow.  Little girl with the best disposition.  Living and breathing life to its fullest.



I looked up a few of the settings for the little heater that sits under my desk.  I found what I needed, fired up the gal and basked in the warmth that it shoots out on my cold legs and feet.  While warming up I turned another page of the booklet and noticed a blatant error.  The wording “cleaning” was mispelled.  If I owned a company that made small heaters that were distributed through Amazon I would have hired a proofreader to check my booklet out.   Just saying.


For Real

I can’t tell you how many times I have thought about when I die – and the things people will say about me.  I really don’t want to hear about how nice I was, how giving I was and all the wonderful things I did.  I want realness.  I got crabby.  I got mad at the kids.  I wasn’t always the bestest of friends.  My house wasn’t always clean.    I want people to know I was real.  I felt pain, I cried, I laughed, I asked for help and I loved most days of my life.  Keep it real.


Oh Please

Let’s discuss this pose.  It is the same position every morning once I get out of bed.  Is she enjoying the warmth on the sheets?  Is she stretching out getting ready for the day?  Is she giving me that look that says “please don’t make the bed just yet – I’m enjoying this!”  Is she being a little sass and laying like this saying “I’m not moving!”  I’m not really sure on any of her thoughts but it is the same pose, same way every single morning.
