Brooke’s Post – Best Part of Easter

On the way to church this morning, Oaklee said: “Mom do you still like me?” 🤨 I told her of course I did and asked her why on earth she would even ask that, to which she said, “Are you sure? Even if I did something bad, you’d still like me?” To which again I reassured her that I would always and forever love her no matter what. This uneasiness from the back seat continued, until finally I got out of her that her “homemade squishy ball” (aka mini water balloon filled with blue water and glitter), which unbeknownst to me was in the backseat, had popped, leaving bright blue stains all over her new Easter dress. Ah, her uneasiness made a little more sense now haha.
They got everything cleaned up as we drove along- reassurances of love were made- and we continued on our way. She reassured me there were not many stains on her dress, but as she walked in to church I could see all the random blue spots – I’m sure you could probably understand the parental feeling of “agh” I had.😅  Then during church, as my 3 oldest kids were up there with all the other children singing- “Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,
So He gave His gift to me in Gethsemane”-something whispered to my heart about the timing and relatable nature of the incident in the car this morning.  Of how many times in our lives we may feel regret, fear, anxiety- – because of the “blue stains on our new dress.”
When our lives have taken a step one way that we wished they hadn’t of.
And the feelings of “Father, do you still like me?”
“Can I ever make this better?”
“Can the ‘blue’ come out?”
“Are you sure it’s ok?”
And then finding the reassurance that God will always love and be there supporting us. That He does not give up nor turn his back on us. That because of Jesus, all blue stains- whether they be sin, heartache, fear, worry, regret -come out.
🎶“The hardest thing that ever was done,
The greatest pain that ever was known,
The biggest battle that ever was won—
This was done by Jesus!
The fight was won by Jesus!
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,
So He gave His gift to me in Gethsemane.”🎶
I’m grateful that that reminder was whispered to my soul today as I heard my children singing these words. What a gift to us was given.❤
I love these photos of my girls- I couldn’t get one of them just smiling, because they couldn’t stop laughing with each other. What a joy they are. 💜 Happy Easter.
(Oh, and the blue stains did come out. 💙😅)

Tara Truly 2023

She is here.  My annual Tara Truly blog book came to my door and another year of laughter, family, fun, learning and sometimes sadness is ready to be tucked away in my cabinet.  This is my tenth year I have posted just a little something from my day.  It might have been silly but it is a memory and just a small part of me.   All those days of “me” will live on and I’m hoping my grandchildren can read them and know that I love life – every single day, and so should they.


A Little Too Much Nasty

On my way to the gym in the mornings I have been passing this van.  Along the side of it are the words, “Nasty Crawl Space – settling foundations, wet basements, nasty crawl spaces, moisture and mold control and sagging floors.”    Each time I pass him I have the same thoughts:  I feel for the guy – well maybe he likes what he does.  Just seeing the word “nasty” says it all for me.  Nothing in his wording sounds positive – although I guess if Steve is coming to fix any of those problems I may have I may be calling him my best friend.  You go Steve.



Serendipity it was as I treated myself to a pedicure after completing my rehab.  I couldn’t think of a more relaxing way to absorb the fact I was all done!    And I wasn’t alone.  Right along my side were some dear friends who just happened to get their pedicures at the same time.  We talked, we laughed, we soaked, we scrubbed and we enjoyed our relaxing time together so much.   My partners in crime were Jan, Galene and Alex.  Serendipity indeed.  


Graduation Day

And I am done.  Graduation day although no ceremony was to be had.  I just grabbed my blue strap that held on my telemetry pack and out the door I gladly marched.  I completed thirty-six sessions at Cardio Rehab and improved 30% on my overall test.  My speed, incline and MET’s all increased and my endurance and stamina were most notably boosted.   My blood pressure always stayed well below the norm and my heart seemed to respond well to activity.  It has been a good run – a good way to push myself a little harder while under their tutelage.  To all the “older” men in the group I wish you well – keep working hard and I doubt you will see me in rehab again.

A Bump Or A Hump

Years ago I was bewildered by this question and now it has stumped me again.  I did a little research for the correct answer.  When I pick up my friend Jackie every Sunday we meander over about four speed “humps” and my question is why they are a “hump” and not a “bump.”  “Speed bumps and speed humps are just different approaches to the same problem; slowing down vehicles. Speed humps tend to be slightly smaller in height than speed bumps but longer, whereas speed bumps are taller and more likely to be found in a parking lot.”   Now I know – I am on a rural road and the humps aren’t too high and are there to just keep me at a slower speed.  Now I know.


Au Naturale

The process of the hair.  My hair is on a journey of turning to my natural color and my hairdresser says it could take about a year – although she said I’m moving along quite quickly.  I laughed when I saw my hair pieces on the floor.  I have a mixture of all sorts of colors – some brown, some blonde and some gray.  My hair texture has changed so much since starting this process – I may be a very curly white haired gal by the end of the year.  Stay tuned.


Starry Delight

When the grandkids ask if they can have a small Starry I always say yes.  The small cans have such a different taste that I don’t drink them.  Paige came into the house for Sunday dinner and asked very nicely if she could have one.  When I went back into the livingroom she had her little can sitting right at her place.  It was the cutest.  Afterall, Paige scored so high in State Gymnastics that she deserved a lot of Starry’s.



I walked into a coat room and saw these boots.  I knew right away who was the wearer of these boots.  Don’t what we wear tell us so much about who we are?  These boots tell me is a hardworking man.  These boots tell me he grew up working the land.  The boots are clean and well kept which is exactly the personality of this man.   He is a “manly” man who proudly wears his footwear of choice – his boots.  He is a man of integrity and great faith.  His boots remind me all that is good in this world – including him.


The Life Of A Cat

While cleaning out my medicine container Ovi needed to see if she could squeeze her body into it.  She could which made her happy because it has been a long winter with no exercise and those few extra pounds have certainly been noticed.   In the early afternoon she saw a few birds flying outside and after jumping to the window she stretched out on the back of the couch.  Those outstretched arms show her flexibility and sleekness as she extends them to their fullest.    Then in the evening while I worked at my desk she slept so peacefully in her basket.  With her head propped on the handle she breathed in a day of content and exhaustion.  You see, this is the day of a cat.